The Wealthy Eldest Sister Rules Supreme

Chapter 132 - 132: You’re Right

Chapter 132: Chapter 132: You’re Right

Translator: 549690339

“As you’ve just mentioned your plan to make tofu curd and tofu sheets, you still need to use my tofu shop; as such, it should be offset with the new produce. You can’t skimp on the daily tofu curd and tofu sheets, and on the fifteenth of every month, I expect buns filled with tofu skin.”

Mrs. Wen stated calmly.

Zhuang Qingning gave a tight-lipped smile.

Mrs. Wen, as ever, was a prickly exterior with a soft heart. With an aloof demeanour, she set the lowest possible terms. Although internally tender-hearted, she presented herself tough as a hedgehog.

“Alright, you can rest assured, Auntie. Everything you want will be provided,” Zhuang Qingning wholeheartedly agreed without any hesitation.

Mrs. Wen ignored her and scattered feed on the ground for the chicks.

The tiny chicks, yellow and fluffy, that she had seen when first coming to the tofu shop, had now grown bigger. They fluttered their wings, no longer fluffy, whilst looking for food, stirring up a layer of dust on the ground.

With the matter settled, Zhuang Qingning went looking for Zhuang Yonghe about the tofu shop’s need to erect an extra shed and procure a stone mill and a big iron pot.

“A stone mill can be easily managed,” said Zhuang Yonghe, “We just have to purchase one and hire a cart to carry it back. There are people in the nearby Tung Tree village who specialize in this. With luck, they might have one ready. I’ll go take a look tomorrow. If they have one, we can bring it straight back. If not, we’ll place an order for two, and it should only take a few days.”

“I’ll also look for the materials needed for the shed, get a couple of people, and get it done quickly – that’s no trouble.”

“As for the iron pot… It may be difficult to buy one so large. We’ll probably have to seek the permission of the village chief. Once we get the pot, we’ll need to figure out how large a stove we need, so it fits snugly.”

Zhuang Qingning understood why this might be a problem.

Even in these peaceful times, the imperial court strictly controlled necessities such as salt, iron, and minerals. Especially ironware, which was very strictly regulated. The size of each family’s pots, the number of shovels and hoes they owned – all these were strictly counted. If you needed anything extra, you had to explain your needs to the village chief, then go and buy it.

If you wanted a big cooking pot like those used to make tofu, they wouldn’t sell it to you without a legitimate reason.

“I’ll go speak to the village chief first thing tomorrow morning about this, see if he’ll allow us to buy a pot, even just one.”

Considering Zhuang Jingye’s fervent wish for her to maintain the tofu shop, Zhuang Qingning believed that he would help her out.

And indeed, the outcome was as Zhuang Qingning expected.

Zhuang Jingye, who had just awoken and hadn’t even washed his face, practically ran out of his house on hearing that Zhuang Qingning was visiting. He immediately asked what she was there for.

On hearing that Zhuang Qingning wanted to procure two tofu pots, his eyes lit up like stars in the night sky. He quickly told her, “Leave it to me. You just determine the size and I’ll find someone to make them.”

“For building the shed and setting up the stove, don’t worry about it – I’ll discuss it with Yonghe. You won’t need to lift a finger.”

“I’m really thankful, Uncle Village Chief,” Zhuang Qingning thanked him with a bow.

As expected, deciding to work with Zhuang Jingye was the right choice. Many things were easier to accomplish with the intervention of the village chief, saving a lot of trouble.

“What are you thanking me for? This is my duty, right? In any case, I don’t have any special skills, but running errands and finding people – that I can do,” said Zhuang Jingye cheerfully.

“No matter what, from now on, Uncle Village Chief will have to worry more about my tofu shop. Rest assured, I will run this tofu shop well and bring you some face,” Zhuang Qingning said with a smile.

“Great point,” Zhuang Jingye approved, giving her a thumbs-up. His smile was so wide it looked like it was about to overflow. “Oh yes, I have found someone who can fill up the pits. He’s your aunt’s family’s nephew, Ye Dayong. He often does these manual jobs for others and is reliable. Since he knows me, he’s willing to do it for 10% less than his usual rate.”

“In the afternoon, when you’re free, I’ll bring him over and you two can discuss the details and set a price. If you agree, you should start soon. The weather is going to get hotter, making construction more difficult.”

When the weather gets hotter, they will only be able to work in the early morning and evening. When the busy farming season starts, everyone will be busy with their own farm work. Even if you’re willing to pay, it will be hard to find help.

“You’re right, Uncle Village Chief, we must hurry.”

Zhuang Qingning laughed. “However, I truly don’t understand this pricing thing. Uncle Village Chief, you have the most experience and you’re willing to help me save some money. Whatever you think is fair will work for me. Just tell me the total amount at the end, and I’ll settle it.”

When employing someone, do not suspect them; if you suspect someone, do not employ them. Furthermore, Zhuang Jingye, currently in need of her help and being someone who cares about his reputation, wouldn’t dare to cheat her. Also, Zhuang Qingning’s impression of Mrs. Ye was quite good, so she figured her nephew wouldn’t be too different.

There was some flattery in what Zhuang Qingning had said, which Zhuang Jingye understood. Yet, he found it pleasing to the ear, thinking that Zhuang Qingning was really good at dealing with people and was articulate.

“Alright, since you’ve said this, I have to get this done well for you. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to negotiate a lower price with Dayong and get the best quality work.”

Zhuang Jingye agreed readily, thumping his chest for emphasis.

Seeing his exuberant manner, Zhuang Qingning figured that he was pleased by her compliments. Therefore, he would fulfill his commitments regarding the upcoming tasks. She smiled and nodded.

The two discussed the intricate details of erecting the extra sheds, procuring the iron pots, and filling in the holes. As the morning advanced, Zhuang Qingning needed to go to town and excused herself.

Zhuang Jingye saw Zhuang Qingning off at the doorstep. Upon her departure, he returned to the courtyard, humming a little tune.

Mrs. Ye, who was cooking breakfast in the kitchen, popped her head out when she heard the sound and noticed the happiness on Zhuang Jingye’s face. She smirked, “Look at you, so pleased.”

“Why wouldn’t I be happy? We are purchasing two pots at once. Isn’t that a good thing?” Zhuang Jingye started, then continued unabated, “It seems from what little Ning said that besides tofu, she’s going to make tofu curd and tofu sheets. The tofu business is doing really well. Hence, tofu curd and sheets should also do well. I’m predicting that even after adding these two pots, the tofu shop might still fall short.. Maybe we’ll even have to add more in the future!”

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