The Villain Only Wants To Live a Buddhist Life

Chapter 121: Dark Demon is a Little Sun

Chapter 121 Dark Demon is a Little Sun

***Edited by Kronost***

The students' discussions gradually became louder.

The students' eyes along with some of the professors' eyes when they looked at the two on the stage became meaningful.

Some people are born with meaning and enjoy the benefits of this meaning, but they must also bear the corresponding vision and responsibilities.

The son of the hero was like this.

In fact, as the son of the Valkyrie, wasn't Dark Demon the same?

Otherwise, even with his past performance, he was just an ordinary noble in the aristocratic circle; why was he stigmatised so far?

But so far.

This notorious young man was already on the road to clear his name, and he performed outstandingly.

On the other hand, the hero's son, who everyone had high expectations of, still had no progress.

This made it impossible for others to not compare them together.

The disappointed gazes pierced White Gawd's body like a needle; it riddled his soul with holes.

White lowered his head, not wanting to see the gazes coming from below the stage. His hands and feet clenched tightly.

He finally regretted it.

It was a real regret this time. It was not the kind that he would forget easily.

At this moment, his ears were filled with all kinds of noisy sounds; some of which became louder and louder and gradually stood out.

Emma's voice, once forgotten by him, was especially loud.

"Stop hanging out with Robert! Think of your dead parents!"

"Think of your dead parents!"

White couldn't help but grab the pendant on his chest, which contained a picture of his mother.

From the corner of his eye, he glanced at Dark Demon next to him; only to feel like he was standing by the dazzling sun.


But, Dark was not happy about it.

Winning the "Crimson Star", a small championship or something was a small matter to him, and it wouldn’t change anything.

But the situation now didn't feel very good to him.

If Principal Arte had considered the feelings of the son of the hero, she wouldn't have him and White on stage at the same time, and she wouldn’t have also made two judgmental statements.

It could be imagined that after today, these statements would surely become widespread.

Newspapers large and small would madly report the behaviours of the two in this incident.

Busybodies would definitely list them for comparison and make some brain-dead remarks for people to laugh at.

And he would take the place of the hero's son on the stage and become the focus of public opinions.

This was completely contrary to his strategy of having a laid-back life.

It was more than enough to have the hero’s son on the stage. He didn’t want to be in the limelight at all.

As long as the blood of the demon god was not awakened.

His status was high enough.

The son of the female Duke.

The son of the Valkyrie.

These two titles alone could make him reach the highest point of life smoothly.

He didn't need to compare with the hero’s son at all.

"Does she want to use this to cover up the negative impact of Professor Didi?"

"Or does she want to use this to take a political stand??"

"To support me is to support the Valkyrie, the dove faction, the eldest princess."

Dark's mind turned quickly.

What he thought was completely different than White.

But this was inevitable.

After all, the psychological age of them both was not on the same level.



This incident was a big event for Saint Marian Academy.

The school clearly stated the cause and result of the incident publicly, and even asked two participants to provide corroboration, basically nailing this incident to the wall; not letting anyone use this incident as an excuse to cause trouble at Saint Marian Academy.

Coupled with the fact that there were no casualties, it could be said that the negative impact had been minimised.

Although some negative effects still existed.

But the academy had the courage to take responsibility and had shown no sign of avoiding it, so it may still get some praise.

The son of the hero and the son of the Valkyrie, one as a victim and the other as a saviour, were placed on the table for comparison at the same time, which would inevitably involve a large part of public opinion.


But some things may be unexpected for adults who didn't think about children's feelings.


At the end of the assembly.

President Arte publicly announced that she would temporarily replace Professor Didi and become the professor of history of magic and astronomy until a new professor takes office.

This made more than 90% of the students, who admired the principal, very excited, and eased the atmosphere a little.

Principal Arte announced the dismissal of the assembly, and the students' discussion suddenly rose as they left the hall one after another.

Dark and White followed Principal Arte to her office, seeing her sign.

"Sit down. Don't be so nervous."

Principal Arte waved her hand, and a row of tea sets and snacks appeared on the table.

Dark didn't show any sign of nervousness at all. Not only did he sit down, he also cleaned the cup very skillfully, poured black tea, and delivered the first cup to White.

"Ah, thank you."

White quickly thanked him, but his face was not so pretty.

Dark then poured himself a cup, and sat down to take a sip.

Principal Arte sat down behind the desk, put the documents on the desk and relaxed her shoulders.

She adjusted her expression slightly and asked, "You two, what do you think of Professor Didi's behaviour?"

White: "Huh? Ah! Not very good, I think."

Dark: "Not a good move."

Principal Arte nodded slightly and did not ask any more.

But in a blink of an eye, she said, "White, for this masquerade event, your credit score is second in the year; which is pretty good."

White's face suddenly became rosy, and he muttered, "It was still not the first."

Principal Arte said to Dark again; "Dark, if Alvette knows that you have such a performance, she will definitely hold me and cry."

Dark blushed and said in embarrassment, "Principal, there is no need to say this kind of thing."

Principal Arte said with a nostalgic tone, "Alvette has always been such a person. Her heart is softer than that of anyone else, but her appearance is stronger than that of anyone else. No one is more reliable than her. Now it seems that you are also the same."

Dark was stunned. Do I look like a soft-hearted person?

Principal Arte: "And White, so is your father. He was exactly like you when he was a student. He was very active and could not calm down at all. He had a strong empathy, and was easily influenced by people around him. But it was precisely because of this that he could become a hero: experience the suffering of the people, and fight for others!"

When White heard the word "father", he was a little excited.

Principal Arte continued, “Both of your parents left something in the academy when they were students. I didn’t want to give them to you so early, but since you already know the existence of the secret passages of the castle, I will give you these two treasure maps for the time being. But Dark, don't take a shortcut and ask Alvette. I know she spoils you very much, and she will definitely tell you if you beg her."

Dark chuckled.

Principal Arte then flicked her fingertips. A gust of breeze blew, and two treasure maps slowly drifted down.


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