The Strongest Assassin Reincarnates in Another World

Chapter 109 Skill

The person who had just asked that seemed to be somewhat of a big shot as he had several people around him, who would listen to whatever he was going to say.

However, not wanting any problem, Aiden simply denied it.

He was there for the auction, he wasn't there to make problems for himself or Emma.

"No, I was also talking about them," lied Aiden, as if it was normal for him.

"...Right, make sense," said the man, not sure whether or not Aiden was saying the truth.

But, the people had no choice but to let it go, as it made sense, why would he call the people in this room stupid, after all?

They were the most important young men of this generation, why would anyone try to be an enemy with any of them?

It simply didn't make any sense to do so.

Then, Aiden once again looked down toward the stage as the succubus still hadn't revealed what was under the white cloth.

It seemed like she wanted the crowd to be as excited as it could be, before revealing the item, as shouts could still be heard from the crowd which was situated right under Aiden.

Then, after a couple of seconds of teasing from the succubus still moving her body to reveal her most beautiful features.

She pulled the white cloth revealing the first item of the auction which wasn't what Aiden had expected at all.

It was a small flask with some liquid inside.

Looking at it carefully, he realized that he had seen it once before, in his last trial.

'Why is the Elixir here?' he thought not sure that he was comprehending what was happening.

Then, the succubus started explaining this small flask.

"This is an Elixir that can be received as a reward for the fifth trial, but it is very rarely given out by the system," said the succubus trying to raise the value of this item.

"It might not look like much, but this item is capable of increasing your power instantly by simply drinking it."

'Why is she lying? I drank it and literally, nothing happened except a small message from the system, I didn't get stronger or anything right away,' he thought finding it weird.

"The starting price of this item is 5000 Credits," she said as people started shouting different prices.

But, no one from the VIP Suite seemed interested in the item as if they had already seen it or even drank it. 

Even Emma didn't react in any way. It seemed like this was a worldwide known item.

But what the succubus said perturbed a little Aiden, a reward of the fifth trial?

He had gotten it at his second trial.

Sure, this item didn't seem like much but if someone obtained it at the second trial, it would surely be a great accomplishment.

Aiden having those thoughts, decided that the best person that could answer those questions was Emma.

"Emma, this elixir that they're showing is it any good?" he asked, whispering trying to learn more about it as he didn't know much.

He acted like he didn't know what it was as it would be simpler for his further questions.

Because if Emma didn't think that he knew what it was, she wouldn't think that he would already have it.

"It is, it's a great item, however, you can only use it once. That's why nobody here is interested in it as they probably have consumed it before," explained Emma.

Aiden hearing this nodded.

"And what are the effects of this Elixir, she mentioned that they could help you instantly," asked Aiden as this didn't happen to him when taking it.

"Well, you get a boost from all your stats. That's what happened when I took it at least," she said, not finding it weird that Aiden was asking so many questions.

After all, he came from the Slums, he probably didn't know much about the awakened world which was why he was asking such questions that would normally be quite common information.

'A boost from all stats, huh?' thought Aiden as this wasn't the effect that he had received at all.

He had only received a small message from the system saying that his body's hidden potential had been unlocked.

Once again, that was another thing that was quite weird with the system, but Aiden already that many things were weird.

So, he didn't mind all that much and simply went back to asking questions.

"And it's a reward that can only be found as a reward of the fifth trial?" asked Aiden as this was the question that he most wanted to say.I think you should take a look at

Emma once again didn't find anything strange from those questions, and simply whispered to him back.

"Well... normally, yes. But sometimes you can find it in your trials as items that people are developing. Just like all the system rewards for that matter," she explained, clearing some of the doubts that Aiden was currently having.

What she had just said meant that rewards that you could receive when completing a trial, could be found inside the world in which the trial is taking place.

It made sense as this was exactly what happened to Aiden, the Elixir which he got in his second trial, is supposed to be a reward of the fifth trial.

But since it was an item that existed in the world he visited, he was able to access it before the fifth trial.

Then, Aiden thanked Emma as he didn't have any other questions.

"Do you want it?" asked Emma, out of nowhere, as she noticed his interest in the item.

'She probably thinks that I'm interested in it now,' thought Aiden.

"No, I don't need it, don't worry, it's fine," said Aiden as he had already consumed it once.

And just like Emma said, the Elixir could only be consumed once, or else it wouldn't have any effect.

It was clear that if this Elixir could be consumed multiple times that it would be a way better item than it was right now.

Because as of right now, it was simply a one-time boost.

Emma only nodded at Aiden's answer, still thinking about what item she should buy him.

Since she didn't think that she would need anything in this auction.

'I should just help him buy an item if its price is too high,' she thought.

This looked like the best option she currently had, as she would be able to make sure that it was an item that interested him.

She didn't want to buy a random item that Aiden didn't find any value in it.

Then, after their quick conversation, the Elixir was sold to one of the people in the crowd at the price of 8000 Credits.

'If only I could go back and see that crazy scientist,' thought Aiden, as this Elixir was quite an opportunity to make some money.

Imagine if he could have a bunch of them, and bring them back to sell them. 

It would be rich.

Those 30 000 Credits that Maelis had given would be nothing.

Only four Elixirs would give him that, based on the price that it sold at.

However, he quickly dismissed those thoughts as they didn't have any purpose. 

He couldn't go back there even if he wanted to, his trial was done and there was no way for him to go back there.

Then, he looked back down on the platform as another item would soon come out.

Another white cloth came out right behind the succubus which was still talking which pleased most of the spectators.

This time, she didn't waste any time and removed the cloth revealing a small stone. It was another item that Aiden currently had in his possession, a [Return Stone].

The sight of another item that he had seen before frustrated him, but he knew that other items would soon come out.

Emma noticed that Aiden didn't seem in the best mood and wondered why, as they were literally in an auction, a place where he would be able to upgrade his current strength.

"Why are you mad?" she whispered to him, as it was weird.

"Nothing, don't worry," said Aiden, not wanting to reveal that he had already the two previous items and that they were currently in his possession.

Then, another war over the item happened, where the [Return Stone] sold for a total of 10 000 Credits.

It seemed like the succubus didn't lie, the price and rarity of items would go up as time passed by.

Aiden was interested in what the first interesting item would look like.

Was it going to be a weapon, a skill book, or some other item that he didn't know of its existence?

However, he didn't care all that much as he would simply buy the item that would benefit him the most.

Well... as long as it didn't go over his 30000 Credits budget.

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