The Last Commander of the Red Alert

Chapter 103: The Furious Lizard Dragon

Chapter 103: The Furious Lizard Dragon

"Hell Laser Cannon, firing two shots in a row?"

These were all powerful individuals who had experienced a lot of battles before. They were Controllers of a Base City, yet they were now frightened by the scene before them.

This was the Hell Laser Cannon, even if it was a defective one, it could still threaten their existence.

There was only one type of energy that could activate this thing, and that was electricity. But as a third-level Base City, Wangchang City had provided the launch of the Hell Laser Cannon twice already, and now this was the third time. This was not scientifically possible!

"It's not two times, it's three times. Before you came, it was already fired once," Blade King said softly.

Fist King took a deep breath. He realized that he really didn't understand what was going on in Wangchang City.

He had just learned from Blade King that the Controller of Wangchang City had actually died. He was confused. That young man was not weaker than himself, how did he die like that?

But then, at that moment, the fourth shot appeared.

Wang Dezhi was indeed an old guy who could see through things better than many others. He knew that if the Hell Laser Cannon was fired one shot at a time, it could at most shatter Lizard Dragon's defense barrier each time. But what if the remaining shots were fired together?

The fourth shot appeared, would the fifth shot be far behind?

So the two Controllers saw a scene that they would only see once in their lifetime.

Three shots from the Hell Laser Cannon left deep marks on Lizard Dragon's body. They could see a large hole on Lizard Dragon's belly, and glimpse its internal organs inside. This time, Lizard Dragon was seriously injured!

"Roar! Humans, I will eat you all!" Lizard Dragon made its first sound, its voice full of rage.

When its offspring was captured by humans, Lizard Dragon was indeed a bit anxious and rushed over in panic. Unexpectedly, it accidentally discovered a human Base City.

As an eighth-level Mutant Beast, it naturally knew about the agreement between humans and Mutant Beasts, but the premise of the agreement was that both sides would not interfere with each other.

Now humans had provoked it first, and it took action to eat some humans. Even eighth-level human experts could not say anything about it, otherwise other eighth-level Mutant Beasts would intervene, and the war would escalate again.

This was Lizard Dragon's confidence!

But it never expected that this Base City was a tough nut to crack, and it was even seriously injured.

Seeing this scene, the humans on the city wall were immediately excited. They had hope!

The two Controllers did not hesitate and rushed over, one with a knife and one with a punch, hitting Lizard Dragon's injured area heavily. This worsened Lizard Dragon's injuries.


Lizard Dragon roared. There were some changes in the defense barrier around its body. It was no longer just protecting its body, but expanded, wrapping up the two Controllers in an instant. The previously almost invisible defense barrier became visible to the naked eye.

"Not good, Lizard Dragon is going all out. It has activated the maximum power of the defense barrier, even the two Controllers might find it hard to break through," someone said with a changed expression.

They could see it, and so could the two Controllers. Their faces turned serious. They knew that Lizard Dragon was trying to trap and kill them.

The defense barrier, which was originally just meant to protect, had now become their prison.

Inside this prison, the only thing they could do was to escape!

Seeing Lizard Dragon chasing the two Controllers relentlessly inside the defense barrier, the people on the city wall were very nervous. If the two Controllers were finished, their Wangchang City would also be finished.

They seemed to have forgotten one thing - the arrival of the third Controller.


A red beam of light rushed towards the defensive barrier from afar, straight as an arrow. If it had been the old defense force field, it would have been shattered, but now the defensive barrier only shook a bit and remained unscathed.

"Damn it, this is the so-called turtle shell defense force field, why is it having trouble with an eighth-order Mutant Beast?" A grumbling voice sounded.

Then the people on the wall saw a somewhat careless-looking young man, hands on hips, carrying a huge Gatling gun on his back.

Yes, it was a Gatling gun.

Before the Apocalypse, the Gatling gun was a powerful weapon, but in the Apocalypse, it was almost phased out due to its lack of power and bulky size, and only had some utility in defense.

But this was a Controller, and he was carrying such a flashy weapon?

Those who didn't know looked at each other in confusion, but those who knew were suddenly excited. This was a powerful person, no less than their own Controller.

Yes, this Controller was in the late Seventh Order, nicknamed Gun King!

Of course, this gun was not just any gun.

When this title first came out, many people were quite speechless.

If you were carrying an ordinary gun, then being called Gun King would be fine, but if you were carrying a Gatling gun, you really expect me to call you Gun King?

But Gun King was particularly fond of his Gatling gun. He had put everything into it, and after countless modifications, the Gatling gun's power was quite astonishing.

Gun King sneered and took out his Gatling gun from behind. Others might have had a headache with this turtle shell thing, but he loved it.

The biggest advantage of a Gatling gun was that it could focus its power on one spot, and a stationary defense force field was the best target.


Countless bullets flew out of the Gatling gun's barrel. These were all specially-made bullets, and each one was probably valuable, but only a Controller like Gun King in the late Seventh Order could afford them.

The bullets slammed into the defensive barrier and in just three seconds, it was broken. Gun King then walked in arrogantly with his Gatling gun in hand.

"What the hell are you doing here? Get out!" Blade King saw Gun King walk in and almost spat blood. Didn't he see that this was Lizard Dragon's territory? Wasn't he asking for trouble by coming in?

"I came in to save your ass, and this is your attitude? Keep talking and I'll give you a shot." Gun King said dominantly.

Blade King immediately shut up. He really believed that Gun King could do it, after all, this guy had a record.

With Gun King's arrival, Lizard Dragon suddenly found itself struggling. After all, the injuries on its body still existed, and even Lizard Dragon couldn't withstand continuous blasts from the hell laser cannon.

Lizard Dragon was now driven by anger and just wanted to eat these three humans, who were Seventh Order humans, which would be a great source of nourishment.

Just when everyone thought the three Controllers had a chance to succeed, suddenly they all saw that the huge Lizard Dragon disappeared!

No, it wasn't gone; the three Controllers saw a hazy figure where Lizard Dragon had stood before. (To be continued...)

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