The Genius Doctor, My Wife, Is Valiant

Chapter 128 - Rescue

Chapter 128: 128: Rescue

“As for the ingredients, I already checked with some of his fans regarding this. When I asked if they liked our upgraded flavors, all of them mentioned that they liked it.

“Do you really think that these girls really enjoyed the mooncakes because of their taste? There are much better mooncakes out there produced by professional companies, but are their sales any better than ours?

“This is because the thing that they enjoyed isn’t the mooncake itself but the emotions that comes with it. It doesn’t matter if we swap out the good ingredients for cheaper ones. Even if the ingredients are cheaper and of lower quality, our sales would still be the same.”

None of the senior executives dared say anything to her while Mother Qiin was happily convincing herself that her decision was right.

Since this was a family business, all of them would earn a decent amount of money without losing much from this anyways.


Ever since she got back from the Jing household, both Mother and Father Jing had tried calling her, but Jing Qian had been ignoring their calls.

Back in the Zhan mansion, she would occupy herself with meditation and cultivation. She would sometimes buy more herbs than were necessary with the extra money that she had, and during the night, after sedating Zhan Lichuan, she would carry out the preoperative physiotherapy.

However, during the therapy, Jing Qian realized that there was something peculiar about Zhan Lichuan’s body. She noticed that his circulation was completely different from that of an ordinary man.

She initially started treating him according to the circulation of an ordinary man but that resulted in him showing signs of organ failure.

She had no idea what his internal circulation was like before this. This was the first time that she had encountered something difficult in her medical life.

The only thing she could do now was wait. As his organs started to fail, she would be able to treat them, and upon bringing them back to a healthy state, she would then find out how different his internal circulation was compared to that of a normal human being.

Since there was a chance of organ failure at any time, in order to prepare for that possibility, she had been busy buying herbs these last few days.

Each time she went out, she would buy a huge cart full of herbs, but by the time she got home, she would be empty handed.

This was because…

Ever since she was child, she had an internal space, one which contained a spiritual well along with some ancient medical books. The well was like a hungry monster, only accepting expensive herbs. If it wasn’t provided with herbs, it would dry up.

There were multiple occasions where the well inside this space had dried up, with grass growing out of it as well when she was younger. Now that she was reborn as Jing Qian, the internal space must have been linked with her spirit, which was why it had appeared in this body as well.

As she had been broke for the past few days, she couldn’t provide any herbs for the spring and it had completely dried up. After pouring in countless types of expensive herbs, there was finally water seen in the well.

However, the amount was just like a kid’s pee; there was only about one spoonful.

Since Zhan Lichuan had already given her money, she immediately bought ingredients from all over the city, even going onto different platforms so that she could get much better ingredients to be placed into the well.

Although most of these herbs were gone as soon as they were thrown inside the well, the amount of water in the well suddenly increased.

With the help of the well, Jing Qian could feel that her even recovery speed had improved.

This was because the body of the previous owner was much more suitable for cultivation than her own body.

As she was returning home after buying the ingredients that she needed, an alarm suddenly rang from her phone.

Jing Qian took out her phone and saw that a red dot, about 20 kilometers away, was moving at an extremely fast speed.

This was an app that she had installed before this, which was connected to chips that had been implanted in some of her most loyal subordinates.

If they encountered any danger, it would automatically send her a signal as soon as they pressed on the chip.

A sharp look flashed across Jing Qian’s eyes and she quickly drove towards the direction where Honglu was.

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