The Era of Gods

Chapter 124: Divine Realm Invasion - Blood Legion

Chapter 124: Chapter 124: Divine Realm Invasion – Blood Legion

Translator: 549690339

According to Lin Xiao’s plan, all other species’ bloodlines except for the Fishman’s were to be stripped away, leaving only a portion of valuable genes to be fused with the pure Fishman bloodline.

For example, the form with a human body and snake tail, which is a Naga characteristic, did not need to be changed.

Then, inheritances such as superior brute strength and regeneration, as well as thick scales, could also be retained. Afterward, they could be enhanced through Creation Energy or combined with other talents to form even more powerful ones.

In addition to these, several special skills could be preserved, such as swift movement and monkey arm, which could be combined with the Fishman talents.

Beyond these visible talents, he would also explore the hidden talents of the Naga, just as he uncovered the hidden gene pool of the Fishman to synthesize the powerful talent of the Spirit of Water, he could also excavate hidden genetic talents from the ancestral evolutionary journey of races like the Hyenaman, Snake people, Goblins, and Bear Goblin, which became dormant due to environmental changes.

Lin Xiao felt that he had been too rough in using the Creation Rubik’s Cube in the past; he could delve deeper into extracting the essence of the cards and search for a more suitable card fusion formula to maximize the potential of different cards.

One day in reality is one year in the Divine Realm; there’s still more than half a year left, giving him ample time to thoroughly explore the gene pool of several bloodlines.

Cough, the prerequisite is that there is enough Creation Energy.

However, Lin Xiao was quite willing to spend on this matter. Although Creation Energy is rare, the Black Scale Naga had now become his foundation. As long as he could adjust and evolve them well, he would be willing to use up all his remaining Creation Energy.

And in fact, it was impossible to use it all up.

But it was almost the same.

As he mined the gene pools of various bloodlines, he suddenly found that out of the twenty-nine units of Creation Energy he had, twelve had been used up.

However, that was only the beginning. Next, he needed to fuse the excavated genetic talents, strengthen them, and eventually consolidate them into a complete, new species conforming to the Creation Law, which would undoubtedly require a large amount of Creation Energy.

Firstly, Lin Xiao stripped all bloodlines from the Black Scale Naga, except for the Fishman’s. As soon as the stripping took place, he sensed that the overall strength of the nearly one thousand Nagas in the Divine Realm had significantly weakened, at that moment only slightly stronger than the Grey Mist Fish People.

But he had already issued a Divine-mandate. The many devout Nagas did not panic but instead gathered around the tribal altar to pray.

Through the Divine-mandate, he felt that the threads of faith of the Nagas were as thick and pure as before. The pure Power of Faith continued to flow through this connection between the followers and the Deity, without a single fluctuation.

Even Lin Xiao admired himself slightly on this matter; when it came to shepherding his followers, his talent was indeed very strong.

The devout faith made the followers believe in their Deity, and as such, facing such a situation, their faith did not waver at all, which was extremely rare.

With the followers believing so faithfully, Lin Xiao naturally could not let them down. He steadied himself and began the next phase of fusion.

First, he took inventory of the existing talents: The Spirit of Water inherited from the Fishman, followed by the original talents of the Naga—brute strength, regeneration, thick scales, as well as the Mythical Quality Talent Card —Adaptation to Harsh Environment, obtained from the Summer Camp.

The second category was specialties: Agile movement, alertness, water element resistance inherited from the Fishman, and the specialties possessed by the Naga swift movement, monkey arm, as well as the Five Star Mythical Quality specialty Advanced Toughness, also obtained from Summer Camp.

Besides these, he selected several hidden talents and specialties from the Naga gene pool, which included:

The unlimited Growth talent from the ancestral serpentine Snake people, it is well known that theoretically, as long as a serpent lives long enough, it can infinitely shed its skin and grow.

The second was the bio-neural venom talent, there were three kinds, each with different effects but all were very powerful, originating from some venomous serpent ancestors.

The third talent came from the most glorious era of the Ancient Goblins. It was said that in ancient times there was a Goblin Empire with extremely powerful technology that once ruled over a vast main plane and most of the Crystal Wall System. It is alleged that at the peak of the Goblin Empire’s glory, they even attempted to create virtual deities.

This was a powerful vessel with strength comparable to a True God, controlled by Goblins with great spiritual power, possessing power comparable to a True God.

This action by the Goblins—attempting to encroach upon the divine territory of the Deities infuriated all the True Gods of the Crystal Wall System. Overnight, the vast Goblin Empire collapsed, and the Goblins were cursed by the gods, losing their intelligent minds and wisdom. Over time, the Goblins of today have degenerated, forgetting the ancient glory, and have become synonymous with thieves and bandits, despicable and dirty.

Lin Xiao used Creation Energy to trick the gods’ curse and seal, stealing a part of the Ancient Goblins’ former glory. Because it was only a part, this talent was called the Afterglow of the Goblins.

The effect was incredibly IMBA; it allowed the talent holder to inherit one of the three great talents of the ancient Goblins at random.

The three great talents of the ancient Goblins: Engineering, Alchemy, Magic Creation.

Note that this randomness applied to each individual Naga, meaning one Naga might inherit the talent of Engineering while another acquired the talent of Alchemy, each being different and not all Nagas unifying under one of the three talents.

In addition to these talents, there were a few other seemingly useless talents, such as the Hyenaman’s brutality and cunning, which were not very useful.

Lin Xiao categorized all the talents and skills within the Magic Cube Space. After browsing through these talents and skills and pondering for a while, he had a draft plan in his mind.

Firstly, he took out the Mythical Quality talent ‘Adaptation to Harsh Environment’ as the base material, followed by the Fishman’s ‘Spirit of Water’ talent and the water element resistance skill, the deadly poison talent, and several other useless talents and skills. He poured in Creation Energy to commence their fusion and enhancement.

After ten minutes, the fusion was complete, consuming a whole three units of Creation Energy and resulting in an unknown talent.

Unknown Talent: This species can adapt to any adverse environment, has considerable resistance to water elements, cold, and poison, is immune to slowing and deceleration.

After a moment’s thought, he named this talent Child of Nature.

After a brief rest, he took out the Mythical Quality skill ‘Advanced Toughness’ as the base material, then included brute strength, regenerative capability, thick scales, and the Snake people’s unlimited growth talent. He invested Creation Energy and commenced the second round of fusion and enhancement.

This time, the consumption of Creation Energy was two units more than the previous one, using up five units in total to create a new unknown talent.

Indeed, despite using a skill as the foundation, what was fused was indeed a talent.

Unknown Talent: Creatures with this talent are very powerful. Constitution +3, Strength +3, will remove all their own weaknesses, immune to fatal and lethal attacks, significantly weaken negative states and damage from spells, reduce certain physical damage, and have very strong regenerative and vitality capabilities.

Essentially combining and enhancing fused talents, Lin Xiao already had an idea and whimsically named this talent Dominator’s Body’.

It suggests having powerful life regeneration and status resistance like a boss character in a game.

Next, he combined the three skills of swift movement, agile mobility, and alertness into one, consuming two units of Creation Energy to merge them into a strong new skill.

The newly fused skill combined the advantages of three skills and enhanced them, at LVi it could increase Agility by 2 points, and significantly improve reaction and perception.

As for the remaining skill Monkey arm, he didn’t enhance it immediately but used it as it was.

Mainly because the skill itself was already perfect. The effect was being able to dual-wield two-handed weapons, that is, to hold a Two-handed Sword or Double-handed Axe in each hand. He didn’t know what could be enhanced from this skill even if he tried.

Perhaps in the future, it could be fused with some special skills to create a new powerful skill, but for now, it is sufficient, so there’s no need to waste Creation Energy on it.

Two talents, two skills—few in number, but all very powerful.

As for the ‘Afterglow of the Goblins’, Lin Xiao reserved this talent. It was clearly creative in nature, and giving it to a pure combat race like the Naga would be a waste.

He planned to save it for now, considering creating an auxiliary race when he later created the third species in the Divine Realm.

After completing these preparations, he was ready to proceed with the final step, which would involve the perfect fusion of the already purified Naga bloodline with these two talents and two skills. This task also required Creation Energy, and not a small amount.

Lin Xiao checked his remaining seven units of Creation Energy and estimated that there would be very little left after its use.

Fortunately, the most critical Fishman and Naga had already undergone genetic modulation and enhancement. This constituted his base layer, his foundation. Once these were enhanced, the lack of Creation Energy for other aspects would be immaterial.

He took a deep breath, and with a thought, the Creation Rubik’s Cube slowly began to turn. The Naga bloodline situated at the center of the cube started to rotate, with four streams of luminescence on the periphery slowly converging towards the center with the rotation of the cube. Wisps of Creation Energy from around the cube gathered at the center, merging with the four streams to become four distinct and thicker luminescent flows, which slowly infused into the Naga bloodline.

It was just like the process of refining a Dan -carefully and patiently, without rush or impatience.

After almost two hours, the talents and skills, each mixed with one unit of Creation Energy, successively merged into the Naga bloodline, forming a chaotic energy field pulsating with mystery.

Lin Xiao slowly closed his eyes, attentively feeling the Creation Laws emanating from the chaos.

With each new species he created, Creation Laws would emerge. This time, his enhancement amounted to a rebirth for the Naga species, with the embedded Creation Laws being exceedingly rich, so much so that his heart harbored a slight illusion…

No, it wasn’t an illusion, it was indeed real.

He opened his Deity panel and was struck by the realization that his Divinity had increased from 4+1 to 4+2, meaning that with the expenditure of one hundred million pure Faith value, he could condense an additional point of Divinity.

He understood in his heart that this was a benefaction from the laws of Creation every time a previously nonexistent new species was created, a blessing from the cosmic laws of Creation was obtained.

He reached out to take the newly condensed card, flickering with dense crystal light, and its new attributes boldly sprang forth to his view:

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