The Days to Survive with Several Girls on the Uninhabited Island

Chapter 482 484 Separation

Ren wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes and nodded heavily!

"Don't worry, Master Allen. I will do whatever you say. I won't hesitate even if you ask me to die here!"

"Don't talk nonsense! Listen carefully. Now we have to act separately. You take your clansmen out and find a safe place to settle down. Those who are supposed to treat the injuries should have a rest. I will continue to stay here to look for Ming and Zack!"

After Allen finished his words, Ren's expression suddenly became twisted.

"Master Allen, please don't do that! Absolutely not! How can I let you take the risk alone here?"

"You just said you would listen to me! Now you are going to betray what you have said!"

"That's different, Master Allen. It's so dangerous for you to face the cunning and cruel Ming and Zack alone!"

What's the danger?

Allen had been able to fight alone with the elite troops organized by Ming and Zack, but nothing dangerous had happened.

Now his enemies had dropped from 500 to only two, which were easy to capture!

Allen made it sound reasonable.

Ren seemed to understand.

However, Allen hid something from Ren.

For example, when Allen faced the elite troops organized by Ming and Zack, he had the advantage in weapons, speed, and sneak attack!

That's why Allen showed his attitude indifferently.

But now, if Allen had to face Zack and Ming, the situation might be reversed.

But for Allen.

If Ren and the savages continued to stay here, they would become Allen's greatest weakness.

That's why Allen asked them to get out of here as soon as possible!

"Okay, I'm leaving now, Master Allen!"

After hearing Allen's words, Ren no longer had any hesitation. He turned around and whispered to his savage compatriots for a while. Then these savage aboriginals finally kowtowed to Allen and left!

Allen looked at them holding each other's arms and felt angry!

"You've gone too far!"

The more Allen thought about it, the angrier he became. Ming and Zack were feeding these savage aborigines as pets and livestock.

"Well. Calm down and use the most peaceful attitude to deal with these two guys!"

Allen took a few deep breaths before slowly exploring the deeper cave.

But soon, after Ren took his clansmen away, Allen reached the end of the cave.

Allen went to another wall and there was no way out.

"Damn it! I just forgot to ask these savage aboriginals if they had seen Ming and Zack..."

"No. Their eyes are covered. How can they see their faces?"

"There can't be another door here!"

Allen thought for a while and thought it was possible.

Of course, the greater possibility was that Ming and Zack had locked up the savage aborigines in this cave and felt that the cave here was too noisy and unsafe! So they went to another place to hide.

"That's possible!"

Thinking of this, Allen decided to leave as soon as possible.

But the moment Allen turned around, he saw a fork in the road behind him.


Allen was surprised and confused. He slowly stood up and came to the fork. After confirming that it was a road that he had never found, he extinguished his torch and began to slowly enter it.

"Damn it! You just hid a road behind you, right? If I am not careful, I will miss it! The person who designed this cave must have played with a maze, right?"

Allen silently cursed Ming and Zack.

He also put away his crossbow and took out a more powerful and faster pistol.

Allen decided to kill Ming and Zack as soon as he met them, so that they wouldn't tell Allen anything that would make him feel troublesome.

Allen didn't want to hear it at all!

But when Allen came to the end of the road, he found it was a dead end!

But this time, Allen wouldn't go back, because he didn't think there would be any fool who had designed a hidden road that wouldn't have a way out.

After thinking for a while, Allen began to fumble around the wall.

He felt that the wall was colder and smoother than before.

Allen seemed to have sensed something. He pulled a piece of soil from his hand and touched the wall behind it.

The icy and smooth texture reminded Allen that it was not a wall, but a real iron wall or steel wall.

Since there was no fire, Allen couldn't see clearly what kind of wall it was.

But there was one thing Allen was sure about. Even Allen had forced the elite troops of Ming and Zack to death! They couldn't have made such a steel wall.

"So, what's the secret of this uninhabited island?"

"It seems that I have to change my strategy to keep Ming and Zack alive! I still need to know enough secrets from their mouths!"

Allen calmed down.

His mind became serious.

Allen fumbled for the switch on the wall and thought about the danger he might face in the future.

Finally, Allen felt something special.

"I found it!"

Allen suddenly realized that he could open the door this time.

But he was not in a hurry. Instead, he quietly lit up his torch and slowly rotated the well-shaped object in his hand, followed by a clang.

Allen clenched his pistol nervously. The moment the door opened, Allen threw his torch into the room as a simple version of the illuminating shell to see what was going on inside!

Then Allen hid in the darkness and pressed his body against the wall to watch the light of his torch.


The danger he had imagined did not appear. Even Ming and Zack did not come out to attack him.

He only saw a figure lying on the ground in the light of the fire. It seemed that he had fallen asleep. Or was he using himself as bait?

Allen thought for a while and took out his crossbow. He shot a wooden arrow at the guy lying on the ground.

A crisp whoosh resounded through the whole cave.

Allen frowned as he saw that his wooden arrow went straight into the back of the falling body without any hindrance.

"Damn it! He is really dead!"

After waiting for a while, Allen made sure that there was no one else around. Then he went straight into the second door.

"Who is so unlucky?"

Allen picked up his torch and silently put it on this unlucky man's face.

Then Allen saw a badly mutilated face.

Allen looked at it carefully again and finally confirmed one thing.

"Either Ming or Zack!"

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