The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 111: the last battle of supremacy

Chapter 111: the last battle of supremacy

The huge energy shield covering the arena slowly opened up, as the 2 fighting gladiators resolutely entered.

World dominator slowly took off his helmet, as he faced his opponent with a curious smile on his face. Unlike his opponents grave expression, his was the complete opposite, he had a calm look on his face.

Magician, you surprised me yet again. I dont know who gave you the guts to come to this fight with such impunity, but I can promise you that youll regret it. He slowly said with a smile.

Clark didnt reply, as his blood was already feeling hot for this battle. He didnt come here to discuss, at least he didnt have that luxury like his opponent. He had an uphill target to overcome, and he was ready to put his all.

Cut the crap, youll soon know who gave me the guts to come. Bring it on, he said with a ferocious grin, as he picked up speed, rapidly approaching his opponent.

World dominator shook his head, as his free left hand calmly placed his helmet on his head. Impulsiveness, youre still too green to face me.

He unsheathed his sword from his scabbard to point it at his advancing opponent. The lights shining into the arena, made its sharp blade reflect a bloody glow, like something hungering for blood.

He finally also picked up the pace, as he advanced, rushing at his opponent. His steady but calm steps displayed his confidence.

The spectators held their breath, as the visual effect of 2 gladiators, armored like knights charging at each other made the battle seem even more epic.

Boom!! After what seemed like forever, Clarks spear finally hit his opponents sword, as they were both pushed back from the recoil force.

Bam!! Bam!! Bam!! He recovered extremely fast, as veins appeared all over his body, while his spear advanced back for another round.

The spear hit the edge of the sword, as both weapons got locked into each other. World dominators strength and recovery speed were not any less, as he also slashed at his opponent with his sword.

They both quickly stabilized themselves, and entered better battle stances, as their weapons hit each other quickly at a frightening pace.

In this short moment that the battle began, their weapons already collided dozens of times.

Clank!! The 2 weapons collided with a huge sound again, as both gladiators separated back from the recoil. Clark knew that this was just the warmup, and he was not ready to spend eternity in this battle.

If I die, I die. If I perish, I perish. Ill never fight cowardly, his actions perfectly reflected his thoughts, as he quickly started executing his battle art.

His surrounding suddenly became stiff, as it felt like he was surrounded by a blood-red glow. His eyes quickly gathered more focus, as his battle awareness seemed to leap above his regular limits.

Boom!! He launched himself forward again, as his opponent calmly raised his sword to block. But this time, it was not the regular exchange, the battle was already in the next phase.

World dominator squinted his eyes in shock, as he staggered back from the force of his opponents strike. He knew that his opponent already started executing his battle art, but he wanted to test his current limit.

He never expected that one strike from his opponent will make him stagger backward. He responded fast, as he also entered the animation phase to executing his battle art.

His response was fast, but his opponents offense was even faster.

Clank!! Clarks spear cut across with strong momentum, as his opponents chest plate bore the brunt of the attack. Pieces of chains fell from the chain mail, as blood poured out of his opponents chest in waves.

World dominator gritted his teeth in pain and shock, as he launched himself backward immediately in retreat. He finally dropped his casual attitude, as his face gradually grew grave. He never expected his opponent to improve so much, under such a short time frame.

He wanted to look at how deep an injury he received, but he was not given the chance as his opponent already arrived before him.

Do you think such little improvements can make you as strong as I am? Rage gradually took over his rationality, as he launched himself back at his opponent while executing his battle art.

Boom!! Both figures clashed again for the umpteenth time, as visible dust shockwaves erupted from their positions.

They both dug their feet into the floor to withstand the recoil, as the arena floor vibrated while making metallic ringing sounds from the pressure. Clark eventually succumbed first, as his figure was flung back from the force.

He used the backward momentum to carry his body to perform a backflip, as he hastily guarded with his spear.

Clang!! His still flipping form was shaken from the impact of his opponents strike, as he was slammed down into the floor. World dominators eyes were already taken over by rage, as he unleashed his strength with full force.

Clark tried to roll towards the side, to off-set the damage that he took. But his opponents legs already arrived, kicking him further down.

Bam!! He finally hit the floor, as his chest plate and shoulder pieces creaked from the impact and the pressure. He coughed out blood from his mouth, as his eyes rolled back from the vibration to his brain.

Ptui!! His helmet was cut through cleanly by his opponents sword, as he received a direct blow to his face. He received the first injury in this battle, and it was not a shallow one as the left part of his face was directly disfigured.

The sharp pang of pain woke up his blurry consciousness, as his legs launched at his opponents crotch by instinct.

World dominator was startled despite being overwhelmed by rage, as he hastily cut down with his sword while jumping up. His sword cut his opponents legs, as his crotch narrowly escaped the vicious maneuver.

The armor given to them was clearly not resilient enough, as Clarks leggings were cut through easily, granting him his second injury.

He finally had a little time to himself, as he quickly rolled to the side, while using a Chinese get-up technique to recover back to his feet. He leaped back again to get more distance, as he squinted his eyes a bit to adjust to his uneven sight.

The cut to his face, despite not directly impacting his eye succeeded in blinding his left eye, as the eye remained shut from the force directed at his face. His other still functioning eye seemed just like a parch up, as the blood flowing from his face clouded his view.

The pictures transmitted to his brain were all painted with a bloody hue, as it seemed like he transmigrated into a world, facing an apocalypse. Despite his blurry view, he was still able to make out his rapidly approaching opponent.

He squinted his eye, as he spread out his legs to form a defensive stance. He let out a low grunt, as he felt the injury to his legs widen, due to him straining his muscles and veins.

Before he could think further, his opponent already arrived, as he also slashed forward to intercept any strike.

World dominator decisively executed his other battle art, as despite him still stronger than his opponent, he was starting to experience a faint feeling of danger.

Clark tried, but his defensive techniques could not withstand his opponents stacked battle arts, as he was launched back again.

This time, he was already prepared for this possibility. His spear turned in mid-air, revolving rapidly to form a defensive, chaotic vortex of death. His spear became a blur, as it directly formed a huge whirlwind to defend against any follow-up attacks.

World dominator attacked, but this time he did it more prudently, as the huge threat of the defensive whirlwind did not escape his keen eyes.

Despite his prudent strike, the whirlwind still repelled his sword back aggressively, as his figure jerked unsteadily from the rapid change in movement speed.

This was one of the few minor breakthroughs Clark was able to develop, during his session of training with his teammates. He was finally able to create a defensive technique, to defend himself against strong opponents.

He knew that pursuing strength would likely not spell a good omen to his cause, as he already met a bottleneck. So, he instead tried all means to improve his defense and endurance, this was the result of his hard work.

Despite not being unique enough to be referred to as a new self-created technique, it was still a technique exclusive to him.

As soon as he noticed his opponents jerking figure, his eyes lit up, as he pounced at his opponent swiftly.

Whoosh!! Despite not having a firm step, the World dominator still shifted to the side as he dodged the spear strike aimed at his abdomen. He stabbed his sword at the arena floor to steady himself, as his opponents figure streaked past him speedily.

Before his sword could even touch the arenas surface, he felt a pair of arms wrap around his sturdy armored waist. He was startled but reacted fast, as he attempted to jump forward.

His attempt was sound, but the execution left him surprised. He was lifted from the ground, but not of his own accord, while his legs dangled freely in the air.

Before he could recover his wits, his vision moved with extreme speed as he faced the energy shield up in the air, while his eyes grew watery from the air flowing in. He tried to struggle free, but the hands holding him in place tightened their grip on him further.

From the energy shield in the air, his vision finally adjusted again to see another picture. He was surprised, as the arena floor grew closer and closer to him. He finally understood what happened, as his eyes narrowed in alarm.

Boom!! He finally landed on the ground, as parts of his armor bent out of shape from the impact. He felt pains like never before, his blood felt like they were now mercury as his eyes dilated from the shock.

Clarks eyes lit up, as his carefully thought-out plan worked to his expectations.

When he pounced at his opponent, he already expected him to evade, as he already had a clear idea of his reaction speed. The pouncing was just a feint.

As soon as his opponent side-stepped, he threw his spear upwards while grabbing him by the waist. He quickly adjusted himself for a suplex throw, which fortunately went through successfully. This was the result of his effort.

As his opponent became disoriented from the pain and shock, he extended his hand out to grab his suspended spear back.

Bam!! Ptui!! The first sound came from the impact of his spear striking against his opponents chest plate. The second came from the impact of his spear stabbing deep into his opponents abdomen, after breaching his chest plate.

World dominator finally recovered, as the unimaginable pain struck him deep in his soul. He understood the situation he was in despite the pain, as he allowed the spear to stab into himself deeper.

He grabbed his opponents hand, as he forcefully dragged him downwards towards himself. He quickly suspended his sword vertically, as his falling opponent fell directly on the tip of the sword.

Hmm!! Clark grunted in pain, as he also suffered a blow to his abdomen. Blood flowed out of both gladiators stomachs, as they both stiffened while gasping for breath.

The stadium was silent like a graveyard, as the spectators strained their eyes without blinking to watch the arena better.

Arthur and the others clenched their fists, as they all watched anxiously. Fear already gripped Emilys heart, as she already began picturing the worst-case scenario in her heart.

The esteemed regional General of the Microsoft empire organization, watched with narrowed eyes while maintaining an indifferent expression on his face, as he waited for the result of this entanglement.

World dominator gasped for breath again, as blood slowly flowed out of his mouth. His opponent reciprocated, as blood also poured out of his mouth, down into his armor.

[Thank you for reading this chapter, I really appreciate it. If you love this book, please leave your power stones behind to support it. Please, I'm sorry for not releasing chapters yesterday, I had a lot going on. But, fortunately, I now have a more stable source to write, so expect regular updates now. I'm so excited.]

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