The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 108: end of the team tournament and invitation

Chapter 108: end of the team tournament and invitation

The fleet of vehicles slowly coming into the compound, surprised the now freed gladiators. But they suppressed their curiosity, as they went forward to meet the General.

Good evening, General, they all greeted respectfully.

Haha, thats my soldiers. The General responded with a laugh, as he went forward to pat them on the shoulders.

You did not disappoint my expectations. Though, you guys failed to take the 1st place, taking the 3rd place spot is already commendable. My Captain, told you guys some time ago that we would not shy in terms of rewards if you win the tournament of your ranks.

You taking 3rd place, can be seen as you winning to us. So, today, Ill present to you the awards that my team prepared for you.

The Camelotian Captain finally came forward, as he placed a box before his General. He opened the box quickly, it made a click sound to indicate its opening, as the General dipped his hand inside. On bringing his hands out, a pair of shoes followed from inside the box.

He smiled, as he saw the expression on the soldiers faces. Clarks heart practically left his chest for a moment there, as desire appeared in his eyes. What? Those shoes?

The General finally spoke again, after allowing them to digest the sight they say. Yes, this is exactly as you have seen. This is the special seafarers multi-purpose boots, made from special exotics that can only be found here, deep in the sea.

After a lot of brainstorming, I finally decided to present these as my award to you, for your exceptional performances. The soldiers behind the General clapped loudly, as the small team of 5 gladiators went forward to take their award.

Arthur showed a rare expression of desire on his face, as Jian Wushaung, being the team Captain, went forward to take his first.

Clark followed shortly after before the other soldiers got their boots. He observed the boots given to him, as he could not suppress his joy.

The color of the boot surface was blue, while the edges and sole gleamed with a unique silver color. The special logo of the Seafarers alliance was branded at its right corner.

He wanted to shout in joy, but he could only suppress his impulse again, as he did not want to act like a country bumpkin. He finally got one of the gadgets, he had been dreaming of for the past few years, without him paying a dime.

Hard work pays, he muttered with a blissful expression on his face. This boot given to him was easily worth a quarter of the money of the exotic car gift, he got from his cadet graduation.

That is just an estimate he made, but that alone prices it at 2,000,000 Spartan credits. Being exceptional, and getting gifts is the most reliable way to get rich and gadgetfully loaded. Its just a grade below looting, he sighed with joy.

After a lot of celebration, General Turan finally invited the 5 soldiers, to meet him in his car.

They were all clueless on why they were summoned, they could only go to find out. On seeing the car of the General, they were not surprised as it fit the status of someone with such strength.

The light gold-rimmed wheels and the black but smooth surface of the car indicated it as a car with stuff in it. Its finely chiseled contours also showcased its identity as a heavily modified and armored vehicle.

They cautiously entered the car, as the opened doors automatically closed behind them. They sat straighter on the chair, as the General cleared his throat.

Soldiers, I know you are curious to know the reason why I called you here. Dont worry, I will not waste your time. Youve seen and experienced some of the military strength and wealth of the Roman empire organization, and how convenient it is for soldiers.

On behalf of my organization, I invite the 5 of you, to become part of this huge family. The General did not beat around the bush, as he directly went to the point.

Clark was already suspecting it, but he still sighed after the General said it with his mouth. The 5 of them kept silent to digest, and think about the offer. He didnt know about the others, but he just kept silent to act the part.

There was no way, that he would abandon his country to join an organization, just because they were stronger and wealthier. His sentiment and resolve to stay with his country, already grown past the stage of material benefits.

He answered first, after clearing his throat. Thank you, sir, for the offer. I appreciate your concern for us. But, Im sorry, I cant abandon my country.

His answer was also direct to the point, as his country was one of the main reasons why he became the Clark he was today. Before today, other organizations already secretly offered him invitations to join them, including the Seafarers alliance, but he politely rejected them all.

As soon as he answered, the others also answered. They all refused, using different ridiculous excuses they cooked up.

General Turan prepared his mind before now, but he was still a little disappointed when all the soldiers rejected his offer. There was nothing that he could do, he reluctantly allowed them to go as he could not possibly force them.

You cant force a horse to go to the river, and then force it to drink water. He could force them now, but he could not force them to be loyal to his organization. Doing that will only lead to future problems.

He clearly recognized the talents of these 5 soldiers. If things were to go smoothly for them, there would be no problem for all of them to reach the heights he reached [i.e his current rank]. Thats how outrageously talented, he saw this small group of soldiers as, especially the vice-captain, Clark.

As the group walked back into their temporary apartment, they heaved a sigh of relief, as they were afraid that they would be forced to join the organization.

As they relaxed, Arthur suddenly received a message on his implant. He was surprised at first before his expression slowly morphed into one of understanding.

Guys, it seems Im being invited again by another organization, he informed his teammates with a wry smile, as he stood up, going outside.

He was completely dumbfounded when he was directed through his implant to the enormous skyscraping building. Never in his wildest dreams, would he have thought that the organization trying to recruit him will be the Seafarers alliance.

The entertainment administration headquarters, looked as imposing as usual, as he cautiously entered. He was directed to an office, where a man in a white suit was already waiting for him.

His passage throughout the building, to the office he was directed to was without problems, it felt as if he received unrestrained access to the whole building.

The man was also direct, as he offered him an invitation to become a peripheral member of the Seafarers alliance. This time, he was presented with a contract, to let him feel safe, that his rights would not be violated.

Saying he was not tempted, is the greatest lie of the decade. He was extremely moved to accept the offer on the spot, but he restrained himself. The reason was simple, he was already a mercenary, working for the Mercenary alliance.

Though the benefits he received for being a mercenary of the Mercenary alliance were lower than what he was currently being offered, he cherished his freedom more. As joining them meant, he was now a soldier or better still, a property of the Seafarers alliance.

Perhaps, if he was offered that his sister would be retrieved immediately if he joined, he would have considered it more. But he didnt try to ask them for it, as he directly rejected with an apology.

He was confident that he could gather the required contribution points by himself in the Mercenary alliance, to retrieve his sister.

Randy, the personal assistant of the manager, did not look angry nor anxious, as he even expected such a reply. He calmly ushered Arthur out, as he searched for other gladiators to aim for.

In every tournament organized by the Seafarers alliance to get new talents, the most exceptional ones that emerge always never agree to join them, excluding a few exceptions.

Most, if not all geniuses hated being shackled. They preferred being unrestrained, adventuring around the world was a craving they could not suppress.

So, the alliance was already used to the most exceptional ones rejecting them. This did not stop their inviting them though, as sometimes, they get lucky.

After another week passed, the finals of the team tournament, organized by the Seafarers alliance finally commenced. As expected, the huge stadium was not enough to house all the spectator swarms, as some were provided with seats to watch from outside the stadium.

Being a team that qualified for the finals, the United States team was not that much worse than their counterparts, the Microsoft empire team.

The battle was fierce, as the United team was able to drag the fight for over an hour. Their Captain, Black King Kong, was able to showcase his strength more openly here in the finals stage.

With his 2 sharp sabers, he was able to eliminate an opponent, while heavily injuring another. Despite his fierce momentum, he was eventually halted by the great World dominator.

After only battling for 10 minutes, the World dominator destroyed him, which eventually led to his team winning. For the umpteenth time, he proved his strength again as the best gladiator of the whole tournament.

After a lot of back and forth, and after going through a huge rollercoaster, the winner of the team gladiator tournament was finally decided.

The commentator did his job as enthusiastically as always, as he heaped praises on the Microsoft empire team, particularly paying special attention to World dominator.

Slogans such as; he came, he saw, he conquered, were already being used by the spectator fans to describe him. No matter where he went, he already established himself as a gladiator legend of the Seafarers alliance.

As excitement and satisfaction filled the air, the team tournament was officially called to a close with the sound of fireworks resounding around the stadium.

The glittering array of stars created from the fireworks heralded a new generation of stars, a new generation of high-grade soldiers.

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