The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 106: sonias real identity

Chapter 106: sonias real identity

Sonia slowly brushed her dark hair, as it tumbled in a cascade down her back. She looked at her reflection from the mirror, which brought a smile to her face.

Her fair skin, in conjunction with the dark suit she wore painted a very beautiful sight. With her smooth but finely chiseled face, she looked just like the models who appeared in magazines in the 21st century.

She now looked more mature and refined compared to a few years ago, she now had the womanly vibe. The only thing lacking in the picture reflecting from the mirror was a man to wrap her in a hug.

On thinking of this, her smile dampened a bit, as it turned strained. It was already about 3 years since she got separated from Clark. Thinking of him suffering from unimaginable things alone in the sea, sometimes make her cry in fear for his safety.

She was already 21 this year. Thinking of the fact that a man she met for just a few months completely stole her heart, still felt like a fairytale to her. She frequently contacted Leonard to know of Clarks wellbeing, which was the only reason she was not already panicking, as she knew that at least he was safe.

She went on a special mission for the Spartan army recently to a nearby country. After completing the mission, her team was given a week of leave. But, her team leader called for a special meeting and celebration today, for them safely completing the mission without any casualties.

It still felt funny to her, the way her team leader kept on nagging to them on the need to celebrate every successful mission they completed.

Before leaving, she turned to the side to look at the picture Clark secretly kept on her bag, during their brief stay together for their mission. This sight never failed in bringing her happiness, as her faced bloomed into a smile again.

Her boyfriends slightly dark, but handsome face never felt outdated to her. She could practically just look at it for the whole day without getting tired. The dark suit he donned did a good job in complimenting his handsome look further, as her happiness already transported her to cloud nine.

Oh, Im getting late. She finally snapped out of her dreamy state, as she skipped happily outside.

Today, something bizarre happened in the headquarters of the Spartan army. None of the soldiers knew what happened, as they were all ordered to come to the parade ground immediately.

This unexpected summons succeeded in spoiling Sonias teams small party, as they all rushed to the parade ground also. They were surprised on reaching the parade ground, as practically the whole Spartan army was summoned here.

As large as the field was, soldiers, lined up orderly, filled their whole sight. On seeing this, they immediately dropped their casual attitudes as they knew that something big was happening.

After all the soldiers gathered, they could only wait while keeping their curiosity to themselves.

The soldiers practically became breathless, as the figure of the most respected person in the Spartan army emerged with his entourage of personal soldiers.

Commander Rashford of the Spartan army, the commander in chief, only below the president in status, personally appeared as he came to the front of the parade ground.

Are we expecting the president today? Or is an envoy of one of the big 5 visiting today? Speculations started appearing in everyones mind, as they tried to reason out why their commander would come out and stand with them on the parade ground.

Bzzz!! They didnt have to wait long, as the sound of warships descending quickly came above them. The soldiers fought back the urge to look up, as they all stood rigidly in attention.

3 ferocious-looking warships finally descended slowly into the parade field, as the noise from their descent gradually died down.

Sonias heart practically went on a vacation, as what she saw surprised her. Why are they here? I thought we agreed to communicate only through electronic gadgets, she questioned herself doubtfully.

All the soldiers finally knew why their Commander had to come to greet these visitors. The logo on the warships indicated, that these warships belonged to the Dakra republic.

The Dakra republic is also one of the few countries with high-grade military strength. Being a country with high-grade military strength does not warrant Commander Rashford coming to greet them physically, they had another identity.

The Dakra republic is the leader of the 2nd European large alliance. Alliance does not necessarily mean being like the Seafarers alliance, this alliance was different.

As the plundering of exotics between countries and organizations became rampant, after the great battle of supremacy. Some countries decided to ally between themselves, to create an alliance strong enough to deter the strong opponents from suddenly destroying and devouring them.

Several such alliances have been created around the world, and this one was the 2nd alliance created by some countries in Europe. After the great war, a lot of countries changed their names, but the names of continents remained the same.

The Dakra republic being the leader of this alliance, received maximum respect from the several countries allying with it, including Sparta.

The hatch of the warship in the middle finally opened, as 4 people came out. The one leading them in the front was on a suit, a scholarly vibe exuded from him. The 3 others, who looked like his bodyguards, wore military uniforms.

Commander Rashford finally left the horde of soldiers, as he went forward a little to welcome his guest.

Good morning, esteemed guests from the Dakra republic. My name is Commander Rashford, Im the commander in chief of the Spartan army. He greeted with a smile, as he extended his hand forward for a handshake.

The visitor on suit smiled in return, as he took the Commanders hand. Its nice to meet you, esteemed Commander. My name is Daniel Calibri, from the house of Calibri.

Ahh!! Youre a descendant of the legendary Woods Calibri. Its an honor to meet you, sir, the Commander responded politely while feeling a little surprised.

Daniel just responded with a smile, as the Commander led him to sit down at a shaded corner.

Woods Calibri is one of the few illustrious businessmen of this era, where strength reigns supreme. His business empire spans across the whole of Europe, as he specializes in the production of exotic armors.

If he was compared to the president of the Moca republic, he would be a hegemon, while the latter would just be an ant. The difference between his business empire and that of others was just that outrageous.

So, practically, the Commander was speaking with the son of a big shot from Dakra.

Im sorry for the not too luxurious welcome, your arrival was just announced to me today. So, I could not prepare extensively, the commander said as soon as they sat down, as he calmly observed his visitor.

No worries, commander. Actually, Im here to fetch my sister. She left home 4 years ago. Weve kept in touch with her, but my dad now wants her back. And according to our sources, shes been here in your army for 3 years ago.

Commander Rashford was surprised, what will such a person have doing here in Sparta.

He coughed a little to re-orient himself. Please, did you say she is in my army, he questioned in disbelief.

Yes, I know its unbelievable. But in my family, shes the only one who took on the path of a soldier, so she always craved action. Her real name is Sonia Calibri, I think shes using Sonia Dadel as her alias here.

The commander finally suppressed his surprise, as he commanded his subordinate to go look for the soldier.

On seeing a soldier coming to the horde of soldiers with an electric notepad, Sonia already knew that her brother exposed her. On seeing her brother, she finally understood why warships from her country will come here.

Before the soldier could even call her name, she left her position as she went forward to meet him.

Are you

Yes, I am the person you are looking for, she answered before the poor soldier could even finish his question.

Oh, Ok. The soldier stammered as he was surprised at how decisively she answered. He finally turned around to lead her back.

Back in the parade ground, her team Captain and teammates were shocked by why she was called out. But they kept their curiosity to themselves, they could only imagine things.

Before she reached there, it seems her brother and the Commander were already going along, as they chatted fluently. On the sound of her footsteps, both men finally turned around to see her.

Daniel, what are you doing here? I thought I told dad that I am not coming back now, I will come back in 2 years. Thats what I said, right?

Before he could even say anything, his younger sister already bombarded him with a flurry of questions. He could only smile bitterly, as he stood up to face her.

Hey, before you ask, wait for my explanations. Mom is extremely ill; Ill explain more to you when you follow me back. Dad said, I should come to take you, as she needs you by her side.

She wanted to argue further, but when she heard her mother was ill, her voice suddenly died down. She wanted to ask what happened right there, but she suppressed her curiosity as she just nodded.

Her mother was one of the few people she truly respected and cared for, hearing she was ill finally touched her soft spot.

Daniel finally heaved a sigh of relief, as he thought that she would still be stubborn. At least, she still has a conscience, despite being a soldier, he muttered silently to himself.

Sonia ignored her brothers mutterings, as she finally crossed her mind completely to go. Wait here, Im going to arrange my things.

Cough, cough, the Commander finally coughed to draw attention to himself. These 2 siblings talked like he was a ghost, he felt uncomfortable despite his exalted status as a 5th rank high-grade soldier.

Oh, Im sorry sir for keeping you hanging. Lets continue our talks before my sister comes back.

Good morning Commander, she also politely greeted the commander, before hurrying away to arrange her things.

Instead of waiting for Clark who promised to be back in 5 years. She decided to go attend to her mother, who needed her now first. At least, she could still come back and continue her wait, after attending to her mother.

[Thank you for reading this chapter, I really appreciate it. If you love this book, please leave your power stones behind to support it. I'm sorry for not uploading the 2nd chapter yesterday, I was exhausted from other things. I'll make up for it after tidying myself up.]

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