The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 103: clash of powerhouses the roman empire team vs the microsoft empire team 2

Chapter 103: clash of powerhouses the roman empire team vs the microsoft empire team 2

The Microsoft empire team quickly grasped their opponent teams strategy, as they quickly started adjusting. After understanding their motive, the Great defender quickly made some maneuvers and easily escaped Arthurs grasp.

He charged forward, moving straight to where his captain fought with his shield raised and held firmly.

Clark did not panic, as they already predicted this in their calculations. There was no way their opponents will leave their team captain to fight the both of them. He ignored the gradually advancing opponent, as he accompanied Jian Wushaung in fighting the one that stood before them.

World dominator was completely calm, despite the 3 injuries he sustained, as he waited patiently for his teammates reinforcement.

It is an understatement to just say that he is angry. He felt humiliated and extremely angry, as this was the first time that he sustained an injury in battles between same ranked high-grade soldiers.

He knew that his current opponents were stronger than all the previous ones, but he still never imagined suffering an injury. It came as a shock to him.

He started feeling impatient, as he wanted his teammate to be here immediately so he could counterattack, to wipe away the humiliation that he received. As soon as his teammate reached a certain range, he began to get excited as his hands hungered for a counter-attack.

Whoosh!! Whoosh!! His 2 opponents suddenly increased their offensive, as they swiftly struck at him repeatedly in quick succession. He reacted fast, as he leaped backward while quickly doing a backflip to move further backward.

As he retreated, he saw his opponents spear chasing after him, so he further complimented his retreat with a backward roll.

Desperate counter-attack of a cornered prey, he thought with a grin. He was completely confident that he could turn the situation around when his teammate was here.

But where is Jian Wushaung, he suddenly questioned doubtfully.

Boom!! Clark suddenly turned around, as he executed his self-created technique, dragon breaks the ranks. It almost seemed like he teleported. Before the Great defender could process why Jian Wushaung turned to face him, Clark already appeared before him.

His shield fragmented into particles, as he tried dodging hastily. He dodged, as he escaped death but his opponents spear gave him a deep gash on his chest.

He gritted his teeth in pain, as he tried stabilizing himself but the force from the blow almost knocked him unconscious. He felt dizzy, as all he saw was doubled, and his vision grew hazy.

He forced himself to jump backward, as his intuition told him that distancing himself from his opponents was the right course of action. This saved him, as his opponents spear cut him, giving him a shallow injury on his neck. A second delay was all it could have taken for him to lose his head.

World dominator finally understood that he was tricked. The humiliation he felt now from this, cannot be expressed with words. Rage took over his rationality, as he launched himself at his 2 opponents while executing his self-created technique, A worlds fury.

All Clark saw was a blur, as his opponent quickly reached where they stood. His self-created technique was faster, but this speed being displayed is still out of this world.

Whoosh!! Whoosh!! World dominator stabbed, slashed, and hacked with his sword at them, as they hurriedly defended. Ptui!! Ptui!! He succeeded in giving Jian Wushaung a cut on his abdomen, Clark reciprocated as he gave him a cut on his abdomen too.

Leave him to me, he said with a determined expression on his face.

Jian Wushaung acknowledged as he quickly left him, chasing after their opponent that was retreating, the Great defender. Clark quickly became entangled in a bloody melee battle with the World dominator again.

On other parts of the battlefield, Emily and the Black mamba were engaged in a bloody battle of speed. Both of them were fairly matched in strength, as their sword and spear exchanged blows swiftly.

On another part of the battlefield, Arthur completely suppressed his opponent, the Blind crocodile. But this guy still persevered, as his focus was completely on dragging the battle for a long time.

The only battle where they were sorely disadvantaged, is the battle between Aurora and the Silent assassin.

Her opponent completely dominated the battle, as she was already riddled all over with injuries. As Jian Wushaung pursued the Great defender, he deduced from their general direction that this guy was planning on heading towards the Silent assassins battleground.

The Great defender quickly convened with his teammate, as they battled Aurora in a 2 against 1 situation.

As his shield was destroyed, his strength was impacted greatly, but still, 2 are better than 1. And he was the vice-captain of the team, getting such a position is in itself an indication of his strength. His unfortunate luck of having to face his opponents outrageous self-created technique was what disadvantaged him.

Whoosh!! The first casualty of the battle finally appeared as Aurora lost her head after a final burst of power. All she could now see was the shaking arena, as her vision gradually faded.

The 2 gladiators finally turned their attention to their pursuing opponent, as they charged at him. The Great defender lagged slightly behind, as he was not exactly in his best condition.

Jian Wushaung showed his resolve, as he executed his self-created technique again. The 2 gladiators reacted fast, but his swords of annihilation still ended up getting his team their first kill. The Great defender finally died, and the battle was now even again.

Ptui!! Ahhh!! Clark screamed in pain, as the World dominators sword gave him another deep injury on his left leg. After holding up for so long, his opponent finally started suppressing him.

He rolled backward while gritting his teeth as the pain from the countless injuries all over his body were muddling his consciousness.

Boom!! He quickly executed his self-created technique again despite the exhausted feeling plaguing him, as his figure blurred while moving forward with lightning speed.

Throughout their battle, his opponent was always wary about his self-created technique. As soon as he rolled backward, the World dominator secretly shifted slightly to the side as he predicted what his opponent was about to do.

This slight deviation was not within his calculations. His heart grew cold, as he saw himself move past his opponent speedily. He quickly stopped his technique and turned around, but he already moved a considerable distance from his former position.

His heart further grew cold, as his opponent abandoned him, sprinting to meet his teammates. He quickly picked up speed, as he sprinted to meet him in pursuit.

His teammates were also observing his battle keenly, so they all saw what happened. World dominator was clearly planning on focus killing Aurora.

The battle was already going on for over 30 minutes, so every gladiator has sustained a certain degree of injuries. They all knew that she had a 0% chance of surviving, in such a 2 vs 1 battle.

Arthur was very decisive, as he forced his opponent back while sprinting towards her position. The Blind crocodile did not linger in one place, as he also ran forward in pursuit.

World dominator finally arrived in a tyrannical way, as he quickly started executing his self-created technique, a Worlds fury again.

Auroras hand speed completely erupted, as she parried all the strikes from the 2 opponents now facing her. This was impressive, but the force of the blows flying at her kept on making her stagger backward.

Ptui!! She suddenly leaped backward while gritting her teeth in pain, as the World dominator removed half of her left leg. The huge amount of blood leaving her body succeeded in sapping much of her strength.

Pu! Pu! Whoosh!! Arthur finally arrived, as he also started executing his self-created technique, an Emperors decree. He stood his ground, as he exchanged wild strikes with the World dominator. Surprisingly, the Black mamba abandoned Aurora, as he helped his teammate to engage in a 2 vs 1 battle against him.

He was puzzled, but he also felt relieved as Aurora will at least have a moment to recover her tense nerves. Team Microsoft empire proved him wrong, The Blind crocodile proved him wrong as he finally arrived. The delicate balance was disrupted again, as the injured Aurora died in less than 5 seconds.

The Blind crocodile quickly joined his teammates, as Arthur now faced a 3 vs 1 situation. His injuries accumulated, as he struggled to fend off his opponents offensive.

Boom!! Clark finally arrived, as he also executed his self-created technique, dragon breaks the ranks again. His opponents expected it, as they all keenly watched him, but the speed at which he came with was still mind-boggling to them.

Before the Blind crocodile could even respond, his opponents spear already impaled him. The force from the spear blasted his chest to pieces, as Clark quickly rolled forward, under the bloody mess he made.

World dominator and his teammate struck at him, which necessitated his rolling forward. But they still had plans, as they both quickly turned while increasing their offensive on Arthur.

Another casualty emerged, as Arthur died. He adapted too late to the increased offensive against him. They quickly turned back to face their recovering opponent.

Whoosh!! Whoosh!! Clarks hand speed erupted, as he fended the strikes of his 2 opponents to the best of his ability, while his injuries accumulated.

Jian Wushaung was already directing his battle to their position since, as it was already clear that the battle will be finished here.

He finally arrived with his opponent, turning the battle into a 3 vs 2 situation. His high teamwork with Clark began rearing its head here, as they both fought ferociously in sync.

Injuries accumulated in both teams, the blood they already lost alone is enough to kill a regular human.

[Thank you for reading this chapter, I really appreciate it. If you love this book, please leave your power stones behind to support it. Editing this chapter took a lot of brain cells from me. Ohh, it's so exhausting. I hope it's understandable and enjoyable, and there are no mistakes.]

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