The Blue Eyes

Chapter 217 - EPIC STORY

["Why Mrs. Hasler is not a good person, Dad?"

"Do you know Grace Hasler?"

Kevin didn't immediately answer his father's question as he glimpsed at Kris instead. How come he didn't know the medusa lady when the medusa lady was the one who offended him so often?

"We met several times, Dad," Kevin decided to give a simple answer as he returned his gaze to his adoptive father. "So, can you tell me why Mrs. Hasler is not a good person?"

It wasn't the first time when someone judged Grace Hasler in front of him. Some time ago when they were in the presidential office, Derek Dawson also gave a judgment about the head of the Intelligence Agency.

Derek Dawson indirectly said that Grace wasn't a good person, but just now his father openly said that the lady was not a good person. Kevin couldn't help but feel curious about the lady, so he questioned his father right away.

"You promised me that you would go to work right away after I answered your previous question."

Again, Kevin felt like déjà vu upon hearing his father's statement. He once again peeped at Kris because his father's words just now reminded him of Kris's words when he just woke up after he got a car accident.

Back then, Kevin was pressuring Kris to tell him about something, but he had promised the latter that he would sleep right away after the latter answered his previous question, so Kris ended up throwing his body onto his shoulder and brought him to his room.

Kevin blushed when he recalled the memory.

"Just go to your laboratory to work now. I will tell you more about Grace later."

His father was stubborn and didn't want to answer his question until the end. In the end, he ended up nodding his head before heading to work.]

That was how their conversation with his parents ended, and although not satisfied with it, Kevin still relented and chose to obey his father's wishes.

He was with Kris in the car now, heading to the laboratory building to work.

"You are still thinking about Mrs. Hasler?"

He could hear Kris questioning him, and he shifted his gaze toward his lover, who was driving next to him.

"Hm," he answered with a curt nod. "Mrs. Hasler is my mother's adoptive daughter, and my foster parents are supposed to love her just like they love me and my mother, right? I think it's quite fishy as to how they ended up hating her instead."

"It's not fishy if we remember Mrs. Hasler's personality. Maybe your foster parents don't like her because of her bitchy personality."

Kevin shrugged when he heard his lover's opinion. That opinion did make sense. Even he, Kris, Jack, and Blue didn't like Grace Hasler, so his foster parents probably were the same.

"Let's discuss that matter later, Kris," the raven-haired male replied. "We should focus to find AZURE. He should be in a danger now, and mankind will also be in danger if those bad people manage to get more information from AZURE."

Kris nodded his head as he agreed with what his lover just said. Everything didn't go as they planned. Instead of revealing the secret of the bad person behind the scheme all the time, they ended up losing AZURE.

It was not a good situation for them, and they needed to rack their brains again to find a solution.

The car was engulfed by silence, but suddenly Kevin's phone vibrated inside his pants pocket. He silently fished out the phone and read the name on the transparent screen. "It's blue," he announced.

Under normal circumstances, Kevin and Kris wouldn't be too tense when they found out that Blue was the one who called the scientist. But, after what happened to AZURE and Kris' subordinates, and after they agreed to get Jack and Blue out of their investigation, the girl's call wasn't a good thing.

Even so, they couldn't just ignore the call, could they? Blue must be worried if they did that, and that wouldn't be good either.

"Just answer the call, Kev. Don't make her worried."

Kevin agreed with Kris's opinion as he immediately pressed the green icon. "Hello, Blue? You should be in school now, right? Why are you contacting me? Did something happen in your school?"

The young scientist immediately ambushed her with a series of questions, and the young girl sighed upon hearing them. "I'm at school now, but the bell hasn't rung yet. I called you because you didn't call me after you and my uncle met your parents. I was just worried, Brother."

Kevin smiled softly when he heard the younger girl's concerned tone. Blue and Jack knew that he and Kris met his foster parents two days ago, but he and Kris didn't give updates to the two people after that.

Both Blue and Jack knew that Kevin's foster parents were against the relationship, so the girl ended up worrying about the relationship.

"You should have called your uncle, Blue. He would give you a more epic story for sure," Kevin replied as he glanced at his lover.

The said lover furrowed his brows as he glimpsed at Kevin. "What are you talking about with my niece, Kev? Are you trying to slander me behind my back?"

Kevin snorted at his lover's suspicion. "Who wants to slander you?" He asked his lover. "Your niece just wants to know how our meeting with my parents went, and you might want to tell her our epic story."

Kris was still driving, but his eyes were bulging. "Everything went smoothly with Kevin's parents, Blue. There's no epic story, so you don't have to worry."

Kevin side-glanced Kris as he tried to tease the latter, but the latter just glared back at him.

"I can tell that you two are hiding something from me, but I can also tell that your parents finally accepted your relationship, Brother," Blue stated again. "After this, we can continue investigating the case in peace, right?"

Kevin was stunned upon hearing the girl's question. How should he answer the question?

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