The Blue Eyes

Chapter 216 - NOT A GOOD PERSON

"How come you didn't know about her whereabouts before she died, Dad?" Kevin immediately responded to his father after hearing his father's confession.

From Derek's story, he got information that the six people in the photograph were good friends for so many years, so how come both his foster parents and Derek didn't know about Lucy's whereabouts before she died?

"It's because Lucy deliberately left the society to hide her pregnancy. She only told your mother about that, and that's why your mother was the only one who knew the details about Lucy."

Benjamin's answer made sense, and Kevin could understand Lucy's intention.

"So, both my mother and Lucy had hidden the fact that Lucy was pregnant until she gave birth and committed suicide?"

"Yes," Benjamin answered his son's question again. "Your mother is the closest person to Lucy, and Lucy could only tell your mother about her circumstance. And your mother only revealed everything to us after Lucy died. She even warned us not to tell anyone about it, but today we ended up telling you everything, Kevin."

Kevin fell silent. His mother indeed had lots of secrets in her life. His mother had never shown it when she was still alive, but perhaps his mother wasn't even sane when she was still around.

Selena Beischel didn't only hide her secrets, but she was hiding another person's secret as well. How could a person remain sane with too many secrets in her life?

"So, you also just found out that my mother adopted the child after Lucy died?" The black-haired man asked again after he could understand the situation better.

"Yes," this time, it was Charlotte who answered his question. "I and Ben originally wanted to adopt the child, but your mother insisted that she would be the one who became the child's guardian. She said that Lucy had trusted the child to her, and she wanted to take the responsibility."

"But, my father couldn't accept the kid, could he? Why did my mother insist on adopting the child when my father didn't support her decision?"

Kevin knew that he shouldn't have asked the question to his foster parents because his deceased mother was the only one who knew the answer, but he still asked the question nonetheless.

"We don't know your mother's reason, Kevin."

He had guessed that answer, so he wasn't surprised by Charlotte's answer.

If only his biological mother was still around, he surely would force his mother to tell him everything about Lucy Irvine. He felt like something was mysterious with this case, and only his mother knew about everything.

Even so, Kevin was still curious about another thing.

"We started this conversation about Lucy today because you mentioned someone from the Intelligence Agency, right, Mom? So, the child who was adopted by my mother is now working for the Intelligence Agency?"

That was another important thing he wanted to know, and he refused to leave that question and wanted to force his foster parents to answer his curiosity.

Benjamin and Charlotte looked anxious once again, and they seemed to be reluctant to tell him the identity of the child.

"How about we tell you about it the other day, Kevin? You need to go to work today, right?"

Benjamin sounded like Kris when the latter tried to dodge his question in the past. Kris had lied a lot in the past, and every time he pressured Kris to tell him the truth, Kris would try to dodge his question like that.

Kevin glanced at Kris, and the latter glanced back at him innocently.

'You don't realize that my adoptive father is very similar to you, right?'

Kevin was an expert in terms of dealing with people who weren't willing to tell him the truth, and he didn't want to back down so easily even though his father tried to run away from his responsibility.

"I'm a special worker in Orka, Dad. I can always come late to work."

Kevin lied. A lot of people had lied to him, and he wanted to lie to others even if it was just for this once.

He was not a special worker at all, and he still had to come to work on time. If he came to work late, then he would get a scold or two from his seniors. He had expected the outcome, but he could care less.

"You are now a special worker, Kev?"

Stupid Kris was always a stupid Kris! Kevin was acting just to get an answer from his foster parents, but Kris dared to ruin his plan by asking him that question. He could only 'reward' his lover with a glare, but Kris could only blink at him innocently.

Kevin groaned inwardly. Kris was not reliable sometimes!

"My work can wait," Kevin finally replied while returning his gaze to his father. "I just want to know who the child is, Dad. Can you say the name? I won't do anything to that person. I promise."

Kevin had nothing against that person, so he didn't have any reason to do anything to that person. He just wanted to know the person's identity, that's all.

His adoptive son was stubborn, and Benjamin sighed heavily. "I will tell you about her, but promise me that you will go to your work right away."

Benjamin didn't want to lose as he voiced out one condition to his son, and the son didn't have any other option than to nod his head.

"You might be surprised, but the person is the head of Intelligence Agency, Grace Hasler."

Another thunder struck above his head, and Kevin's body turned stiff upon hearing the revelation coming out from Benjamin's lips. He wasn't alone in that state because Kris was experiencing the same shock as well.

The two young men could only stare at the parents with their wide eyes, and the parents looked a bit worried because the two men looked possessed by something.

"Grace Hasler is your mother's adoptive daughter, but she is not a good person, Kevin.. You have to stay away from her."

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