The Blue Eyes

Chapter 215 - SHE IS LUCY IRVINE

The atmosphere became so tense after Benjamin answered the question. It was no wonder that Benjamin looked so nervous before he managed to answer his son's question. The matter was sensitive, and it probably would affect Kevin's mental state as well.

Kevin lost his parents after his mother committed suicide with the blue sapphire bomb, and probably the 'suicide' word coming from Benjamin's lips would trigger his traumatic state again.

Kris looked worried as he side-glanced his lover, but Kevin's expression remained unfazed.

"Why did she commit suicide?"

The three people expected that Kevin would be shaken by the information, but they were wrong. It seemed that Kevin's mentality had gotten stronger now, and he had fully moved on from his parents' incident.

The father was stunned, but he regained his composure as he replied, "She.. she committed suicide because she didn't have a husband when she gave birth to the child."

Another shocking piece of information filled the living room, making the two young men widen their eyes in surprise. Charlotte didn't even have the heart to look up at the two men as she kept his eyes on the floor. Perhaps she felt the pain or something, but she looked so sad right now.

"So, she had a child without marriage?"

It was not a common thing in their country when people had a child without marriage, so Kevin could understand why the woman decided to kill herself. Perhaps she wasn't ready to be judged by society, and it was better to kill herself.

"The problem is not that simple," Charlotte suddenly chimed in a weak tone. "I don't know the details, but Selena told me that she got pregnant after being sexually harassed by someone. You know what I mean, right, Kevin?"

Revelation by revelation shocked the two men. Perhaps the reality was so painful that Charlotte didn't even dare to use a direct word to describe the situation.

It seemed that this conversation wouldn't end anytime soon, but none of them cared about the time. Kevin even planned to come to his work late today because this matter was more important.

"She.. she was sexually harassed until she got pregnant? But, did she report the harassment to the police? Did the police catch the culprit?" Kevin was very curious, and deep inside his heart, he felt so sorry for the unlucky lady.

"She didn't report it to the police," Benjamin answered. "I don't know what her reason is, but she decided to keep the matter a secret. Probably she didn't want to get more embarrassment if she reported the incident to the police."

Kevin felt a pang in his heart upon hearing the further explanation from his adoptive father. The lady must have been in a dilemma at that time. She needed justice for her, but she decided to bury her pain deeply because she didn't want more people to find out about her misfortune.

If more people knew about that, they probably would just slander her and look down at her. Kevin understood the situation, and that was why he felt so sad even if he didn't know who the lady was.

Wait. Kevin just realized that he had not asked about the lady's identity until now. His foster parents said that the lady was his mother's best friend, but who was she―

"Is her name Lucy Irvine?" Kevin was a bit slow to connect the dots, but he realized that the two stories might relate to each other. He still remembered when he was in Derek Dawson's residence some time ago, and he also remembered the man's story about Lucy Irvine's tragic death.

Derek said that Lucy Irvine was his mother's best friend, and his foster parents also mentioned her mother's best friend just now. It couldn't be a mere coincidence, and he probably guessed it right because his foster parents looked surprised right now.

"How come you know about Lucy Irvine? Did your mother tell you about her, Kevin?" Benjamin questioned his son.

Kevin just hit a jackpot, and he wanted to know further about the case after he got some enlightenment.

"No," the young scientist immediately replied. "My mother had never told me anything  about Lucy Irvine, but I heard the story about her from Mr. Dawson."

Again, he could see his parents displayed a surprised expression on their faces, and Kevin felt even more curious.

"Mr. Dawson?" Charlotte butted in. "You mean, it's the former General Derek Dawson?"

His deceased mother was friends with Derek, and his foster parents were also friends with the former General. Kevin wasn't surprised by the fact that his foster parents knew about Derek Dawson. Even in the photograph that he saw in the former General's house, he could see his foster parents' figures.

"Yes," Kevin answered as he nodded his head firmly. "I visited his house some time ago, and I accidentally saw an old picture of six people. Mr. Derek told me that asides from him, my parents, and also you, there's also a woman named Lucy Irvine. When I asked him about the woman, his expression changed, and he told me that Lucy Irvine had died a long time ago."

Benjamin and Charlotte looked tense upon hearing their son's statement.

"So, you have known about Lucy even before we told you about the story?" Benjamin questioned his son again.

"Not really," the young scientist replied. "Mr. Derek only told me that Lucy died after she went missing for a long time, but he didn't know the reason behind her death."

Benjamin and Charlotte turned silent as their face looked gloomier than before. They took their time to reminisce, and Kevin patiently waited for them to speak again.

Kris also remained quiet because he knew that the matter they were discussing was a little bit of a private matter for them.

"Derek indeed has no clue as to how Lucy died," Benjamin finally broke the silence. "Lucy indeed went missing for months, and even us only knew about her whereabouts after her death."

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