The Blue Eyes

Chapter 187 - CHEATED ON HIM?

The pen between his index finger and middle finger couldn't stop moving as the owner of the fingers kept randomly shifting the digits.

It was already 5 in the afternoon, and Kevin looked bored at his desk. That was why he randomly played his pen with his fingers.

The young scientist huffed before bringing his chin to rest on his desk. His eyes glanced at his colleagues, who started leaving the laboratory to go home. Someone then waved their hand and bid goodbye to him, but he just nodded lazily on his desk.

"Hey, Senior. Don't you want to go home?"

A familiar voice came from behind, and Kevin lazily lifted his head again and turned to his back. He found his 'favorite' junior standing behind his chair.

"I will go back later. You should go first."

Instead of obeying his order, the junior dragged a chair and sat on it.

"Are you waiting for your boyfriend, Senior?"

Kevin was too tired to have a chat, but it was not polite to ignore the young girl.

"My boyfriend is coming back tonight. I still have to wait for him for a few hours before I can go home."

That was why Kevin was reluctant to go home. Kris would only go back from Chilad tonight, so he would be alone in their apartment if he went home now.

Kris didn't ask him to wait for his return, but Kevin wanted to wait for him. That was why he chose to stay in the laboratory while waiting for his lover.

"Is your boyfriend going somewhere, Senior? Did he go alone?" The junior, Anna, once again asked him a question.

Kevin sighed before putting down his pen and resting his chin on his palm. "He was going with his friend," he lazily answered without looking at the young girl.

He didn't feel the need to let Anna know the details, so he only uttered that simple answer to the girl.

"Is the friend a man or a woman?"

Hearing the question, Kevin turned his head slightly to his junior again. "It's a man. Why? You want me to introduce him to you?"

Anna immediately scoffed when she heard her senior's words. "Am I that desperate in your eyes, Senior?" She carelessly rolled her eyes. "I'm just worried about you. Your boyfriend is going somewhere alone with another man. What if he cheats behind your back?"

Kevin's heart skipped a beat when he heard Anna's question. Jack liked Kris. What if the blonde man took advantage of their investigation to get close to Kris?

No! Jack had no intention of snatching his lover from him! Kris and he love each other, so Jack won't be able to steal Kris from him!

But, what if Jack managed to seduce Kris when they were alone?

No! Kris wouldn't ever give Jack a chance to seduce him!

It felt like a devil whispered in his left ear while an angel whispered in his right ear.

Kevin shook his head to brush off the whispers.

"My boyfriend is not that kind of person."

Kevin finally decided. He didn't know Jack well, but he knew Kris so well. He was confident that his lover wouldn't ever cheat behind his back.

Anna frowned as she looked up at her senior. "How can you be so sure about that, Senior?" She then asked curiously.

A small smile suddenly grazed Kevin's lips, and the girl furrowed her eyebrows even further when she saw the reaction.

"My boyfriend has been waiting for me for seventeen years. There's only me in his heart, and I believe that he won't be able to cheat on me."

The female junior was stunned as she continued staring at the older guy. She could see Kevin smiling brightly as his eyes twinkled beautifully. Just by looking at his expression, Anna was sure Kevin trusted his lover with all his heart.

The girl finally smiled at her senior. "You and your boyfriend are amazing, Senior."

Kevin laughed when he heard his colleague's comment. "Stop the nonsense and just go home now. You've worked hard today."

"Oh! My arrogant senior suddenly praised me and was nice toward me! Is it your boyfriend's influence, Senior?"

The man rolled his blue eyes as his hand took the black pen again. "Just go home before I take back my praise, Anna."

The junior giggled cutely as she got up from her seat. "I will take my leave first, Senior. Take care, and don't forget to eat your dinner."

Kevin just simply nodded his head, and the girl waved her hand before walking toward the door.

The male scientist was finally able to heave a sigh of relief after his senior actually left.

He was just about to rest his head on the desk again, but then suddenly his phone on the table vibrated, delaying his previous intention.

Furrowing his brows, Kevin stretched his hand out to grab the sophisticated thing. He immediately spread a wide grin as soon as his eyes read the writing on the screen. It was Kris!

Kevin quickly pressed the green icon to answer the call. He hastily pressed his phone to his right ear, still with a wide smile plastering on his handsome face.

"Yes, Kris?" He greeted his lover while biting his lips to hide his smile.

"Are you home, Kev?"

Kevin's heart fluttered when he heard his lover's soft voice through the phone. He looked like a lovesick boy now.

"I'm still in the laboratory, Kris. I'll wait for you to come back."

His ear could hear his lover sigh heavily on the other end of the phone.

"Why don't you go home and rest? Let me make a guess. You're alone in the laboratory now, aren't you?"

Kevin subconsciously brought his gaze around the room, and he just realized that he was the only one in the spacious room.

The scientist then awkwardly ran his hand through his raven locks and scratched his hair randomly.

"You're right. I'm alone in the laboratory now."

Kevin answered his lover's question so timidly, just like a kid who was scared of his parents' rage.

"I didn't even ask you to wait for me, but you're stubbornly waiting for me there."

Kevin finally smiled. Kris sounded upset, but he knew that his lover wouldn't get angry at him.

"I'm not waiting for you, Kris. I'm waiting for my car. Nothing happened to my car, right?"

He didn't hear any response after he asked another question to his lover. The scientist frowned as he checked his phone, but he found out that his lover hadn't hung up the phone call yet.

"Are you still there, Kris?" Kevin asked again after he once again pressed his phone to his ear.

"Yes, Kev. I'm still here, and nothing happened to your car."

Kevin was in doubt after he heard his lover's suspicious answer. "Are you sure, Kris?" He then asked again.

"I'm sure, my Kevin," Kris answered again, and Kevin blushed at how his lover just called him. "If you don't believe in me. Then you can check your car's condition in a few minutes. I'm on my way to your laboratory."

Kevin's blue eyes widened instantly after he heard Kris's unexpected statement.

"You have come back to Nozheic? But how come? Didn't you tell me that you and Jack would go back at night?"

"Oh? Why did you sound disappointed, my Kevin? Aren't you happy that I come back sooner than my initial plan?"

"I'm happy!" Kevin unconsciously shouted as he got up from his seat. He was so excited that he didn't realize his scream just now. Fortunately, he was the only one in the room.

The next second, he could hear his lover giggle in amusement. "If you're happy, then wait for me at the parking lot. I will arrive in a few minutes."

Not wanting to be ordered a second time, Kevin immediately took off his lab coat and grabbed his wallet. "I'm on my way to the parking lot," he said, walking toward the door.

He didn't forget to turn off the lights and lock the door before leaving the room.

"That's good." He could hear Kris's voice when he stopped in front of the elevator. "I'll hang up now. See you at the parking lot."

Kevin smiled before he replied, "Alright. See you later, Kris."

The phone call finally ended, and Kevin shoved his phone into his pants pocket.

He then used the elevator to go down, and after the elevator reached the ground floor, he immediately walked toward the lobby and continued his steps toward the parking lot.

The raven-haired scientist finally arrived at the parking lot, and he happily waited for his lover to pick him up.

His smile widened when he saw a familiar silver car approaching him from afar. It didn't take long for the car to finally stop right in front of him.

He was about to go to the passenger seat, but then the front window suddenly rolled down, and Kevin was surprised to see the driver.

"Luke White?"

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