The Atrocious Werewolf Prince

Chapter 106 Cult Of Djinns

However, just as he turned around, the figure lifted his right hand and the chilling mana suddenly shot out. The mana released a piercing hiss, cold as ice as it swept towards Ezra Zephyr.

The prince sent a punch backwards as black bolts of chaos surged, and thundered the air as they scattered the cold white mana.

When the icy mana was scattered, Ezra Zephyr felt icy energy invade his body, slowing the flow of blood and causing his flesh to turn rigid wherever it passed.

However, just as the icy white mana was about to take another step, black lightning force whizzed out, devouring it in a single gulp.

"Oh?" The figure let out a faint cry of surprise.

Ezra's brows were tightly knitted together as he looked towards the figure and asked, "Who are you?" He was curious about the martial spirit of that person, there was a high chance that he belongs to the upper realm, if he really is then he will die at this very spot, that's what Ezra was planning.

He did not seem to know this person, but since the latter had attacked at their first encounter, meaning he was clearly here for Ezra Zephyr, giving him more reason to kill.

The figure slowly turned around, only to reveal the extremely pale face of a young man. It was as if all the blood had been drained from him, however, he had an athletic body.

And eyes of ashen colour, but when he used mana, they both glowed differently, the right one glowed faint ice blue and the left one had faint but bright orange colour as if a huge amount of bubbling lava resides in it.

He coughed softly, before he slowly said, "Cult of Djinns, Xyr."

"Xyr?" Ezra Zephyr was in ponder. Soon after, he scanned the other party's complexion as he nodded his head and said, "Xyr... with no last name?"

The pale youth was expressionless as he stared at the prince.

Ezra Zephyr stepped forward. "Sorry for the misunderstanding. Does the honourable Next Djinn of the Cult of Djinns have nothing better to do than to come here and stop me? I believe there is no grudge between us."

The prince said, he heard about the Cult of Djinns that they send their next leader called Djinn to experience battle against other geniuses.

The youth called Xyr flatly said, "The Cult of Djinns owes the Uqually clan a debt of gratitude."

Only then did the prince understand. It turns out that it was a helper enlisted by Salom Uqually. What a capable fellow, to think that he would be able to employ even an apex-level prided genius like the next Djinn.

Ezra curiously asked, "How did you find me?"

"Someone else's universe pouch should not be taken so casually." Xyr's tone was completely calm, devoid of any feeling.

Ezra squinted his eyes, he had the universe bag of Sky Lees, not Salom Uqually.

Ezra Zephyr nodded, "So that was how." He said even though he only got a faint idea.

Xyr shot a look at Ezra and said, "You will cause tremendous problems for the son of the 2nd branch elder of the Uqually clan. That's why I have to capture you and bring you back to the elder's son, Salom Uqually."

There was always a hint of eeriness in his voice, an eeriness that made one shiver all over. Be that as it may, that eeriness had no effect on the werewolf.

The prince sighed and said, "Oh shut up, for fuck's sake... you guys are cringe"

Xyr said indifferently, "I do not have time to bother with the grudge between you two. I only need to capture you and bring you towards Salom. After which, the Cult of Djinns and Uqually clan will no longer owe each other anything."

Ezra shook his head. "I too have no time to give a fuck about your debt."

"I said I'm going to capture you, I did not say that I have to obtain your permission." At the final word, Xyr's body suddenly shot forward like a phantom, pouncing straight at Ezra Zephyr.

The hands tightened their grip, as the Scythe was about to cut. The Scythe had a whitish hue, while a terrifying stench seemed to circle it.

Sharp scythe slashed, tearing even the air itself.

Ezra's eyes narrowed, but he did retreat. Five fingers tightly clenched into a fist, black lightning of Chaos Force surging as a punch was sent flying. Its power was so great that the thick leaves beneath his feet were shredded to pieces.


Fist and Scythe collided as two different spiritual energies clashed, instantly cracking the ground below their feet.

"3rd circle spell, Frost Poison"

An icy look flitted across Xyr's eyes as a chilling light appeared on his right hand's fingertips and quickly covered the blade of the scythe, viciously slicing the arm of Ezra Zephyr. Frost poison was contained in the scythe and would invade the flesh of anyone that came into contact with it.


However, his scythe did not draw blood but a spluttering of sparks.

The attack was stopped by invisible bracers on Ezra's arms.

"Like to play with poison? Then have a taste of mine!"

Ezra wickedly chuckled as his hand thrust forward. The poisonous hook, Drepa snaked out, shining in purple as it went towards Xyr's head with a swish.

The sudden attack and reach of Drepa caught Xyr off guard but he parried the attack. However, a small cut was left on his neck.

Xyr's eyes narrowed slightly. He knew at first contact that this was a strange poison. He did not dare to let it spread inside of him, quickly poking the vitals of the area, to stop the poison's circulation.


Out of nowhere another type of mana surrounded the left side of Xyr, a mana consisting of magma. Drepa's Poison was gradually poured out.


A blast of powerful mana occurred, snapping the waists of the nearby trees, while Xyr's figure was thrown backwards.

However, the instant Xyr's body was sent flying backwards, his expression suddenly turned graver as he caught sight of the flash-like spiritual energy sweeping towards him from the corner of his right eye, creating shining lights on the ground wherever it passed.

"4th circle spell, Volcanic Slash!"

A bright orange mana attack was sent out by Xyr as an aura of lava surged out. The green leaves on the ground were turned to dust when the orange mana passed by.


The attack tore through the flashy light attack.

Ezra was shocked. "Two types of mana!?"

Xyr turned his head slightly, his expression somewhat grim as he stared at the forest to his right. Moments later, a figure holding a spear slowly walked out.

Ezra Zephyr's eyes also fell upon the figure, and he immediately recognised it.

"Spearman of Elfpatria. Baron, was it?"

An elf with a head full of long hair beamed as he walked out from the forest wearing fancy armour, a mocking look in his eyes as he looked at Ezra and said, "You're really unlucky, always being attacked wherever you go."

He then turned towards the pale Xyr. "And always by such troublesome individuals."

The prince chuckled, somewhat surprised as he responded, "I did not expect to meet you here."

On Baron's shoulder was resting his spear, he held the spear and uttered "The scaled pool's blessing is not small. Of course, I am here to try my luck."

As the two spoke, Xyr's brows knitted together slightly. He too did not expect that Baron would suddenly appear. He knew that the latter was also an apex-level genius of the Naran Continent, and was not the slightest bit inferior to himself. That's why he alone was tasked to protect the princess which is also an apex genius.

In the earlier exchange with Ezra Zephyr, the latter displayed a strength that secretly shocked Xyr. Now that there was another individual that was no weaker than himself, he would not have much of an advantage in a two versus one situation.

Xyr stared at Baron and asked, "You intend to interfere?"

Baron shook his head as he answered, "Nope, you guys can fight, I will just be over here watching."

Xyr' frowned, evidently unconvinced by Baron's words. This man was too eccentric and as wily as a fox. It was very possible that he would suddenly sneak an attack while they were locked in battle.

Just like what had happened previously.

Hence, Xyr took in a deep breath, eyes flickering slightly before he decisively turned around and left. Given the current situation, there was clearly no way to continue. Since that was so, it was only a waste of time to stay.

"*Sigh*, going just like that..."

Baron was stunned by Xyr's sudden departure. Soon after, he looked towards Ezra with eagerness as he suggested, "How about we work together to stop him?"

The prince shook his head. "I'm not interested in chasing someone who I don't consider a threat, and there's a more important matter I have. And..."

"And what?" Asked Baron.

"That guy is much stronger than you!" Said Ezra as he gazed at the area where Xyr went.

Baron shook his head, ignoring Ezra as if he was a meaningless babbler.

As one that was also called apex-level geniuses of the Naran Continent, Xyr was clearly no ordinary individual.

In addition, the relationship between them had not reached the extent where they would be forced into a battle to death.

Baron nodded his chin. "Dead face guy might appear pale and weak, but he is indeed very difficult to kill. Rumour says that his body has gone through an extremely cruel refinement process that, as long as his two heart is intact, even the most serious of injuries will not be fatal."

"Two hearts?" Ezra was confused.

The elf spearman raised his eyebrows in surprise "You don't know about him? He is the next Djinn of the Cult of Djinns, some even say he possesses two martial spirits and is a highly professional assassin"

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