The Absolute: Humanity's Second Chance

Chapter 108 Are You Ready For This?

Time ticked by, and soon enough, it was already midnight within the Realm. Fou and Flint went their way, and so did Damien and Juliette.

And the last two were now within their own residence, one sitting down on the bed, and the other leaning back on the wall.

Silence ensured between them. Juliette having determination burning within her eyes. "...And that's that. I was thinking it would be great if we hatched them, and raised them together. What do you think?"

She said, quite nervous.

After all, she had just finished up giving an explanation as to why she had two spirit eggs, and what her thoughts about them were. Like a newlywed wife, discussing baby matters with her husband.


Damien kept his silence, and only stared at her for a while longer. His thoughts? Honestly, he thought she wouldn't like his personal input on the matter.

But he would still say it nonetheless. "Why do you desire raising a child so much?" He first inquired.

"Hmm..." And she carefully thought about it. Why did she want to raise the two spirits so much? A desire? An instinct?

"Well... For starters, I feel like raising them would be great. I mean, they are spirits. Don't you wanna–"

"I know what a spirit is. I've seen to many to count. I also killed too many to count." Damien said, cutting off her words, while sternly looking down at her.

"Oh." Was her response. "...Truth be told, I just felt like it would be a great idea to raise a child with you." She added, also stern.


Yey Damien kept quiet, and only continued to stare down at her, without much emotions as usual. Juliette did not falter, but held back her breathe in anticipation.

"...Alright then. I'll consider it if you answer me any of these question."

"Really? Do you mean that?" She was euphoric at his response, her eyes sparkling with joy, slightly surprising Damien with how cute she was.

"Yeah... Firstly, do you have any means of suppory for the children? Any support systems you have thought of pertaining to their growth?" He cleared his thoughts, and threw out his first question.

And Juliette was left speechless at how serious the question was. She also had no answer to that question, and was thinking of one.


But Damien didn't give her the chance. "Would they implicate your plans and goals, or not? Did you take that into consideration?"


"Or are you mentally prepared to bear the responsibilities of being a mother? Not to humans, but to spirits at that..? Do you even know anything about baby spirits?"


"...Do you really want kids? If yes, what for? Did you take that to mind, sweetheart?" He asked, and Juliette still had no response.


"And I'm not going against your decision. My mentality is that of a man past his prime, but you're still just a young maiden, just over fifteen years of age."

"I can't help but think for you. So don't keep quiet, let's keep on... How would they impact your daily life?" He continued, and Juliette lowered her head in shame.


"...Or perhaps, are you and me on the same page about starting a family?"

"...I thought you'd want to have a family with me, too. After all, I'm not getting any younger." Juliette finally responded, but her tone was soft and on the low.

"I know." Damien nodded in response. "And I don't mind having you as my wife, the mother of my children, or even the bearer of my fortune."


She kept quiet, and only pouted. Damien then continued his words, "But you just came of age. You just began on the path of becoming a supernatural."

"You are also beginning on the path of being my woman. You are not ready for any of your fantasies. Including the ones you have before you sleep."


Juliette kept quiet, but her face was shaded pink. She felt like she was an open book to anyone she came across.

The pixies, and now Damien?

"But I'm glad you have such thoughts. Means you are affectionately bound to me, as I am to you. But once more, it's regrettable that you're not ready."

He paused, then added with a sigh. "Or rather, we are both not ready... Let's not be like our parents, where we'll be forced to neglect our children due to work and such."

He thrn paused, and added with a much lighter, and softer tone than he usually took.

"...We'll have enough time once we are done with our goals. Or at most, once we've settled down and created a solid foundation for not only just our race... but for us two." He concluded, walking before her.

He then rested his hand on her head, gently feeling her soft hair.

And he also felt the need to add. "If you're scared someone would steal me from you, don't be. I don't have much emotions thanks to my mentality."

"But I do have enough obsession to give me a sense of life and desire. And you, my dearest one, are a part of both." He said, and moving away from her.


Juliette kept quiet, but her eyes were now a bit cloudy with emotions.

She continued to keep her head lowered, and her heart steeled. Or else his words would drown her in even more obsession and love of him.

"And before you do anything major in the future, always ask yourself... Am I ready for it? And then move after you've given yourself a steadfast response." He concluded.

But then, feeling like he would not stop talking, he changed the topic. "By the way, tomorrow I'll teach you how to ascend to become a Saintess/Sage Profession."

"I've also reached that Realm as well. After that, we'll settle down for a while and return home. What do you say?" He asked for her input.

"...Fine with me." She replied, a smile on her face. As for her eyes? She had cleared out the tears a while ago.

Plus, they were tears of joy. She wasn't much ashamed of them to begin with. "...Alright then. Let's get some sleep then."


And just like that, the first couple of the day had their sleep. Meanwhile, at the same time, Flint and Fou also had conversations of their own.


Flint, shirtless and in shorts, sat by at the far end of their makeshift room. Fou, wearing a thin night gown, sat at the other end of the room.

They both seemed quite handsome and captivating, as well as beautiful and mesmerizing, respectively.

They also threw away the facade of being a perfect couple immediately after they were within the room.

Fou frowned, and her hair almost raged out into flames, making her seem like a volcano about to erupt any moment.


Flint felt his heart freeze. He could not even leave, nor fight it out with her. He just succumbed to his circumstances like a man deserving of his punishment.

"So... how would you want me to punish you? The <Flare Scribble> isn't near enough. Nor is you spending two weeks without me. In fact, I believe you enjoyed yourself, didn't you?" She said, word for word.

"No, that's not it." Flunt hurried defended himself. "I really missed you. Honestly, fighting gods was kind of hard. And we also didn't have time to cook and stuff."

He said in panic, and Fou slightly softened her gaze. "...I'll believe you, then. You deserve that much. But still, how could you just up and leave me like that?"


"You can't communicate with me..? Or what, don't you believe I'd let you go out and enjoy yourself from time to time?" She said, her anger almost erupting.

"No, that's not it–"

"Then what is it, Flint? Am I abusing you? Am I forcing you into this relationship?"

"NO!! Fou, calm down, listen–"

"How can I listen if you don't think I have the capability to?!"



The room was left in silence. And the only thing that could be heard was Fou's heavy breathing. At some point, her emotions got the better of her.

Even gods and goddesses could experience pain and injustice. And Fou felt the former at this moment, while Flint felt the latter.

He didn't know what to say to her. All the words he had were swallowed, and let her say what she wanted to say. Even if she degraded him, he wouldn't struggle.

He felt like deserved it, and had no right to say anything back to her.

And the situation remained so for a while longer, until Fou sighed and just prepared the bed for both of them. "Let's sleep. We will deal with this matter properly another time."

"...I'm sorry. I won't lea–"

"Please love, let us go to sleep. I'd appreciate that more than anything right now."

"I'm really sorry."

"I know. And don't worry yourself too much, I'm not angry. I'm just disappointed... You can do better than that, Flint... Now let us rest."

"...Alright." Flint bitterly nodded his head and joined her on the bed.

And just like that, the second couple ended their day as well. But unlike the former, they ended their day on a bitter mood.

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