Tangled By Fate



After Arthur woke up from his slumber, he found out that Veronica actually slipped into a vegetative state. He took care of her every single day and didn't let others touch her. Just imagining her body being exposed to others was unbearable. Even if it was a woman.

One day, he thought, 'Since Felix gave her to me, he must have known that she was Veronica. Or, there would be no reason for him to push a kitten to me when I was leaving for a mission. If so, he must have left some instructions.'

Thinking of that, he searched through Veronica's kitty basket where she usually stayed while being a cat. Just as he thought, there was a letter sealed with wax on it. On the envelope, there was a short message - Master, open this letter only if you find Miss Veronica.

'Did he mean by finding her after she turned back into her human form?' Arthur stole a glance at the sleeping Veronica. 'Since Nica returned to her human form, I guess I can open the letter now.'

He opened the letter. Felix wrote down how he found Veronica in a cat form. He also explained everything about the curse and why he decided to send her to Arthur. He even promised to find out who did this to her, since Veronica didn't want to reveal who cursed her.

Arthur immediately wrote a letter to Felix. The letter said, 'If you find the culprit, just keep an eye on that person.'

After that, he sent that letter through a new pet bird he was raising. In the forest they were living in, there wasn't a lack of any animals including birds.

Later, he sat down beside her and gently stroked her head. 'You turned into a cat because of me. I even hurt you with words. Yet, you decided to save me. Why are you like this? Is this just friendship or did you actually fall for me?' Hundreds of thoughts swirled in his mind.

When she finally opened her eyes, a month had already passed. And when she noticed him, her eyes brimmed with tears. Seeing her tears, his heart was in turmoil. He asked her why she cried, but she wouldn't reply.

Her eyes had a pained expression and she kept averting her gaze. He observed every little detail of her reaction, so as not to miss a single thing.

'If she thought of me as a friend, she wouldn't show this kind of expression. So, she did fall for me but decided to keep a distance,' Arthur narrowed his eyes as he concluded.

After feeding her, he left her for a while. When he came back, he saw her sitting on the bed while reading something. As soon as he saw the book in her hand, he asked her, "Are you steady enough to read a book of a different language?"

"Yes, I'm not made of wax," Veronica replied.

The corners of Arthur's lips slightly raised. "May I think you are made of iron?"

Noticing the sarcasm in his voice, Veronica frowned. "Why would you think that I'm made of iron? I'm made of bones, meat, and skin!"

Arthur chuckled. 'Looks like she reverted back to her normal self. Is she determined in her heart not to let me know anything that was going on in her head? Somehow I don't like this.' He was very unamused by this thought. He sat down beside her and took the book from her hand.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Veronica immediately reached out to get a hold of the book she was reading but she couldn't even touch it.

Arthur complained, "You have woken up after thirty days. I've taken care of you for so long and yet you didn't give me any compliment. I don't know if I did great or not. You didn't even thank me. How ungrateful can you be?"

"I was out for thirty days!" Veronica exclaimed. 'How did that happen? How can a human sleep for thirty days without waking up? I didn't even dream of anything. Was I actually alive? Maybe I am indeed made of wax. That means I'm not a human,' she gave it a serious thought.

She secretly looked at him. Their eyes met and she quickly looked away. 'So, he took care of me when I was sleeping.' Her heart softened thinking about that.

"Thank you for taking care of me," she said in a low tone.

"Are you really thankful? Look at me in the eyes and say it," Arthur demanded.

'Why is he acting so pushy after I woke up? Can't he consider my heart for a second? So selfish,' Veronica sulked. She took a deep breath and looked at him. Even though her mind was prepared, her heart still shook with uncontrollable emotions. "Thank you!" saying that she swiftly looked away.

Arthur probed at her, "Why are you acting like a thief? Did you do something unforgivable?"

'Of course, I did. I fell for you,' Veronica looked down, unable to raise her head.

'She is so handful,' Arthur told himself. Afterward, he put his index finger under her chin and raised her head. Before she could protest, his lips landed on her soft pale lips.

"!!!" Veronica was surprised by his action. Her emerald eyes were glued to his golden pupils now. Her heart stopped beating for a second.

Arthur pulled away when he noticed that she wasn't breathing. His golden orbs deeply gazed at her emerald ones as he said, "Now you are looking at me. I thought I turned so ugly that you didn't even feel like looking at me. Or, maybe the king of Synetian was more handsome in your eyes."

"No way! I love your face more!" Only after blurting out the sentence, did she realize what she had just said. She covered her eyes feeling horrified. Her face paled in nervousness.

'What have I done?!' She wished to scold herself but what was done was already done. She couldn't take back her words. He already found out what was in her heart.

'Will he reject me? What if he never talks to me again? What am I going to do?' She felt like crying.

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