Tangled By Fate



Back in the desert, Veronica finally woke up and Arthur fed her till her stomach was full. "Do you want to sleep more?" he asked her.

"I'm fine," Veronica replied. She had been sleeping for so long and her stomach was entirely full. Even if she wanted to sleep, she wouldn't be able to do so.

"Then, you should lie down. Don't move too much. Your body won't be able to bear it." Arthur gently tugged the blanket over her body.

'Why is he so good to me? If he is like this, it will be harder for me to keep my attitude up. My heart is not prepared yet,' Veronica talked to herself in her head. 'I fell in love with him so that I can forget everything that happened. My heart can never let him go. I will just pray for his happiness and watch over him and his family. I have no regrets.'

Although she tried to find peace within her mind, her heart was in chaos. It twisted and turned uncontrollably, making her hard to breathe.

The more he was good to her, the more it hurt. That's because every time she reminded herself that this would be the last time he was being good to her.

She was afraid to confess her feelings. She knew he always kept a distance from those women who were smitten with him and acted blindly out of love.

In only a month, she got to understand him more than anyone because her eyes were always following him. She knew when he let a woman approach him and what kind of women he avoided.

'I will never become one of those women and end up miserably. He told me I was his friend, didn't he? So, I will be his friend,' she promised herself.

Arthur saw her expression and chuckled. "What are you thinking about making a face like that?"

Veronica came back to her senses and averted her gaze. "It's nothing," she nervously replied.

"..." Arthur stared at her for a couple of seconds and then moved closer to press his lips against her forehead.

"!!!" Veronica's eyes could pop out of their sockets at any moment. She sensed her heart stopped breathing the entire time until he slightly pulled away. His golden pupils deeply looked at her emerald eyes.

Veronica blankly stared at him. Her brain ceased working. She didn't want what just happened and why it happened. She was supposed to control her emotions but her face was beet red.

Arthur observed her and was satisfied seeing her reaction. He stroked her head while saying, "It's good as long as you don't think about something silly and get all worked up. Rest well. I will come back soon." Afterward, he stood up and left the room.

Veronica was still in a daze. 'Was I dreaming? Why did he act like that? Why did he kiss-' Her thoughts remembered his soft lips and her heart started to race. 'What kind of unnatural phenomenon is this?!' she wondered.

"Oh! You are awake!" an elderly woman exclaimed as soon as she entered the room.

Veronica tried to sit up. She recognized this woman. She was the leader of the desert tribe's wife.

The elderly woman hurriedly said, "Oh no, don't get up. I'm here to check if your legs and arms are okay."

"My legs and arms?" Veronica was puzzled.

"When someone sleeps for a long time, their legs and arms become rigid. It will be hard for you to move if someone doesn't help the patient to exercise and loosen up the joints." The woman sat on the bed and pulled her legs toward her. Afterward, she moved her legs up and down, left and right. Sometimes she folded her legs and opened them.

"Oh, thank you very much," Veronica thanked her wholeheartedly.

"It's okay, my child. You don't have to say 'thank you'. You have done us a great favor." The woman lowered her voice and added, "But, if you really want to thank someone, thank Arthur. That child was massaging your muscles, cleaning your body every single day without stopping. When he saw that your health was getting better, he began to cook delicious meat stew or curry for you every day thinking that you might wake up at any time and need something to eat. He even told me meat is your favorite meal."

Noticing Veronica's dumbfounded expression, she covered her mouth and giggled. She added, "You know he has been cooking for you for seven straight days without failing. Thanks to you we were able to find out how much of a good chef he is.

"...He cooked for me… for seven days thinking I will wake up?" Veronica wanted to confirm since it was hard to believe what she just heard.

"Yes, yes, not only that, he hardly left you alone." the elderly woman smiled at her and said, "This is the first time I ever saw him treating someone so diligently. You have no idea how thankful I am to you." She cupped Veronica's hands and squeezed them.

"..." Veronica was speechless. She felt the woman's warmth reach her heart.

She pondered deeply, 'Did that really happen? I was ready to bury my heart and never look back. I was okay with sacrificing my happiness and choosing his happiness instead. Didn't he say he didn't even like me? Then why?' No matter how hard she tried she couldn't figure out what he was thinking.

Later, she was reading a book given by the wife of the leader of the desert tribe. Since she couldn't get up yet, she wanted to do something to pass her time.

At that moment, Arthur came to the room. As soon as he saw the book in her hand, he asked her, "Are you steady enough to read a book of a different language?"

[A/N: A few times I wrote Mo Yuan instead of Arthur. I guess my heart still belongs to Mo Yuan. ///^w^/// ]

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