Stuck as a Villain!

Chapter 106: Ghost Haruka?

Chapter 106: Ghost Haruka?

"H-How is she?"

With her voice unable to keep pace, Ciel asked in a stutter as she saw Seth exiting the room where he left Anabelle to get treated.

Thanks to the fact that one of the maids working in Seth's mansion had a healing attribute, Seth didn't have to bother roaming while carrying a near-lifeless Anabelle around and getting annoyed by needless queries.

Ciel undoubtedly followed him after reassuring the warden and her dormmates back in the dorm that she would take care of Anabelle. Anabelle might be a conservative and barely socialized with the other dorm mates but it was a fact that due to her grades and natural charm, people tend to get attracted toward her. Thus it was given that there would be people worried about her.

"She's alright and thankfully, one of my maids has the same blood type as Anabelle, so just what she needs now, is a week of rehabilitation after she wakes up."

Ciel sighed in much-needed relief since she doesn't know how she could have reacted if anything would have happened to her only friend. It might not be much special friendship between them, but for Ciel who has grown into a family where her ambition was everything to her, getting an understanding and mature person such as Anabelle as a friend was something Ciel genuinely treasured.

Thankfully, the President has so many members of his maid harem, that it was also convenient to get a blood donor.

What? All the servants here yearn for Seth's attention so it's a harem in any way Ciel sees it.

"Thank you, President. I don't know if you haven't taken appropriate action...what would have happened."

Seth was snapped out of his daze hearing his secretary's voice as he once again focused on the girl. He was wavering emotionally a lot the past few days which was like poison for a psychic user and Seth knew he had to do something about himself.

Turning his gaze to look at Ciel, he found the girl covered in blood which undoubtedly belonged to Anabelle. He thought for a second before he called for Lara.

"Young master."

"Take Ciel and help her with a bath."

Ciel was taken aback by the sudden command concerning her. She shook her head hurriedly and was about to deny the offer since she didn't have spare clothes with her nor would it be appropriate for her to take a bath at the mansion either.

But Seth's following word erased all room for argument.

"Don't worry about clothes and there is something I need to talk to you about, so hurry up and get changed. You look pretty unpleasant to rest my eyes on."

As Seth spoke those words, he turned around and climbed the stairs to check on the professor, leaving a stunned Ciel behind.

It took the silver-haired maiden some time but when she registered his words, she narrowed her gaze in the direction where the mean bastard left and inwardly muttered some unholy words for the man.


Seth raised his brows in surprise as soon he entered the room upon seeing the violet-haired beauty hugging her parents with crystal droplets tearing down her eyes, providing an irresistible charm.

Seeing her sharing her grief with her parents and knowing that she no longer was in the clutches of some shitty bastard, delivered Seth a warming sensation, bringing a natural smile to his ever-stoic face.


The old man was the one who noticed the new appearance in the room as he separated himself from his daughter, making the other two also turn toward the boy who stood there with a serene expression across his face.

Seth was about to ask Haruka about her well-being when suddenly the half-bald man walked forward and bowed completely 90°.

"Once again, I offer my sincerest gratitude for taking care of my daughter. If not for you, we don't know whether we could have even seen our daughter again..."

Haruka just like her mother again began silently sobbing as they heard the man. But as for Seth then he was naturally startled and awkward to see a man more than double his age bowing like this.

"Please raise your head, Mr. Aldera. I just did what I found right. And as a student of a splendid teacher such as Professor Haruka, I was bound to do what I did."

Seth placed a hand on the old man's shoulder as he urged him to get up, which the latter did with his eyes red because of moisture and thankfulness wailing along with it.

Haruka's parents chatted for some time with the man of the place before they went downstairs since Haruka asked so. She needed something to talk about with Seth alone and the couple didn't persist to know what it was before leaving the room, but only after giving Seth a meaningful glance.

"Are you really fine, professor?"

"Yeah, more than ever. It's all thanks to you, Seth."

Sitting on a chair near the bed while facing the lady, both of them conversed in a much more relaxed manner now when Haruka has gotten out of her emotional breakdown after walking up.

Seth did a quick checkup on her body and mind and other than being a little emotionally unstable, the woman was fine. The charmer mist was completely erased and due to the long sleep Haruka took, there didn't seem to be any kind of side effect as well. But there was just one problem...

"Thank you for saving me from that man, President. I don't know what would have happened if you didn't arrive on time."

Seth had to manipulate her memory and instill a remembrance of where she was about to be killed by Ethan since the man had planned to absorb her soul core as he always does.

Seth prepared a speech which he made Ethan in Haruka's mind say. In that, Ethan accepted that he often trapped women with the promise of marriage and ate their soul core. He specifically chooses women with great affinity but a weak background and Haruka had both, which made the story convincing.

With the help of the headmaster to whom Seth already notified about the incident, this news would be kept hidden and with some fake excuse, it would be announced that professor Ethan took his retirement and returned to his homeland.

"Well, it was fortunate that I had to meet Professor that day, which led me to see the real face of that man which may be the whole academy is unaware of."

Seth had no guilt in altering her remembrances since having the memories of a bastard woman hunting Ethan was much better than convincing Haruka, how she got charmed by him.

Haruka hearing Seth's words stiffened a bit thinking of the possible scenario where Seth wouldn't have arrived and the mere thought made her shiver in the fret.

"Hey, you are now alright, Professor. Within my presence, I would not let anything happen to you."

Holding her face with his left palm, Seth leaned forward slightly as he conveyed his thoughts in a gentle soothing tone, trying to provide some calmness to the lady who clearly was traumatized by being brainwashed twice.

And Seth's gentle gesture worked to distract the lady from depressing thoughts, however just as her mind came to a pause, her heart began raging because of the intimacy.

The warmth she felt on her skin was too relaxing as well as his tone which works wonderfully and made Haruka lean her face on his touch slightly. But soon she realized what she was doing before retracting her face with a furious blush now adorning her mochi-like cheeks.


Seth raised his brows in question, seeing the sudden shift of temperament in the lady's behavior.

But how could Haruka answer him when she was actually embarrassed being caressed by none other than her student? It was such a sinful taboo!


Due to the lack of options, Haruka played it safe and covered herself entirely with the blanket making her seem like a cosplay ghost. Despite knowing she must be looking childish and crazy right now, Haruka didn't care. At least it was better to enjoy the feeling of being touched by her student!

Seeing the embarrassment a smile bloomed on his lips. Despite that, he was not able to see the expression of his adorable sensei, he was happy that she actually reacted to his action.

'Finally something good about this day...'


A/N:- Okay now, I have settled the harem members. And the count is...7(probably.)

No seriously, no more growth since I have already exceeded what I thought at the initial stage.

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