Starting from becoming the King of Saiyans

Chapter 127: Choices for fighting Hit

Chapter 127: Choices for fighting Hit


Renso yelled, he knew very well that this aura was definitely not a Saiyans.

Since every entry and exit of a person who is not a Saiyan of Planet Sadala is checked by the Sadala Defense Force and Renso cant remember an aura similar to this from among those people.

This aura was cold, gloomy and full of murderous intent.

So much so that Renso unconsciously erupted his aura and entered a fighting state.

At this moment, everyone suddenly heard a voice.

You people who killed Plant, Im here to kill you!

Immediately, everyone turned around and they saw an alien with gray body and purple skin standing in front of them.


Seeing that person, Lin Chen was shocked.

The person in front of him is surprisingly the number 1 assassin of Universe 6, Hit!

Assassin Hit of Universe 6, known as kill only from the front and kill with one hit, is the number one assassin of Universe 6.

He has a Time-Skip skill, which is unmatched in the world. Every time he carries out an assassination mission, he will do it openly and kill the target from the front, and no one can escape from his hands.

He didnt expect such a dangerous person to appear in front of him, moreover he has come to kill him?

It looks like you know me? Then there is no need to talk nonsense. Plants family hired me to kill you, Saiyan over there, dont get in my way.

Hit? You are the universe number one assassin, Hit? Damn it! Mr. Links, hurry up and leave, let me deal with it!

Renso stood in front of Hit and wanted to buy time for Lin Chen.

But at this moment, Hits figure suddenly disappeared and reappeared in a completely different place as if time had suddenly stopped.

Renso didnt even have time to react before Hits fist hit him in the stomach and sent him flying, barely breathing. strong!

Renso held his stomach, his eyes almost bursting out from his sockets. What happened just now! He didnt even see when Hit moved.

He wanted to get up, but because the attack just now was too strong, he could barely move.

Mr. Renso, dont get up. He is here for us, let me deal with him.

Lin Chen stood up and stared at Hit.

Renso braced himself on the ground with all his energy and shouted: MrMr. Links, dont! You arent his opponent!

The terror of Hit, the number one assassin in the universe, is absolutely beyond question. Since Hit began his career, the number of people who could successfully survive against him is zero!

Although Lin Chen had erupted out with a terrifying aura before, Renso still didnt think he would be Hits match.

Fight or flee?

Before Lin Chen could make up his mind, he heard the systems voice.

Ding! It is detected that host is facing the powerful enemy Hit. Triggering the strongest choices!

Choice one: Immediately run away and dont come into contact with Hit for a week. Reward: Time Freeze skill!

Choice two: Fight against Hit and hold on for at least 10 minutes. Reward: Time Insight talent (a prerequisite for learning time-based skills)!

Choice three: Defeat Hit. Rewards: Time-Skip skill and Tides of Time!

Triggering choices again?

Since he was pressed for time, Lin Chen didnt ponder over each one of them this time, instead he directly asked the system.

System, what does Time Insight talent mean?

Ding! Replying back to the host, to learn time-based skills, you need to comprehend the laws of time. Without this talent, host cannot learn Time-Skip even with his Beginner martial arts talent!

I see

If he didnt have this talent, Time-Skip would be the same as North Kais Spirit Bomb. Even if Hit used it hundreds of times in front of him, he wouldnt be able to learn it, right?

Thinking of this, Lin Chen selected his choice.

System, I choose two!

Ding! Confirming hosts choice. The countdown will start the moment host attacks!

Choice one was immediately eliminated by Lin Chen.

Because in front of Hits Time-Skip skill, unless he abandons Tights and Hanasia, it is absolutely impossible for him to escape, even if he uses Instant Transmission.

Because Hits unique Time-Skip skill can freeze time!

The theory of Hits Time-Skip skill is said to freeze time for 0.1 seconds, and during that time, Hit can come and go freely in the frozen space, while others are in a static state.

Although this 0.1 second does not seem long, for an expert like Hit, it is long enough to kill anyone he wants to kill.

Therefore, if Lin Chen chooses one, even if he can escape, he will lose Tights and Hanasia forever, which is impossible for him to accept.

As for choice three, with Lin Chens current strength, it is completely impossible for him to defeat Hit Hit can fight against Super Saiyan Blue with his real strength!

Beep, beep, beep!

At this moment, an electronic sound rang out. Tights was holding a scouter as she looked at Hit and said, Lin Chen, this guy has only 500,000 Power Levels! Its no big deal!

No, Tights, youre wrong, that guy definitely cant have such low strength! Im afraid he can suppress his aura! Hanasia corrected.

She guessed right. As an assassin, how could Hit not know how to suppress his aura.

Scouter can only detect the surface Power Level. To know the true strength of Hit, Lin Chen will have to use systems powers.

System, what is Hits Power Level?


After a beep, Lin Chen saw Hits true strength

Hit: Power Level 390 million!

This Power Level, he is the most powerful opponent that Lin Chen has ever seen in his life besides himself!

However, Lin Chen knew that this number should not be Hits true Power Level.

Because Lin Chen clearly remembers that Hit also has a unique skill called Full Power.

It is said to be a unique skill, but in fact, it should be said to be a characteristic of Hit.

In the original work, it is said that because Hit never met an opponent which required him to use all his strength, he did not do any training for a long time.

But because Hit is over 1,000 years old, he has accumulated a lot of potential even though he has not trained for a long time.

This is like a game character in an RPG. It has accumulated enough experience points to upgrade to level 100, but it hasnt upgraded yet.

But once there is a need, the other party can directly convert these experience points into levels, thereby rapidly improving their strength.

Judging from the original work, Hits true strength should at least be close to Super Saiyan God.

It is far from something that the current Lin Chen can deal with.

However, although I cant defeat Hit, holding out for ten minutes

Holding out for ten minutes against the one-hit-kill Hit?

Lin Chen muttered in a low voice, and suddenly the corners of his mouth curled up.

Then let me try it!

Immediately afterwards, Lin Chen began to condense his aura.

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