Smash All Pots and Pans To Go to School

Chapter 135

Chapter 135

Right after training on Thursday, Ying Chenghe found his way over.

Wei San, lets go.

Wei San was still talking with the students nearby. When she heard what Ying Chenghe said and saw him, she was immediately excited. She could almost see the books on S-grade related issues immediately!

Your hair As soon as Wei San approached, she pointed to the long hair behind Ying Chenghe. Burned?

Ying Chenghe glanced back and casually responded, I blew up a mecha and damaged my hair.

Originally, his hair was not smooth, like withered grass. Now it was really burned. Wei San was silent for a while, and her head bowed and her shoulders trembled slightly.

Ying Chenghe: ?:

Wei San wouldnt have cried just because she saw that his hair was burnt.

In the next second, Ying Chenghe knew that he had made a complete mistake. Wei San looked up with a smile that was not completely covered up. She turned on the camera function of the light brain and snapped at his hair, then sent it to Jin Ke, sharing the fun.

Begging secretly: [Hahahaha, Chenghes hair was finally burned! ! !]

Jins family made a fortune: [hahahahahahahaha hiccup, its a pity if this hair doesnt burn.]

Ying Chenghe: [Im still in this group chat.]

Begging secretly: [Weve been disrespectful.]

Jins family made a fortune: [Weve been disrespectful.]

Ying Chenghe: [My cousins hair should look even better when it burns:)]

Jins family made a fortune: [? ? ?]

Jins family made a fortune: [Cheng Cheng, you have changed!]

Begging secretly: [Wouldnt the fire that burns then be called the fire of the Empire?]

Ying Chenghe: [Then you guys should try to let me see the fire of the Empire.]

After he finished sending this message in the group chat, he raised his hand and grabbed the hand of Wei San and went to the reference room.

They arrived at the data room, and Ying Chenghe helped Wei San to register her identity. The reference was his own ID.

I suddenly feel a little nervous. Wei San stood at the door of the reference room, straightened her military uniform and patted the badge on her arm.

Seeing her like this, Ying Chenghe didnt explain what books were inside. He waited for a good play. He swiped his ID card and brought Wei San in.

The reference room was about 70 square meters, and the bookshelves inside were full. As soon as Wei San entered, she immediately felt the fragrance of knowledge. She felt that she was about to roam in the sea of mecha knowledge.

These are all the notes of the elder, Yu Qingfei. He also specially found a publishing house to publish his own handwritten books, which are all placed on these shelves. Ying Chenghe pointed them out approximately.

Wei San nodded and hurried forward to draw out the thickest book, entitled The process of Qingfei creating mecha.

This was a great book at a glance!

She took a deep breath and calmed down her excitement. Turning to the first page, she saw a few big characters written on it: Its really annoying to create mechas.

Wei San: ? She felt something was wrong.

When she continued to flip through it, she found that it was not the sea of knowledge regarding mechas that she imagined, but instead, it was a diary.

[July 19, 4008, I went to the newly-built fifth canteen for a meal in the morning. F***. It was so disgusting, yet they were fine serving it. I was so angry that I felt a stomachache. I dont want to create mechas. Im not doing it. Im going to rest for a day.]

[July 22, 4008, I was hit on the head by a leaf at noon, and my hair was injured. I felt so sorry for my weak self, so why should I design any mechas. Rest time.]

[August 04, 4008, Today, the headmaster changed his hairstyle, which was so ugly, it harmed my eyes. They hurt, Id better take a rest. Ill start designing a new mecha tomorrow, for sure!]

Wei San insisted on turning over more than ten pages, and finally snapped the book back together. How could this book be called the discourse of mechas? Its better to call it the 10,000 reasons for Qingfei to be lazy.

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