She Shocked the World After Marrying a Repairman

Chapter 98: 098: Breakthrough

Chapter 98: 098: Breakthrough

Chapter 98 098: Breakthrough

When she said this, Lin Guimei's face was full of complacency.

She not only knows the manager of Meirenyin, but also is a good friend with the manager of Meirenyin.

Who does Lin Guixiang know?

Lin Guixiang is just an illiterate from the countryside.

So, she can only stay here and line up like this group of people.

But she can sit comfortably in the VIP rest area on the second floor of Beauty Yin.

Think about this.

Lin Guimei felt very happy in her heart, and she could tell with her toes that Lin Guixiang must be very envious of herself now.

After all, it's so hot outside now.

The sun is so big.

What is the difference between standing outside and roasting by fire?

Li Jiao didn't hear Lin Guimei's implication, and said with a smile: "Guimei, you are so amazing! You even know the store manager of Meirenyin. Fortunately, you are here, otherwise I don't know what to do Already!"

She hasn't used Phoenix in over a week!

Fortunately, Meirenyin's formula is all natural herbs, without any dependence, otherwise, she would not need this face.

During the period of discontinuing Meirenyin, Li Jiao's facial condition is still very good, and the freckles that disappeared have not grown again, but she still wants to continue using it.

Lin Guimei continued: "Jiaojiao, if you run out of beauty songs in the future, just come to me directly."

After finishing speaking, Lin Guimei carefully looked at Lin Guixiang's face.

But strangely, she didn't see any envious expression on Lin Guixiang's face.

Lin Guixiang doesn't envy her?


This is impossible!

After all, when everyone who knew Lin Guimei learned that she had a good relationship with the store manager Meirenyin, they were very envious of themselves.

That's a beauty!

Money can't buy anything.


Lin Guixiang must be pretending.

Lin Guimei twitched the corners of her mouth, this kind of person is disgusting enough.

At this moment, Lin Guimei's eyes suddenly fell on Lin Guixiang's bag.

A mid- to high-end brand.


Although the price is not high, it costs more than 9,000 yuan.

How did Lin Guixiang afford such an expensive bag?

Look at the clothes Lin Guixiang is wearing.

A set of lake green suit skirt.

Very textured.

In addition, Lin Guixiang's skin was already very fair, and with the lake green suit, her complexion became even fairer, giving her an indescribable sense of temperament.

That's right.

is the sense of temperament.

Thinking of this, Lin Guimei couldn't help but frowned slightly, and quickly overturned her thoughts, what kind of temperament does a country woman have?

Does she know how to read?

Can you tell the difference between male and female toilets?

It was also at this time that Lin Guimei noticed that the suit Lin Guixiang was wearing was also of the same brand.

A set of clothes costs over a thousand.

More than 9,000 bags and more than 1,000 clothes, this is more than 10,000!

Where did Lin Guixiang get the money?

At this moment, Lin Guimei suddenly remembered the previous rumors in the small courtyard.


This Lin Guixiang

Could it really go out and sell it?

except this.

Lin Guimei couldn't think of any other reason.

In today's society.

What is the fastest way to get money?

In addition to grabbing is selling!

For Lin Guixiang to suddenly become rich, she must have sold it.

Thinking of this, Lin Guimei couldn't help but shudder, and looked back at Lin Guixiang again with disgust in addition to contempt in her eyes.

I really don't understand why the parents picked up such an adopted daughter back.

What a shame!


Fortunately, they have now severed relations.

While talking, the two had already walked into the store.

The clerk hurriedly stopped the two of them, "Sorry, ladies, you may need to line up now."


Hearing this, Lin Guimei looked up at the salesperson with sarcasm in her eyes, "Are you new here? I'm friends with your manager Gu."

It's really something you can't see with your eyesight.

No wonder I can only be a salesperson!

Manager Gu?

The salesperson was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly remembered that when Gu Shufen was busy just now, she did confess that a customer would come to pick up the beauty.

Thinking of this, the salesperson smiled and said, "Excuse me, are you Ms. Lin?"

Hearing the salesperson accurately stated her surname, Lin Guimei had a somewhat smug expression on her face, "Yes, it's me."

She brought Li Jiao here to pretend to be aggressive today.

At this time, the clerk said her surname accurately again, causing her vanity to explode in an instant, and made a serious face in front of Li Jiao.

after all.

The beauty chanted because Li Jiao, a rich lady, couldn't buy anything.

Thinking of this, the curvature of Lin Guimei's mouth became more and more obvious.

The salesperson continued: "Our store manager has prepared the phoenix for you. Please wait here for a while, and I will bring it to you."

"Where are you, the store manager?" Lin Guimei asked suspiciously.

She originally wanted to bring Li Jiao to meet Gu Shufen.

The salesperson looked at Lin Guimei, "We, Manager Gu, have gone to a meeting."

"Well, work matters."

Not long after, the salesperson brought a set of beautiful women and said, "This is what you want."

"Thank you," Lin Guimei didn't reach out to pick it up, but said, "Just give it to my friend."

This friend is naturally referring to Li Jiao.

Li Jiao took the Beauty Yin gift box with both hands, and said with a smile, "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

After successfully getting the Meirenyin set, the two walked out of Meirenyin. Lin Guimei said with some regret: "Jiaojiao, I wanted to take you to meet my good friend today, but I didn't expect her to go to a meeting."

"It's okay, it's okay," Li Jiao said with a smile all over her face, "As long as you get the beauty song."

The most important thing for them to do this trip is to get the beauty song.

Came outside the Meirenyin store again, and the line of people not only did not decrease, but increased.

Lin Guixiang moved from the end of the team to the middle.

Lin Guimei glanced at her.

Seeing her like this, Li Jiao asked suspiciously, "Are there any people in the queue you know?"

Hearing this, Lin Guimei immediately looked back, "No."

Li Jiao smiled and said: "That's right, how could you know the people in line."

Hearing this, Lin Guimei's sense of superiority grew even stronger.

Lin Guixiang also saw Lin Guimei.

Seeing the beauty song set in Lin Guimei's hand, she frowned slightly.

She sent a text message to Xiao Liu.

Ask her to check if Gu Shufen has abused her power, and ask Xiao Liu to meet in an hour.

After that, Lin Guixiang continued to line up.

The employees in the new store have basically never seen her, so no one recognized her. These people have been trained in the main store before taking up the job, so they have a very high sense of service, and the hygiene conditions in the store are also very good .

After the inspection, Lin Guixiang left the store quite satisfied and went to the place that she had made an appointment with Xiao Liu.

A cafe.

Lin Guixiang was carrying her bag, and as soon as she stepped into the cafe, she saw a familiar figure.

is Lin Guimei.

Obviously, Lin Guimei saw her too.

Lin Guimei was sitting on the seat near the door, and when she saw Lin Guixiang approaching, she said angrily, "The threshold for cafes is getting lower and lower now! How can anyone be allowed in! It's disgusting!"

Li Jiao sat across from Lin Guimei, and asked in confusion, "Guimei, who are you talking about?"

"Say a shameless illiterate." Lin Guimei's eyes fell on Lin Guixiang.

Even a rotten person like Lin Guixiang has the guts to come to such a high-end place as a coffee shop!

Does she know the menu?

Li Jiao was stunned, "Illiterate? Is it the kind of illiterate who can't read?"

"Yes." Lin Guimei nodded.

Li Jiao smiled and said, "In modern society, who doesn't know how to read?"

It's not a bible.

"There are many," Lin Guimei raised her voice: "Some people look glamorous, but they are actually rich and jaded. Even if they carry a nine thousand dollar bag, they can't hide the fact that she is illiterate!"

9,000 yuan bag?

Hearing this, nearly half of the people in the cafe focused their attention on Lin Guixiang.

There are curious, scrutinizing, and even contemptuous eyes. All kinds of complex eyes are intertwined. If it were the old Lin Guixiang, I am afraid that these eyes would have been crushed to the ground and unable to crawl.

But the current Lin Guixiang will not.

Not only was she not affected, but she straightened her back and walked forward confidently.

"Wow, this sister is so aura!"

"She's so pretty."

"My sister's quality is really good, she didn't even bother with the dog when she was bitten by a dog in the street."

As soon as this remark was made, there was a burst of low laughter in the relatively quiet coffee shop.

Lin Guimei's face was extremely ugly.

She originally wanted to embarrass Lin Guixiang.

I didn't expect to embarrass myself!

This group of people really have no eyesight!

Li Jiao looked back at Lin Guixiang's back, "Guimei, what is your relationship with that person? You two knew each other before?"

Lin Guimei would not let Li Jiao know that she had such an embarrassing older sister, she squinted her eyes and said, "Our family used to live across from that woman, she is a well-known bus, who specializes in seducing men everywhere, her reputation is so bad! "


Seduce a man?

Hearing this, Li Jiao frowned slightly, no wonder Lin Gui hated that person so much.

Who doesn't hate this?

Li Jiao looked back again at the direction where Lin Guimei disappeared. At this moment, she was no longer visible in the air.

After a while, Li Jiao said again: "I think she looks pretty pretty."

It's not just about looking good.

Even the temperament is very good.

If Lin Guimei didn't say it, Li Jiao would never believe that she was that kind of person.

Lin Guimei snorted coldly, and asked back: "How can you be a bus if you don't look good?"

Hearing this, Li Jiao nodded, "That's right."

Xiao Liu made an appointment for a box.

She was about to send a message to ask if Lin Guixiang had come, when there was a knock on the door of the box.

"Come in." Xiao Liu immediately put down the phone.

The next second, the waiter walked in with Lin Guixiang, "Ms. Liu, your guest has arrived."

Seeing Lin Guixiang, Xiao Liu stood up and said respectfully, "Director Lin."

Lin Guixiang nodded, "Sit down, Xiao Liu, I'm meeting you this time, mainly because I want to know about the recent benefits of the store and the matter of Gu Shufen, the deputy store manager in Beiding District."

The two store managers in Beiding District were recruited by Xiao Liu, and no one knew Gu Shufen better than her.

Xiao Liu first handed Lin Guixiang a document, "Director Lin, this is the performance report of our four stores in the last month, as well as customer feedback."

Lin Guixiang took the document, "I'll read it when I go back."

Xiao Liu continued: "Gu Shufen graduated from the Foreign Language Department of Qingshi University. She has strong professional skills and is also a very responsible person. I have also investigated and verified your response. She will leave it to her classmates this time. The phoenix is within the 12 sets of skin care product rights of the deputy store manager. In other words, she did not violate the rules of our store."

Hearing this, Lin Guixiang nodded slightly.

At the beginning, the manager of the store can freely control 15 sets of skin care products, and the rule that the deputy store manager can freely control 12 sets was set by Lin Wu, so it has been implemented all the time. Since there is such a rule, it cannot be broken.

Otherwise, you will lose your dignity in front of the clerk.

"Since it's within the prescribed range, I won't hold her accountable anymore, but the rules of our store may have to be changed in the future."

"What to change? Tell me." Xiao Liu immediately took out his notebook.

Lin Guixiang continued: "In the future, those store managers can't invite their friends to the store privately, except for special circumstances. Also, they can't give the suits to friends directly in front of all the customers in line, even if it is The quantity within the specified range is not enough! Think about it differently, if you and I are customers who are queuing up to buy Meirenyin, at this time, there is a person who came later than you, but because he knows the store manager, he doesnt even need to queue up Plug in, get the skin care products directly, how does this make those customers in line feel?"

While queuing up at that time, Lin Guixiang really listened to everyone's innermost thoughts.

There are complaints and envy.

Lin Guixiang's tone was not reproachful, but Xiao Liu was still very nervous.

"Although our Meirenyin has good products and sells well, we still have to estimate what the customers think, and we can't be petty."

Because water can carry a boat and capsize it.

Speaking of this, Lin Guixiang continued: "If those store managers use their discretionary skin care products to give away, please ask them to send them in private. If I find out about this situation again, the position of the store manager We have to change people too!"

"Okay." Xiao Liu carefully wrote down what Lin Guixiang said.

After finishing speaking, Lin Guixiang explained some other questions.

It was not until a child that Xiao Liu left with a heart.

Lin Guixiang did not leave immediately, but called the waiter to pack two desserts.

The desserts in the coffee shop are all freshly made, so you have to wait a while.

Xiao Liu came to the cafe lobby.

"Manager Liu."

Xiao Liu looked up and saw Gu Shufen.

"Deputy Manager Gu, why are you here?"

Gu Shufen smiled and said, "I just finished a meeting, so I came to buy a cup of coffee to refresh myself."

Xiao Liu walked towards Gu Shufen, and it happened that she also had something to say to Gu Shufen.

This matter can be big or small.

It's better to make it clear in person, lest Gu Shufen commit another crime next time.

Seeing Xiao Liu coming, Gu Shufen introduced to Lin Guimei: "Guimei, this is the manager of our Beauty Yin. Manager Liu, this is my good friend Lin Guimei, and this is her friend Li Jiao."

Upon hearing that Xiao Liu turned out to be the manager of Meirenyin, Lin Guimei and Li Jiao immediately stood up from their chairs.

"Hello, Manager Liu."

"I'm Lin Guimei."

"I'm Li Jiao."

The two immediately shook hands with Xiao Liu.

Lin Guimei was very excited.

She thought that the most she knew was Mei Renyin's deputy store manager, but she didn't expect to know even the manager.

This is simply lucky for three lives!

Would ordinary people have her chance?

Xiao Liu had a smile on her face. She was really not in the mood to socialize today, so she simply greeted the two of them, and then said, "Deputy store manager Gu, have you bought your coffee yet?"

"I've bought it." Gu Shufen nodded while holding the packaged coffee.

Xiao Liu continued: "Since you have bought it, come with me, let's talk as we go."


Gu Shufen turned her head to say hello to Lin Guimei, and left the coffee shop.

Not long after the two left, Lin Guixiang walked out of the box with the packed desserts.

Lin Guimei looked at Lin Guixiang, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly.

What a coincidence.

Xiao Liu has already left.

Otherwise, let Lin Guixiang see, she not only knows the store manager of Meirenyin, but also the manager of Meirenyin.

A ghost like Lin Guixiang will never be able to compare with herself.

She can buy Beauty Yin without queuing.

And Lin Guixiang waited in line for several hours but couldn't buy it.

This is the difference between people.

Lin Guixiang came to the English training class with the packaged dessert.

She took private lessons.


Although there are still ten minutes before class starts, the foreign teacher Astrid is already sitting in the classroom waiting for her.

Seeing Lin Guixiang coming, Astrid smiled and said, "Good afternoon, Frances."

"Good afternoon, Mr. Astrid." After finishing speaking, Lin Guixiang handed the packaging bag to Astrid, "This is the dessert I specially brought for you."

Westerners love sweets, and Astrid is no exception.

She loves all kinds of desserts.

Because of this, her figure is very plump.

It is a little freckles on the face.

Otherwise, she is also a great beauty.

Hearing this, Astrid said in surprise: "My God, thank you! How do you know I like taro buns?"

At the end, Astrid gave Lin Guixiang a big hug.

Lin Guixiang smiled and said: "Because I saw that you often eat taro buns, I guessed that you must like them very much."

Thanks again Astrid.

It's ten minutes before class starts, so Astrid starts eating.

The taste of the taro paste bun is very good, and Astrid is very satisfied after eating it.

Lin Guixiang's eyes fell on Astrid's face, and she frowned strangely, "Mr. Astrid, have you used the skin care products I gave you last time?"

Actually, besides thanking Astrid for sending Astrid the phoenix, Lin Guixiang also wants to see if it has the same effect on beauties of different races.

Well known.

The skin of Asians is very different from that of Europeans and Americans.

This result is very important to Lin Guixiang.

It represents whether Meirenyin can open up the European and American markets and go international.

If Meirenyin only works on Asian skin, then we need to produce a special product for European and American skin.

It has been more than half a month since she gave Astrid the phoenix.If Astrid used Phoenix, it should work.

But now it seems that Astrid's face has no effect at all.

Not only was there no effect, because the ultraviolet rays were very strong these days, Lin Guixiang even felt that the freckles on Astrid's face seemed to have increased.

After asking in one sentence, Lin Guixiang looked at Astrid with displeasure.

Hearing this, Astrid's face flashed with embarrassment, "Not yet."


Hearing this, Lin Guixiang breathed a sigh of relief.

Its fine if you dont have one!

Its fine if you dont have one!

She was afraid that Astrid would say a word that had already been used but had no effect.

Astrid is useless because of mistrust.

Because P country is a big country of skin care products, among many countries, no one can match the quality of P country's skin care products.

Therefore, most of the economy of country P comes from the export of skin care products.

She is used to using high-end skin care products from country P, but suddenly someone gave her a set of skin care products worth hundreds of dollars, she really dare not use them.

after all.

The skin care products costing tens of thousands of dollars in country P could not make the freckles on her face disappear.

How can a skin care product costing hundreds of dollars be effective?


People from P country and Hua country have different skin textures. What if she gets rotten face after using something of unknown origin?

Girls love beauty.

Astrid could not afford to take such a risk.

Lin Guixiang just looked at Astrid's face, smiled and said: "Mr. Astrid, I know what you are worried about. You are just worried about whether there will be any side effects after using Beauty Yin, such as bad face. I can use my Guaranteed by her personality, Meirenyin will never let you down, let alone make you regret it."

Speaking of which, Lin Guixiang turned on the phone and handed it to Astrid, "Look, these are real feedback from users who have used Beauty Yin."

Astrid went from bland to shocking!

Because she saw an example of a counterattack,

I also saw a person with more freckles than her.

But after using Beauty Yin, the freckles on the face are not visible at all.

It seems a little magical!

Astrid squinted his eyes, "Are these real data?"

She heard that Hua people are very cunning, and they are best at deceit.

"Don't worry, it must be real data. Now it is a society ruled by law. If these are false data, they would have been reported long ago! Meirenyin would have ceased to exist long ago."

Astrid looked at Lin Guixiang, still suspicious.

Lin Guixiang shared her experience with Astrid again.

Going home from get off work at night.

Astrid took out the Beauty Moan that he had thrown into the storage room.

Maybe because she was afraid that she could not understand Chinese, Lin Guixiang specially posted a small label written in English.

Use morning and evening.

Moreover, you can make up normally after use.

Seeing this, Astrid frowned slightly. She had used freckle products before, but most of them could not be used with cosmetics at the same time.

Because there is a pigment in cosmetics that will affect the freckle removal effect.

The country P cannot do technology.

Hua Guo can really do it?

You must know that the skin care technology of Hua Country is many years behind that of P Country.

Does it work?

Astrid was very tangled.

Finally, Astrid decided to flip a coin to choose whether to use it or not.

Astrid takes out a coin.

"If it's a flower, I'll use it, but if it's a word, I won't use it."

Just as Astrid was holding the coin and talking to himself, his mother came out of the bedroom beside him, "What are you talking about?"

"Nothing." After saying that, Astrid tossed the coin into the air.


The next second, the coin fell to the ground.

Astrid immediately ran over to look.

Flowers face up.

Astrid was taken aback.

"Is it a coincidence?" She muttered, and then flipped the coin up again.


This time, the coin turned up again.

Astrid's eyes widened.

How is this going?

If one is a coincidence, are the two still a coincidence?

Could it be that even God is on the side of Beauty Yin?

Astrid's mother leaned over and asked strangely, "What are you doing?"

Astrid told the truth.

Hearing this, Mary curiously picked up the phoenix kit, "Is this skin care product really so magical? Can it remove freckles?"

Why does she not believe it?

Astrid nodded, "I see that's what the user feedback says."

As he spoke, Astrid took out his mobile phone and opened some bloggers who were reviewing beauty songs.

There are tens of thousands of comments under almost every evaluation beauty.

And the reviews are all really good.

The blogger is really a great person. After using the phoenix for a month, my face looks like it has been reborn.

This thing is pretty good, but its hard to buy.

grass! I have been queuing for a week, but I can't buy it.

Of course, there are also voices of doubt, [Does the blogger want to bring goods? The good reviews below must be bought sailors!

As soon as this comment came out, many fans who were using Meirenyin couldn't stand it anymore, and immediately commented below, [I can guarantee with my personality, this blogger is not exaggerating, nor does he want to bring goods! Because Meirenyin does not have an online mall at all.

I'm dying of laughter, Meirenyin doesn't sell enough every day, and she still brings goods! If anyone can bring a beauty to sing, I'll punch her crazy!

I'll give her a hundred carnivals!

If someone brings a beauty to sing, I believe she must be doing charity, not for making money.

Who can help me buy a phoenix and a yellow suit? I'm willing to pay 10,000 yuan!

Two sets only cost 10,000? You don't know that there is a sister upstairs who is willing to buy a set of phoenix for 10,000 yuan, but she can't buy it.

Why don't we have a beauty shop in Shanghai! When will Beauty Yin come to our place?

Yesterdays plane, I just arrived in Qingshi, I asked for a weeks leave from my unit, hoping to buy a beauty.

I really envy the people in Qingshi.

We dont have Meirenyin in Lucheng. We just went to Qingshi last week. Unfortunately, we only had two days off, so we couldnt buy Meirenyin as we wished.

Thousands of people's blood book begging bloggers to bring goods to beautiful women.

Then below is the reply from the blogger himself.

Beautiful daily life: [Sorry, I don't have the ability to bring beautiful women [expression/dog head].

Da Meimei is a famous cross-dressing blogger with more than 10 million fans, and she is a relatively popular anchor.

Usually, the brand side takes the initiative to seek her cooperation, and she picks and chooses to find a more satisfactory brand.

Available now.

She wanted to bring a beauty to sing, but there was no way.

Don't say it's beautiful.

Even a blogger with 80 million fans approached Zhao Cuinong and offered to talk about bringing the goods, but Zhao Cuinong refused.

Because Lin Wu said it.

A good brand does not need deliberate traffic.

Mary carefully read some comments, and then read the beautiful reply, then looked up at Astrid, and continued: "Since so many people say it's easy to use, then you should try it."

Astrid frowned slightly, "But Hua's skin care technology is less than one-tenth of our country P's."

This is also one of the main reasons why country P has become a big country in skin care products.

Any brand in country P, even a small brand that no one knows, can directly beat the big names in China.

Mary squinted her eyes, "Although Huaguo's skin care technology is not good, I heard that Huaguo's Chinese medicine is indeed very mysterious and powerful. I just researched the corporate culture of Meirenyin and found that the founder of Meirenyin is a Chinese medicine doctor. Origin, the formula of Meirenyin uses many medical principles."

"Chinese medicine?" Astrid asked curiously.

Mary nodded.

Astrid said suspiciously: "But I heard that Chinese medicine in Huaguo seems to be not very good."

Nowadays Western medicine is prevalent, Chinese medicine has long since declined, so why is it mysterious and powerful?

Mary smiled, "China has a history of more than 5,000 years. How long has it been since Western medicine appeared? I don't know the reason for the decline of Chinese medicine, but I know that Chinese medicine must have its own advantages. Otherwise, it would not be in China. The country will not inherit it for so many years."

Astrid nodded slightly, feeling that his mother's words made sense, "Then I'll try."

Since there is no problem with the ingredients of Meirenyin, even if her skin quality is different from that of Huaguo people, it will not be a bad face, at most it will have no effect.

So, Astrid opened the box of the phoenix, followed the instructions for use, and carefully took care of the skin.

Zhao family.

Zhao Shengli has already opened a second decoration company in the expanded storefront.

Seeing the renovated store, which will open tomorrow, his wife Zhou Ping was very happy, "Shengli, our family is really going to be prosperous this time!"

When her husband wanted to open a decoration company, she was worried that there would be no business, because now there are decoration companies all over the street, and there are almost three steps. It is an exaggeration to say that decoration companies have more customers than house sales.

Sure enough, after the company opened, things were just as she had imagined. It had been sluggish. After nearly half a year since it opened, it took a small order, and it seemed that there was no money to pay the rent. When it was time to close the business, Zhao Cuinong appeared!

She said that she cooperated with her sister-in-law Lin Guixiang to open a skin care product store, and asked Zhao Shengli to decorate it.

At that time, Zhou Ping still felt that a small brand skin care store would definitely not be able to do it. When she learned that Zhao Cuinong had invested 100,000 yuan, Zhou Ping broke into a cold sweat for Zhao Cuinong.

Lin Bingqiang and Zhao Cuinong are not short of money, but one hundred thousand yuan is not a small sum.

What's more, the couple not only have children to raise, but also mortgages to repay.

did not expect.

Their business has not only started, it has also grown bigger and bigger, opening four branches in a row!

And every store is queuing up every day.

It doesn't.

Zhao Cuinong has now bought a house in Tang Dynasty Yipin.

When she learned that Zhao Cuinong bought a house in Tang Dynasty Yipin, Zhou Ping was really happy for Zhao Cuinong.

Because of Zhao Cuinong's success, it also indirectly boosted their family's economy.

Although their family did not buy a house in Tang Dynasty Yipin now, after listening to Lin Wu's suggestion, the investment house they bought has increased by nearly 3,000 yuan per square meter.

Zhao Shengli smiled and said: "Our family's fortune is not due to my sister and Guixiang sister. If it weren't for them, our decoration company would have closed down long ago."

Zhao Shengli is a grateful person.

It is all thanks to Lin Guixiang that he can get to where he is today.

After Meirenyins main store on South Street was renovated, other merchants visited the store and found that it was not only beautifully decorated, but the price was also favorable, so they asked Zhao Cuinong for Zhao Shenglis contact information.


More and more merchants are looking for Zhao Shengli for decoration.

From receiving one order in three days to receiving one order in two days, then one order a day, and now receiving several orders a day.

Decoration profits are large.

Once the business starts at least 100,000.

Now Zhao Shengli can easily earn more than 100,000 yuan every month even if he does nothing.

Zhou Ping nodded again and again, "I was worried that they would lose money! I didn't think it was unnecessary to worry. I heard that your sister and sister Guixiang have opened four branches now, right?"

The four branches are closed every day when they are sold out.

Even if one store earns 500,000 yuan, four stores earn 2 million yuan.

What's more, Meirenyin's daily turnover can exceed 500,000 yuan.

Because Zhou Ping heard from Zhao Cuinong that the factory can produce 10,000 sets of skin care products every day, but it is still not enough to sell every day.

Excluding labor costs and so on, their income is definitely more than two million.

Zhao Cuinong owns 20% of the shares, and if it is 2 million, there will be 200,000 shares.

200,000 a day, 6 million a month!

"Four families? You underestimate them too." Zhao Shengli glanced at his wife.

Hearing this, Zhou Ping asked in surprise, "What do you mean?"

Zhao Shengli lit a cigarette, "My sister called me today, and she said that they have started preparations for the fifth and sixth branches, and asked me to bring someone to decorate tomorrow."

As far as Zhao Shengli knows.

Not only the fifth and sixth houses.

Even the seventh and eighth stores are already in preparation.

Even the factory of Beauty Yin is constantly expanding.

Zhou Ping's eyes widened, and it took a long time before she said, "Your sister is really amazing!"

Based on this calculation, Zhao Cuinong is now a multi-millionaire.

This does not include the shares of Beauty Yin.

Zhao Shengli exhaled a puff of smoke, and said lightly: "Actually, the matter of opening a store has nothing to do with my sister. At most, she has a good vision, and she was willing to spend 100,000 yuan to invest."

Because the formula and the brand of Beauty Yin belong to Lin Guixiang and have nothing to do with Zhao Cuinong.

To put it bluntly, Zhao Cuinong is a partner who contributes money and effort.

Without Lin Guixiang, Zhao Cuinong would have wanted to find someone to cooperate with, but he couldn't find such a high-quality partner.

Zhou Ping also knew the meaning of Zhao Shengli's words, and couldn't help sighing: "I really didn't see your sister-in-law. You said that she has never read a book, and secondly, she has no knowledge. How can she be so powerful? ? The first time you start a business, you can make so much money!"

If people know, the boss of Meirenyin is illiterate and illiterate.

Who will believe it?

Actually, when Zhou Ping went to the Lin family, she also met Lin Guixiang.

how to say?

In her impression, Lin Guixiang was a very ordinary, ordinary housewife. She was also average-looking, with dark skin and thin skin. This may be the reason for her divorce from her husband in the early years. She always looked sad.

At that time, Zhou Ping never thought that Lin Guixiang would become a strong woman.

Just like dreaming.

Zhao Shengli smiled and said: "Sister Guixiang is a growing woman. Although she is also very powerful, she is not as powerful as you imagine."

"She can create a beauty song, isn't she amazing?" Zhou Ping looked at Zhao Shengli with wide eyes.

Zhao Shengli took a puff of cigarette, "Meirenyin was not founded by Sister Guixiang, and the person who developed the formula was not Sister Guixiang."

"Who is that?" Zhou Ping was very curious.

Who can give Lin Guixiang the brand and formula of Meirenyin for free, and then hide his achievements and fame?

Zhao Shengli spit out a circle of smoke, "You may not believe it, but the real mastermind behind the scenes is actually Lin Wu."

Lin Wu?

Hearing this name, Zhou Ping was stunned for a moment, and then said: "You, you mean sister Guixiang's daughter?"

"Yes." Zhao Shengli nodded.

Zhou Ping's face was full of disbelief, "I remember that Lin Wu just turned eighteen this year, right?"

Zhao Shengli then nodded, "That's right."

Fortunately, Lin Wu is only eighteen years old this year.

Otherwise, Zhao Shengli will be suspicious, this kid is going to turn Qingshi upside down!

Hearing this, Zhou Ping's mouth opened into an 'O' shape.

She never imagined that Lin Wu was actually the big boss who created Beauty Song.

After a while, Zhou Ping finally realized, looked at Zhao Shengli and said, "Are you kidding me?"

"What's the joke about this kind of thing?" Zhao Shengli narrowed his eyes.

Actually, when he first heard about this incident, Zhao Shengli's reaction was the same as Zhou Ping's, and he couldn't believe it.

Until I saw Lin Wu with my own eyes.

Lin Wu didn't feel like a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl to him.

Like a leader.

Being a great leader, standing in front of Lin Wu, he will feel a sense of pressure that he has never felt before.

It took Zhou Ping a long time to digest this fact, "I didn't expect Lin Wu to be so powerful! Sister Guixiang is also lucky. Although her marriage is unfortunate, she has such an excellent daughter!"

At the end of the sentence, Zhou Ping seemed to think of something, and pulled Zhao Shengli's sleeve, "Does Lin Wu have a boyfriend?"

"What are you thinking? She is only a senior in high school this year."

Zhou Ping narrowed her eyes, and then said: "Zijun doesn't have a girlfriend either, do you want to match her up?"

Zhou Zijun is the son of Zhou Ping's brother. He is 21 years old this year and is a junior in Beijing University.

I entered the best college of Capital University.

Luyuan School of Management.

The future is bright.

Therefore, Zhou Zijun is also the pride of everyone in the Zhou family. With such good qualifications, the qualifications for finding a girlfriend are naturally high.

Originally, Zhou's family wanted Zhou Zijun to find a local girl in Beijing, but most of the locals in Beijing were only children, so they needed Zhou Zijun to marry.

Zhou Zijun is such a proud person, so naturally he won't get married.

So personal matters were delayed like this.

Seeing other students start preparing for their wedding as soon as they graduate from senior year, the Zhou family is a little anxious. They are anxious that Zhou Zijun will really become a son-in-law in the capital, and anxious that Zhou Zijun will not want to find a girlfriend after graduation because he is busy with his career!

Hearing this, Zhao Shengli looked at Zhou Ping, "Are you crazy? How can Zijun be worthy of Lin Wu?"

In the eyes of aunt Zhou Ping, her nephew is naturally very good, "Although Lin Wu is very good, our Zijun is not bad! I just said casually, if possible, arrange for the two children to meet each other. Well, if Lin Wu really doesn't like Zijun, then forget it! Marriage can't be forced."

What if Lin Wu takes a fancy to it?

After all, Zhou Zijun is not bad looking.

Dont all the little girls like handsome guys nowadays?

Zhou Zijun was a high school grassroots student in high school, that is to say, after he went to Beijing to study in university, he almost missed it, because there were too many people in Beijing University, and all the people who came here were among the dragons and phoenixes, but Zhou Zijun was among the dragons and phoenixes among the crowd, and he still counted The existence of the challenge.

Zhao Shengli directly interrupted Zhou Ping's imaginings, "Zijun is just an ordinary person, but Lin Wu is not! Just wait and see, that girl is not something in the pool."

In the future, Lin Wu will definitely do more things, and she will make everyone's eyes shine.

Zhou Ping felt that Zhao Shengli's words were exaggerated.

Lin Wu is indeed powerful, otherwise she would not be able to create a beauty song.

However, Zhou Ping felt that since she became a talent at a young age, she should not have a greater breakthrough in the future.

Therefore, Lin Wu's greatest achievement can only be the beautiful song.


The next morning.

The first thing Astrid did when he woke up was to sit in front of the mirror and look at his face carefully.

A beautiful face is reflected in the mirror.

But alas.

Phoenix didn't give her the desired effect.

Almost all the freckles on the face are still there, without any trace of fading.

"Oh," Astrid sighed in disappointment, "Maybe, I shouldn't have expected it?"

Good morning everyone~

Today is the first day of the college entrance examination.

I wish all the treasures a successful start and victory in the Toad Palace!

Yinyin is cheering for you in Jiangsu!

Looking forward to your good news.

See you tomorrow mua! (*3)

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