She Shocked the World After Marrying a Repairman

Chapter 106: 106: The Truth

Chapter 106: 106: The Truth

this moment.

Miao Yajing wanted to die.

She didn't know what provoked these people.

Just remember.

At first, they just met by chance.

But now, it has evolved into this situation.

Miao Yajing would fall into endless panic before going to bed every night.

These people are horrible!

She can't escape at all.

I dare not tell my parents about it.

So, I can only endure in silence.

No matter how they treat her, she can only bear it.

Like now.

Even though she was so frightened that her face turned pale and her body was in unbearable pain, she didn't dare to cry.

And the group will deliberately avoid her face.

At the end.

The eldest sister Da Zimao looked down at Miao Yajing, squinted her eyes and said, "Listen! If you dare to play tricks in the future, don't blame us for being rude!"

After the words fell, Zimao raised his legs and directly stepped over Miao Yajing's body.

Several other people were also quarantined.

after a long time.

Miao Yajing stood up from the ground when they could no longer be seen in front of her, took out a tissue to wipe off the filth on her face, and tried her best to smile, "It's okay Miao Yajing, this little storm is nothing ! Just get over it"

At the end, Miao Yajing's voice was stuck in her throat, she couldn't utter a single word, and burst into tears instantly.

Go home.

Zhou Mei realized that her daughter's eyes were red, "What's wrong with you, Jingjing? Are you crying?"

Was this bullied at school?

But she is in high school!

Who can bully her?

Zhou Mei quickly dispelled the doubts in her heart.

"Well," Miao Yajing nodded, and did not hide the fact that she had cried, "The teacher showed us a very touching movie in the last self-study class in the afternoon, and many of us in the class cried."

Hearing this, Zhou Mei breathed a sigh of relief, and turned to say: "Your teacher is also quite interesting. You are already in the third year of high school, and even show you movies! They are not afraid of distracting you from studying!"


Zhou Mei only needs to inquire a little bit, and she will know that there is no movie in the class today.

But she is too busy.

I have to do laundry, cooking and cleaning every day, and take care of my youngest son.

I have to study food when I am free.

Miao Yajing bit her lip, and continued: "Our teacher just wants us to relax."

Zhou Mei glanced at Miao Yajing, "It's okay to relax in a moderate amount, but don't relax too much."

Speaking of this, Zhou Mei sighed, "Jing Jing, you are already in the third year of high school this year, not the third year."

As a full-time wife.

What Zhou Mei hopes to see most is that her daughter can be admitted to a good university.

Only in this way.

The years she spent as a stay-at-home wife will be of value.

"Yes." Miao Yajing nodded.

Zhou Mei then asked: "How many did you pass in the last monthly exam?"

"Thirteenth place." Miao Yajing replied.


Hearing this, Zhou Mei frowned slightly, "It's two places behind the last monthly exam."

Miao Yajing lowered her head and did not speak.

Zhou Mei continued: "Did you lose your mind in class?"


Zhou Mei narrowed her eyes, "Then you are in a relationship?"

After finishing speaking, Zhou Mei looked up at the clock hanging on the wall.

Only then did I realize that my daughter came back about 30 minutes later than usual tonight.

"Miao Yajing, tell me the truth! Are you in a relationship?" Zhou Mei reached out and pressed her forehead.

I just feel that the children nowadays are really too difficult to teach.

She was warned never to fall in love, not to fall in love, but she still went to fall in love!

Miao Yajing shook her head, with a complicated expression in her lowered eyes, "No."

Zhou Mei crossed her arms, "No, right? Then tell me, why did you come back so late tonight?!"

At this moment, Miao Yajing really wanted to cry.

But she dared not.

After a while, she continued: "I discussed math problems with Xiaowu on the road, and I didn't pay attention to the time."

Zhou Mei looked at Miao Yajing.

His eyes were full of scrutiny.

A few seconds later, Zhou Mei took out her mobile phone from her pocket, and said, "Okay, Miao Yajing, I'll call your class teacher now, if she says you have any abnormalities in class, let me see what happens to me tonight." Settle accounts with you!"

The four-year-old younger brother Miao Yachao also imitated Zhou Mei, with his hands on his hips, parroting his tongue, "See how I settle accounts with you tonight!"

Miao Yajing just stood there.


Zhou Mei called the head teacher.

At the moment of connecting, Zhou Mei changed her expression instantly, and said with a smile, "It's Teacher Ma, right?"

"Yes." Ma Xiuping's voice came from the other end of the phone.

Zhou Mei said in a gentle tone: "Hello, Teacher Ma, I am Miao Yajing's mother Zhou Mei."

"Oh, so it's Miao Yajing's mother, hello. What can I do for you?"

Zhou Mei considered the words in her heart, and then said: "It's nothing serious, I just want to ask about our Yajing's recent study situation."

Hearing that her mother didn't mention the self-study class this afternoon, Miao Yajing was relieved.

Ma Xiuping's voice came from the phone, "Mother Miao Yajing, Miao Yajing is a very smart child. She is also very serious in class and gets along very well with her classmates. Don't worry about that."

Didn't hear any other answers from Ma Xiuping, Zhou Mei also breathed a sigh of relief, and continued: "I think her monthly test scores have dropped by two places this month, do you know what's going on?"

Hearing this, Ma Xiuping smiled and said: "It turns out that this is the problem, Miao Yajing's mother, you don't have to worry, the drop in the monthly exam this time has nothing to do with Miao Yajing, but because there are three more transfer students in our class this semester. They One of the three scored 740 points in the test, and the other two scored 718 points and 710 points in the test. These three directly occupied the top three spots. Speaking of which, Miao Yajing's test scores have improved a lot this time! Yes By the way, haven't you read her report card?"

Miao Yajing scored 699 points in the test this time.

Hearing this, Zhou Mei was stunned.

She only heard that her daughter's grades had dropped, and she didn't think to glance at her daughter's report card.

At the end of the sentence, Ma Xiuping continued: "Mother Miao Yajing, do you have anything else to do?"

"No more, thank you, Teacher Ma."

"You're welcome, that's it, goodbye."

"Goodbye." Zhou Mei hung up the phone.

Miao Yajing was still standing there.

Zhou Mei glanced at Miao Yajing, "Don't be complacent, and reflect on why the other students in your class can take the test with 740 points, but you can only take the test with 600 points!"

Hearing this, Miao Yajing couldn't help but retort, "It's not 600 points, it's 699 points!"

Zhou Mei laughed angrily, "What's the difference between 600 and 699? You're quite proud, aren't you?"

Miao Yajing lowered her head again.

My mother is also an undergraduate student.

She once also took the college entrance examination.

How could she not know the difference between 600 points and 699 points?

She just didn't want to admit her mistake.

Adults are always like this.

After finishing speaking, Zhou Mei continued: "You go back to your room to read a book first, and I will call you when dinner is ready."

Miao Yajing nodded, and returned to the bedroom with her schoolbag on her back.

Looking at her daughter's back, Zhou Mei shook her head helplessly.

Now children!

Really getting more and more rebellious.

As a mother, she only said a few words, and Miao Yajing's reaction was so big!

I really dont know how to teach.

Think about this.

Zhou Mei couldn't help but sighed.

Miao Yajing returned to her bedroom and started to do her homework.

Her bedroom is huge.

Not only put a princess bed, but also put a beautiful desk.

In fact, there is a study room at home.

In the past, Miao Yajing read, wrote and wrote in the study.

I don't know when it started.

The study room became the younger brother's toy room.

From then on.

Miao Yajing never went to the study again.

After writing homework for a while, the bedroom door was opened from the outside.

Then, Miao Yachao walked in from the outside.

"elder sister."

"elder sister!"

Miao Yajing was doing her homework and was too lazy to talk to this little devil.

Seeing that her sister was unwilling to talk to her, Miao Yachao started playing on her own.

Touch this for a while, touch that for a while.


Miao Yajing looked up and found that her younger brother was doodling on her homework book.

Miao Yajing immediately stood up, walked to Miao Yachao, took the brush from his hand, and said angrily:

"Miao Yachao! What are you doing? How many times have I told you that this is my homework, you can't doodle on it! How can I explain to the teacher like this!"

She knew her brother did it on purpose.

Four-year-olds are like that.

What his family doesn't let him do, he just wants to do!

Miao Yachao was so frightened by Miao Yajing's yelling that he burst into tears.

The cry immediately aroused the frown who was cooking in the kitchen, and she hurried in, "What's the matter? What's the matter?"

She was fine just now, but why did she cry in the blink of an eye!

Miao Yajing was about to explain, but Zhou Mei blocked her words directly, "Quiet! Are you bullying my brother again!"

Because she is older than Miao Ya.

So every time no matter what happens, Zhou Meis first sentence is always this.

"Why are you bullying your younger brother?" Zhou Mei was really angry, she was busy all day long, and now everyone in the family was waiting for her to serve dinner.

Miao Yajing looked up at Zhou Mei, "I didn't bully him! He was the one who scribbled on my homework!"

Hearing this, Zhou Mei became even angrier, "Isn't it just one homework book? I'll buy you ten books tomorrow!"

"Mom, that's my class assignment."

Zhou Mei pressed her dizzy temple, and couldn't help shouting: "What's wrong with the classwork! You are so serious that you didn't see that you could get a score of 700 in the exam. Besides, he is a younger brother, and he is so much younger than you." , you, can't you let your brother?"

Give up to my brother!

Give up to my brother!

This happens every time.

No matter what they post, whether right or wrong, they will say this sentence.


Is it because he is young?

Can you tell right from wrong at a young age?

After saying a word, Zhou Mei tried her best to be patient, and squatted down to look at her younger son, "Chaochao, don't cry, we don't know the same way as my sister."

Hearing this, Miao Yachao not only did not stop crying, but cried even louder, crying and saying: "I want my sister to apologize to me! I want my sister to apologize to me! Otherwise, I will cry myself to death!"

The youngest in the family is the most favored.

Miao Yachao is a typical example.

Miao Yajing snorted coldly, "Then just cry yourself to death!"

She won't apologize anyway.

Hearing this, Zhou Mei sighed, and looked at Miao Yajing helplessly, "Jingjing, so what if you just apologize to my brother? He is still young and ignorant."

"He is still young and ignorant, so he let me be wronged, right?" Miao Yajing's eyes suddenly turned red.

She has had enough of these days!

"Mom didn't mean that." Zhou Mei felt that she had really had enough of being a housewife, "You are an older sister, and Mom is already tired enough every day. Can you let Mom take a breath and take a break?"

It's obviously a trivial matter not worth mentioning, and an apology is just a sentence, but Miao Yajing doesn't like it.

She insisted on singing against herself!

"Are you tired? Then I'm not tired? Mom, can you care about me? Can you!" At the end, Miao Yajing's voice was almost choked up.

She's like a doormat.

Not only to be angry outside.

After returning home, I have to continue to suffer.

Hearing this, Zhou Mei almost laughed out of anger.

Miao Yajing said she was tired?

What is she tired of?

She doesn't have to do anything except go to school every day.

What right does she have to say that she is tired.

I think back then, when they were in high school, they not only had to study, but also helped their parents with laundry and cooking.

She said a tired word?

Children today really do not know their blessings in the midst of blessings!

"Are you tired or am I tired? I serve your family like an old woman every day, and now you are not happy to say a word about you!" Yu Luo frowned, paused, and then said: "Forget it, I will I don't want to tell you too much now, you just need to tell me whether you will apologize to my brother or not!"

"I will not apologize!"

"Can you understand something?" Zhou Mei even wanted to slap her daughter.

She now understands very well why many parents are out of their brains because of their childish anger.

If this continues, she will also suffer from cerebral infarction.

"I don't! I will never be sensible!" Speaking of this, Miao Yajing directly pushed her mother and younger brother out of the room.

Then, she leaned against the door, crying helplessly.


She really wanted to die.

However, when she was standing on the top floor of the 30th floor and was about to jump down, she flinched again.

She admitted.

She is afraid of pain.

She is really afraid of pain, she can't even bear the feeling of being burned by cigarette butts, how can she bear the pain of brain splashing.

Outside the door.

Zhou Mei frowned tightly, knocked on the door and said: "Jingjing, you really let me down, how old is Chaochao? Do you have to compete with him?"

Miao Yajing directly blocked her ears.

Miao Yajing didn't open the door, so Zhou Mei had to squat down and start coaxing Miao Yachao, "Chaochao don't cry, can mom cook something delicious for you tonight?"

"No." Miao Yachao was still crying.

Zhou Mei only felt a headache.

Right now.

Miao Zhentao came back from the outside.

"What's the matter? Are you still crying?"

Seeing her father coming back, Miao Yachao cried even louder, "Dad, Dad! My sister bullied me! My sister bullied me!"

Hearing this, Miao Zhentao looked at Zhou Mei, frowned and said, "What's going on?"

Zhou Mei pressed her head, and told her husband what happened just now, "Jing Jing, I don't know if this child has reached the rebellious stage, his personality is really getting weirder and weirder! He was a very good child before, what does Chaochao want?" She will give it to Chaochao!"

Miao Zhentao picked up Miao Yachao, walked to the door of Miao Yajing's bedroom, knocked on the door and said, "Jingjing, why don't you just apologize to my brother?"

Just an apology.

It's not about asking Miao Yajing to pay anything!

He didn't understand why his daughter kept fighting.

What is there to compete with my own brother!

Speaking of this, Miao Zhentao's tone softened a little, "Dad has been working all day, and now he is really tired, so why don't you just do Dad a favor?"

There was no response from the room, only Miao Yajing's sobbing could be heard.

Miao Zhentao's face became a little ugly.

He had a hard day and just wanted to enjoy it when he got home, but he didn't expect to be faced with a wild scene.

It doesnt matter if the son is young and ignorant.

What about the daughter?

Miao Yajing is eighteen years old this year!

Eighteen-year-old is fussy with a four-year-old child, and he is not afraid of being laughed at when he speaks out.

Miao Zhentao became more and more angry as he thought about it, and finally said angrily: "Okay! Jingjing, you won't open the door, will you? Then you don't want to eat dinner tonight!"

After saying this, Miao Zhentao carried his son to the living room and promised to buy the latest Ultraman for his son, and Miao Yachao calmed down.

When the meal was ready, Zhou Mei planned to ask Miao Yajing to come out for dinner.

After all, she is a child who is growing up. If she doesnt eat a meal, she will be so hungry, but Miao Zhentao directly stops her, Doesnt she have a backbone? Then let her not eat! Until she admits her mistake! I cant break her up. This bad temper!"

"I'm used to her!"

Hearing this, Zhou Mei sighed.

What the husband said made sense.

Recently, Miao Yajing's temper is indeed a little irritable, very irritable, just like tonight.

It was obviously just a trivial matter, but she rose to the point of going on a hunger strike.

Miao Zhentao continued: "Don't worry, she won't starve to death if she doesn't eat a meal!"

Zhou Mei nodded.

The couple's voices were not deliberately lowered, and Miao Yajing who was sitting on the ground could hear them.

She didn't know how long she cried.

All I know is that when the lights outside the window dimmed, she crawled into bed and went to sleep.

The next morning.

Miao Yajing got up to brush her teeth and wash her face as usual.

Zhou Mei put the breakfast on the dining table, glanced at Miao Yajing, lowered her voice and said, "Jingjing, you should be more obedient and sensible in the future, and don't let me and your dad worry about you anymore, can you?"

Speaking of this, Zhou Mei paused, "You were so stubborn last night, and you are the one who suffers in the end."

Miao Yajing didn't speak, but just ate the breakfast on the table expressionlessly.

Miao Yachao came out of the bedroom and greeted Miao Yajing as usual, "Good morning, sister."

He acted like nothing had happened.

Miao Zhentao followed behind Miao Yachao.I just feel that my daughter is becoming more and more unruly. When my brother greeted her, she didn't even smile.

This kid is really.


Zhou Mei then took out the packed breakfast from the kitchen, "This is for your classmates, you can take it with you later."

"Okay." Miao Yajing nodded.

Miao Zhentao sat at the dining table and began to enjoy his wife's breakfast.

After breakfast, he looked at Miao Yajing, "Jingjing, you are not young anymore, and I can't say too much about some things, I can only order them. I don't want the situation like last night to happen again."

Miao Yajing, who had been crying for nearly a night, her eyes were still red, she looked up at Miao Zhentao, "Dad, are you inseparable too?"

"My brother is still young, so he knows what is right and wrong?" Miao Zhentao asked back.

Miao Yajing didn't finish her sentence. After drinking the soy milk in the cup, she picked up the breakfast on the table and carried her schoolbag to school.

After walking a few steps, she looked back at her mother who was busy in the kitchen, "Mom, can you pick me up from school tonight?"

As if she didnt expect her daughter to say such a word suddenly, Zhou Mei was stunned for a moment, then shook her head, "No, your brother is not honest at all in the car. Anyway, your school doesnt have much distance, so you just walk back!"

Hearing this, Miao Yajing didn't know what was thinking in her drooping eyes, "Then I'll go to school first."

Since the parents had a second child, it seems that everything should focus on the second child.

Her eldest daughter seems to have become invisible.

After Miao Yajing left, Miao Zhentao looked at his wife, "Jing Jing asked you to pick her up, so you can pick her up, it won't take long."

What he wanted to say was that his wife had nothing to do at home anyway.

Hearing this, Zhou Mei said: "This girl is really getting lazy, and she refuses to walk a few steps! I shouldn't have picked her up the day before yesterday! Believe it or not, if I agree to pick her up tonight, she will be there every day in the future. Let me pick her up!"

Zhou Mei didn't want to cause such trouble for herself.

Furthermore, Zhou Mei didn't think there was any harm in walking a few more steps.

Thinking about this, Zhou Mei smiled and said, "You can also exercise by walking more!"

Hearing this, Miao Zhentao nodded in agreement, "That's true."

Half an hour later.

Miao Yajing came to the school.

Lin Wu and Shen Lijun also just arrived, she smiled and took out breakfast, "My mother made bean paste buns and sandwiches this morning."

Seeing Miao Yajing's eyes, Lin Wu frowned slightly, "What's wrong with your eyes?"

Miao Yajing knew that she couldn't fool Lin Wu, so she simply told the truth, "I'm crying."


Hearing this, Shen Lijun grabbed Miao Yajing's hand, "What's wrong with you, Jingjing? Who bullied you?"

Miao Yajing shook her head, "It wasn't anyone who bullied me, I had a fight with my parents."

Seeing that Miao Yajing was about to cry again, Lin Wu immediately took out a napkin from her schoolbag and handed it to her.

Shen Lijun is a sentimental girl. Seeing Miao Yajing being so wronged, her eyes turned red, and she immediately hugged Miao Yajing, "Don't cry! Tell us what's wrong!"

Lin Wu also said: "Is there anything I can do to help?"

Miao Yajing shook her head, "Actually, it's nothing, maybe, I'm really too hypocritical."

She looked like this, but Shen Lijun was so anxious that she didn't even eat her favorite sandwich, and hugged Miao Yajing, "Tell us, Xiaowu and I will help you analyze it."

If some things are stuck in my heart, it will only become more and more painful.

Lin Wu bent down slightly, and gently hugged Miao Yajing, "Talk slowly and don't worry, we are all your listeners."

Shen Lijun nodded in agreement.

Miao Yajing then slowly told what happened.

Hearing this, Shen Lijun was very angry, frowned and said: "How could your parents do this? They are too partial!"

The family environment in her family is very good. I never knew that some families still have such a disgusting side.

Lin Wu took out the cooling oil and handed it to Miao Yajing, and then said: "At the same table, if this kind of thing happens again in the future, you don't have to quarrel with them, let alone get angry. It's not worthwhile to be angry. If they ask you to apologize Apologize."

Hearing this sentence, both Shen Lijun and Miao Yajing were dumbfounded.

They never expected that Lin Wu would say such a thing.

Lin Wu seemed to have seen what the two of them were thinking, she smiled slightly, and continued: "You should stand in front of you as a dog that can bite people. Because people's prejudices are like a mountain, when you can't change When they have their own thoughts and cant leave them, then you can only obey, and doing the opposite will only hurt yourself more deeply.

"Your brother is so pampered by your parents. He will definitely suffer in society when he grows up. If your parents don't teach him how to behave, someone will naturally teach him how to behave. This is called causality."

Shen Lijun's eyes lit up, "I know, I know! This is also called flattery. Your whole family obeys your younger brother. When he finds out that someone disobeys his ideas one day, he will definitely cause trouble! At that time you Even if the parents regret it, it's too late!"

Society is realistic.

No one will spoil anyone.

With brother Miao Yajing like this, sooner or later he will be taught by someone.

Hearing this, Lin Wu nodded slightly, "You can also say that."

When the words fell, Lin Wu looked at Miao Yajing, and continued: "At the same table, your task now is to study hard, get admitted to an ideal university, and then work hard to make yourself stronger. As for your parents, If you can contact them, contact them, if they do too much, then cut off all contact, and just send some money to go back every holiday.

Shen Lijun directly extended her thumb to Lin Wu, "Xiao Wu, you are simply amazing!"

Has a pattern!

Shen Lijun already thought that Lin Wu was capable of great things, but after hearing these words, she felt that Lin Wu was not simple.

Lin Wu's tone was light, "So-so, barely ranked third in the world."

Miao Yajing beside her also suddenly became enlightened.


Lin Wu is right.

Every time she quarrels with her parents, she blushes and has a thick neck, and in the end she hurts herself.

Rather than this.

It's better to go with the flow.

Because one day, they will reap the consequences.

Thinking of this, Miao Yajing looked at Lin Wu, "Thank you at the same table, I know what I should do."

Lin Wu nodded slightly, pointed to the cooling oil on the table and said: "This cooling oil can reduce swelling, remember to apply it."


Lin Wu's eyes fell on Miao Yajing's coat, "It's very hot today, do you still want to wear long sleeves?"

"Well, I'm used to it." Miao Yajing said.

Shen Lijun smiled and said, "Your habit is quite peculiar."

Miao Yajing smiled and did not speak.

not long.

The number of people in the class gradually increased.

Qiao Ran also came to the seat with her schoolbag on her back.

As soon as he came, he saw Miao Yajing with red and swollen eyes.

It is clear.

It's just a trace of crying.

Qiao Ran frowned slightly.

It seems that this matter has something to do with Lin Wu.

Looking at Lin Wu, she was looking down at a green book.

Lin Wu is really amazing!

After bullying Miao Yajing like this, she can still read without changing her face!

How can she stand it?

Won't Lin Wu's conscience hurt?

It was also at this time that Qiao Ran realized that Lin Wu was still reading a foreign language book that had not been sinicized.

The font is very strange.

is not English.

Not like French.

It is even less like the text of other countries.

Qiao Ran frowned slightly, this Lin Wu really knew how to pack herself.

Do you really think that you can become a cultural person by reading a few books?



Wait, then.

Sooner or later, the car will overturn.

after class.

Qiao Ran blocked Miao Yajing in the corner again,

Miao Yajing frowned lightly, "Young Master Qiao, what exactly do you want to do?"

Qiao Ran didn't answer, but just grabbed Miao Yajing's arm, and saw that besides yesterday's scar, many new scars had been added.

This must have been done by Lin Wu!

"Miao Yajing! You still say that Lin Wu didn't bully you?"

"Really not!" Miao Yajing withdrew her hand, "How many times do you want me to say it?"

"Since you don't have any, how did you get these injuries?" Qiao Ran continued to ask.

Besides Lin Wu, who else would bully Miao Yajing?

"It doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, right? Please don't meddle in my business anymore, okay?" After saying a word, Miao Yajing turned around and left.

Qiao Ran looked at Miao Yajing's back and frowned slightly. He was about to catch up, but was interrupted by a voice, "Brother Qiao Ran, what are you doing here?"

Hearing a familiar voice, Qiao Ran turned his head slightly, only to see Zhang Xianxian's face.

Qiao Ran was surprised and said, "Xianxian, why are you here?!"

Recently, the frequency of Zhang Xianxian appearing in school seems to be getting higher and higher.

Zhang Xianxian had a gentle smile on his face, and even his voice was gentle and soft, "Next week is the school celebration. Teacher Huang asked me to come over to discuss the program to be performed on the school celebration."

Zhang Xianxian is simply a brand-new talent.

Any instrument can play.

The piano has reached the level of a professional player.

The school specially arranged a reporter interview for this school celebration, and the whole process will be broadcast live at that time. Zhang Xianxian was invited to come on stage not only for the finale, but also to support the stage.

Qiao Ran asked with a smile: "Then, have you decided to perform?"

"Well, let's just play the piano." Zhang Xianxian smiled and said, "I don't know much else."

Zhang Xianxian was as low-key and humble as ever.

Others don't know, but Qiao Ran knows very well that besides the piano, Zhang Xianxian can play the violin, guitar, and saxophone very well.

If this were replaced by Lin Wu, I am afraid that everyone would have known about it!

Sure enough.

People cannot be compared with each other.

An illegitimate daughter can only always be an illegitimate daughter.

When Zhang Xianxian was still modest and low-key, Lin Wu started to act aggressive with a foreign language book that no one could understand.

Thinking of Lin Wu, Qiao Ran's eyes showed disgust.

Zhang Xianxian carefully looked at Qiao Ran's expression, and then said: "Brother Qiao Ran, what were you talking about with that girl just now?"

"Say" Qiao Ran suddenly didn't know how to speak, "The girl just now is the math class representative of our class."

Hearing this, Zhang Xianxian said with a smile: "Then she is amazing!"

"Yeah." Qiao Ran nodded, and then said: "I'm looking for her because...she might, might have been bullied on campus."

Hearing this, Zhang Xianxian widened his eyes in astonishment, and then began to defend Lin Wu, "No, it's impossible! Although Lin Wu's character is good, anyway, I believe she will definitely not do bullying things!"

What she said seemed to be defending Lin Wu, but in fact, she was making a fuss.

Qiao Ran looked at Zhang Xianxian with helpless eyes, "Xianxian, you don't understand her at all."

A person like Lin Wu has no bottom line.

Zhang Xianxian's face turned pale, "Brother Qiao Qiaoran, do you have evidence?"

After the words fell, she continued: "If there is no evidence, I advise you not to talk nonsense."

Qiao Ran narrowed his eyes, "Don't worry, I will find the evidence soon!"

This way.

Miao Yajing ran to the classroom quickly, panting.

Seeing her like this, Lin Wu asked strangely, "Is someone chasing you?"

"No, no," Miao Yajing wiped the sweat from her forehead with her hand, "I'm rushing back to read, and class is about to begin. The chemistry teacher said that I will ask someone to ask questions in the next class."

Miao Yajing originally wanted to clarify Qiao Ran's misunderstanding of her.

But if Lin Wu finds out about this matter, she will definitely confront Qiao Ran, and then she will no longer be able to hide the scar on her arm.

Miao Yajing didn't want to make things worse.

She just wants to finish her third year of high school quietly, get into a good university, and stay away from Qingshi!

The farther the better!

Seeing that Miao Yajing was unwilling to say more, Lin Wu didn't ask any more questions.

five minutes later.

The class bell rings on time.

Miao Yajing glanced at the back seat.

Qiao Ran skipped class.

Qiao Ran's grades are not bad, and skipping classes is a common occurrence.

Chemistry teacher Wang Dazhu is a little bald, wearing a white washed plaid shirt, he is quite kind, but his voice is a bit loud.

"Fill a test tube with a volume of 18ml with water, place it upside down in the sink, and then slowly introduce 6mlNO, 6mlO and 6mlNO in sequence. What is the final volume of gas in the test tube?"

"Shhh, everyone don't talk, I'll ask a classmate to ask a question."

After the words fell, the classroom was silent, and no one spoke.

Wang Dazhu looked around the audience, and then his eyes fell on Lin Wu.

This student has very good aptitude.

When she took part in the transfer student exam, she even got five full marks, and her performance in the last monthly exam was also very good. If she continues to develop with this grade, she will definitely be able to win the title of Qingshi No. 1 Scholar.


There are a lot of rumors about her in school now.

Some said she was the illegitimate daughter of the Zhang family in Qingshi.

It was also said that her grades were plagiarized.

Wang Dazhu was skeptical about this news. He had paid special attention to this good seed, but after this happened, he paid more attention. He really wanted to know whether Lin Wu's grades were plagiarized.

Thinking about this, Wang Dazhu then said, "Lin Wu, please stand up and answer this question."

Language falls.

Lin Wu stood up from her seat, "The answer to this question is that there is no gas."

No gas.

Hearing this answer, the students in the audience started talking.

How could there be no gas?

Obviously there is gas!

Are the rumors true?

Seeing this, Wang Dazhu knocked on the ruler, and continued: "Lin Wu is right, there is indeed no gas."

This is an error-prone question.

Lin Wu's direct answer is enough to explain her grades.

But Wang Dazhu was still a little worried, he asked another difficult question, but Lin Wu still reported the answer without hesitation.

Wang Dazhu nodded in satisfaction, "Very good, Lin, please sit down."

After asking the two questions, Wang Dazhu's name for her changed.

Lin Wu sat down.

Miao Ya quietly extended a thumbs up to her, then lowered her voice and said, "At the same table, sleep if you want, I'll copy the notes for you."

Anyway, I can't remember much handwriting in chemistry class.

"Okay." It just so happened that Lin Wu was so busy last night that she didn't sleep all night, and now she just fell asleep.


School is over in the evening.

Lin Wu still walked outside the school gate with Shen Lijun and Miao Yajing.

The three walked and chatted.

The atmosphere is harmonious.

At this moment, Miao Yajing asked curiously: "Li Jun, why haven't you seen Song Nanjing recently?"

Shen Lijun said: "His grandfather returned to Shanghai due to illness."

Hearing this, Miao Yajing nodded, "No wonder."

At this moment, Sun Shanshan also walked from the side holding Huang Xiaojiao's hand.

Sun Shanshan looked at Lin Wu, and then at Shen Lijun and Miao Yajing who were walking beside Lin Wu.

She knows very well about Shen Lijun's situation. She is a foreigner, her family has no car or house in Qingshi, and she lives in the cheapest rental house near Wutong Road.

What a nest of snakes and rats.

Suddenly, Sun Shanshan remembered the recent rumors in school, and the corners of her lips curled slightly.

She always thought that Lin Guixiang was divorced normally.

did not expect.

She is actually an illegitimate daughter.


If she was Lin Wu, she would have been bumped to death a long time ago, how could she have the nerve to come to school?

Huang Xiaojiao also saw Lin Wu, and lowered her voice to share gossip with Sun Shanshan, "I heard that Lin Wu knelt at the gate of Zhang's house for a whole day and night! She even went to work as a nanny in Zhang's house. Unfortunately, the old lady Zhang didn't even notice Just look at her one more time and kick her out!"

Sun Shanshan snorted coldly, "It's what she deserves, who knows whose **** she is! She even dared to go to Zhang's house to recognize relatives!"

It's a pity that Mrs. Zhang's kick didn't kill Lin Wu.

Huang Xiaojiao continued: "She has provoked Miss Zhang now, just wait, she will have good fruit to eat in the future! I also heard that Qiao Ran is going to punish her soon."

Hearing this, Sun Shanshan was overjoyed, "Really?"

"of course it's true."

Sun Shanshan squinted her eyes, and then, just wait for Lin Wu to be unlucky.


As expected.

After breaking up with Lin Wu and the others, Miao Yajing went through what happened last night again.

Even more humiliating than last night.

Those people actually let her crawl through their crotches.

Miao Yajing wanted to cry but didn't dare, and they didn't let her go until more than half an hour later.

Zhou Mei looked at the wall clock on the wall, then at her husband who was resting at home, and said with a frown, "Jingjing is getting more and more ignorant, just because I didn't promise to pick her up in the morning, she dared to be here on purpose today." She dawdled outside and hasn't come back until now! She's trying to show my face!"

Right now.


The fingerprint lock was opened by someone.

Miao Yajing walked in from the outside with the study on her back.

Zhou Mei didn't ask her why she came back so late, but said with a cold face: "If you come back so late tomorrow, then you don't have to come back!"

"Mom, I"

Miao Yajing was about to explain, but Zhou Mei crossed her arms and interrupted what she hadn't finished saying: "I am me! My mother also came from your age, what are you thinking? Same! No need to quibble, go and do your homework!"

Good morning everyone~

Ask for a ticket~

See you tomorrow mua! (*3)

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