Reincarnation: From Opressed Missy to Campus Belle

Chapter 130 A glimpse into Han Nanxian's life

“Young Master, Master is looking for you,” A servant knocked on the boy’s door before opening the door to inform him.

“He is home?” Han Nanxian asked, as his hand that was cleaning a certain photo frame stilled for a moment. He didn’t turn around to look at the servant and kept his eyes on the photo frame. His face was reflecting on the mirror, indicating his emotions.

“Yes,” The servant politely nodded his head. “And he is looking for you.”

“I will be downstairs in a while,” Han Nanxian replied and began cleaning the spotless and dustless photo frame.

He cleaned not only the photo frame but all the things in this room with his own hands. It was a rule that everyone was aware of never to enter this room and touch anything in it.

It might be an old unused room for anyone but for Han Nanxian it was his whole life.

It was the room where his little brother had spent more room than in his own place. It was the room which had glimpsed one of the most unforgettable moments of his life..

With a last lingering glance at the room of his past memories, he left it with a sad smile.

When he reached downstairs, he found his father sitting on the sofa in his majestic posture while reading the newspaper.

“Dad,” Han Nanxian softly called out and the middle-aged man with sharp eyes and whiskey eyes looked up at him.

“How are you? Did you take medicine? Have you gone for your weekly check-up? Are you taking too much school stress? You should stop going to school and focus more on your health. What’s the need of appearing for a college entrance test? Don’t you have everything you need?” Han Zi Qiu asked with a frown.

Han Nanxian sighed. It was the same question that he was asked on a weekly basis whenever he would be visited by his father. He had understood the fact that his father was obsessed with his health. It wasn’t that he didn’t like his worrying about him.

But obsessing to the point of being a tyrant?

It wasn’t something he liked.

“I’m fine. And I love school,” Han Nanxian replied.

Han Zi Qiu didn’t say anything for a moment. “I heard you met your grandfather again.”

Han Nanxian nodded his head. “Han is now living with grandfather. I only went there once.”

Han Zi Qiu snorted. “I heard the boy is getting good scores after living with your grandfather. I hope he starts taking his life seriously. After all, he has such an empire to run.”

“Dad–” Han Nanxian opened his mouth to say something but he was cut off.

“Why are you still standing? Sit down. Are your legs okay?” His father asked in a worried tone.

“I’m fine,” Han Nanxian said while maintaining a smile on his face. “Dad, please don’t put so much burden on Han. He is only sixteen.”

“And you are sick,” Han Zi Qiu said. “It is his only duty and responsibility to take care of you. His only purpose is to make sure that you live well. Xian, don’t forget why I decided to father that boy!”

Han Nanxian closed his eyes for a while. How could he forget why his father fathered Han Zixin? Well, this man couldn’t be called Han Zixin’s father as all he did was give some of his sperm to create that innocent boy to be used to support him.

At five, Han Nanxian found out that his father brought his mistress or the so-called surrogate’s child home only to act as a bank for bone marrow for him.

When he was diagnosed with a deadly disease, a bone marrow transplant was the only way to keep him alive. His father who wanted to keep him alive at all cost created, not fathered, another son.

For years, little Han Zixin was kept obvious if his identity as the childless housekeeper couple raised him with all the love that a little boy needed.

Han Nanxian could have told Han Zixin the truth but he was afraid of losing the only person who loved him selflessly. He wasn’t sure if he would survive after the multiple surgeries that he went through. He didn’t want to lose his brother. He would rather die while having the love and affection of his brother.

But who would have thought that he would survive and the only person he loved more than anything would be snatched from him?

The old housekeeper couple died.

His grandfather found out about Han Zixin’s real identity and he brought his younger grandson home.

“Xian, you know I’m worried about you. You are your mom’s only thing that she left behind. I can’t lose you too,” Han Zi Qiu said. “I couldn’t save your mom but I will not lose my only love’s son. She loved you. So, I had to protect you at all costs.”

Han Nanxian smiled, hiding the pain behind his smile.

“I am fine, dad,” Han Nanxian said once again. “You must be hungry. Let’s have dinner.”

On the dining table.

“Here take this pork rib,” His father put dishes in his bowl. “Your mom liked pork ribs. Try it. The chef still made the ribs like she used to like.”

Han Nanxian bit on the pork rib meat and swallowed it without feeling the taste on his tongue. It was too spicy for his taste but he swallowed it.

“What university are you applying for?” Han Zi Qiu asked. “Try Peking university. You will get in. You are a genius just like your mom. She was a topper at the university. If you get into that university, make sure you top too. Just like your mom. She will be very happy to see you walking on the path she once walked. You must make your mom proud, son!”

Han Nanxian merely nodded his head. He wanted to tell his father that he wanted to study abroad to go into aerospace university but it seemed like he couldn’t choose what he wanted to study either just like his food, clothes and everything else that had to be according to the taste that his mother had around two decades ago.

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