Reborn in 2000: Reuniting with the School Belle

Chapter 124

Chapter 124

“Ah, I didn’t expect there to be dust in such a nice environment. Mr. Ding, why don’t you go wash your eyes in the restroom?” Yi Feng pretended to care.

“Uh, no need, it’ll be fine in a bit…” Ding Bo rubbed his eyes, also wiping away the bitter tears.

“Hey, Mr. Ding, why are your eyes red?”

“Stayed up too late.”

“And why is your face green?”

“Stomach issues!”

“Ah, then why is your face red again?”

“Ate something spicy!”

“Then you…”

“Enough! Can you stop asking?” Ding Bo couldn’t bear it any longer and shouted.

“Uh, I mean, your tea spilled.”

Ding Bo felt warmth below and realized that the tea had been knocked over, spilling onto his pants, making them wet.

He quickly pulled out tissues to wipe, now having thoughts of dying from embarrassment.

This day was truly cursed!

Gu Muxi was holding back laughter on the side.

Stinky Feng was really too bad!

But… I like it! Haha!

Half an hour later, Yi Feng and Gu Muxi were both stuffed, slumping in their chairs, patting their round bellies.

“I’m full, waitress, the check!” Yi Feng called out generously, as if he was the one treating.

The waitress came over with the bill, asking Yi Feng, “Sir, are you paying?”

Yi Feng laughed, “Beauty, open your eyes a bit wider, our Mr. Ding is here, do I need to pay?”

“That would be slapping Mr. Ding’s face.”

“With Mr. Ding’s handsome and talented appearance, clearly a wealthy young master, how could it be my turn to pay?”

“Right, Xixi?”

Gu Muxi nodded, continuing the flattery, “Yes, today we really appreciate Mr. Ding treating us.”

Ding Bo took out his wallet, forcing a smile, chuckled dryly, “Uh, haha, yes, it’s my treat. Waitress, how much?”

He took out his wallet, ready to count the cash.

“Sir, your total consumption is 2892 yuan. Let me round it down for you, just 2890 yuan,” the waitress said warmly.

“What?! 2890 yuan?!” Ding Bo’s hand trembled holding the wallet.

A breakfast costing so much money!

It hurt so much!

“Yes, sir, you ordered five sea cucumber dishes, the price of sea cucumbers has been a bit high recently,” the waitress handed over the bill.

“Huh? Five dishes? We only ate three!” Ding Bo exclaimed in astonishment.

Yi Feng waved his hand and laughed, “Ah, Mr. Ding, I forgot to tell you, I ordered two extra dishes, didn’t expect they would really serve them.”

“But no matter, we absolutely don’t waste food!”

“Waitress, pack all these dishes, and those two portions of sea cucumbers, to take away!”

Ding Bo nearly spat blood upon hearing this!

Damn! This guy is shameless!

Not only eating a lot but also taking away!

What am I supposed to eat for lunch then?!

“Mr. Ding wouldn’t mind, right? Or, do you want to pack too?” Gu Muxi asked with her big, watery eyes.

Ding Bo swallowed his words back.

“Uh, no, no need, I, I usually don’t take away, you guys go ahead,” Ding Bo chuckled dryly.

But at this moment, he was feeling extremely pained!

“Ah, dear, I don’t think Mr. Ding seems like the type who likes to take away. We’ll take care of it!” Yi Feng laughed.

The waitress asked Ding Bo, “Sir, will you be paying with cash or card?”

“Card, card it is!” Ding Bo gritted his teeth, this breakfast costing him more than a month’s salary, so painful!

Soon, Ding Bo paid the bill, and Yi Feng and Gu Muxi also finished packing.

Yi Feng, carrying big bags in both hands, mostly dishes they hadn’t tried, planned to bring them back to the company for Wang Tie and Ping’an to taste.

“Haha, thanks Mr. Ding for treating, let’s do this again sometime when you’re free!” Yi Feng laughed joyfully.

Ding Bo: “……”

Another time? Never in this lifetime!

Ding Bo, with his face turning purple, chuckled dryly and turned to leave.

Yi Feng dropped Gu Muxi off at her company; Ding Bo had already gone up ahead.

“Haha! Stinky Feng, you really did it, almost killed him with anger!” Gu Muxi held her stomach, laughing till it hurt.

“Hehe, if that old kid dares to bother you again, I’ll show him something even more powerful!” Yi Feng boasted proudly.

“Alright, alright, thank you for today. Considering your good performance, I’ll reward you sometime!” Gu Muxi patted his shoulder.

“Reward? What kind of reward? A kiss?” Yi Feng puckered up.

Gu Muxi: “……”

“Stinky Feng, do you want to try the feeling of ascending to the heavens?”

Yi Feng laughed, “Gu Muxi, you wouldn’t be that ungrateful, would you?”

“For others, no, but for you, yes,” Gu Muxi said without hesitation.

Yi Feng: “( ̄ー ̄)……”

Gu Muxi laughed, “Look at that expression on your face, enough, stop messing around, I’m going to work, you go back.”

“Okay, Gu Muxi, don’t forget my reward!” Yi Feng replied.

Watching Gu Muxi enter the building, Yi Feng went back to get his bike, hanging the takeout on it, and headed straight for the company.

The company was on the 7th floor of CITIC Plaza, 702.

Entering the company with two big bags, the employees curiously looked his way.

“Good morning, Boss Yi!”

“Boss Yi, good morning!”

The company had over fifty employees. It seemed like a lot of people, but actually, after the inside maintenance technology training was completed, they would be distributed to the stores.

“Alright, continue with your work,” Yi Feng nodded in greeting.

Yi Feng went to Wang Tie and Han Ping’an’s desks, which were right next to each other.

He placed the packed dishes on the table, leaving Wang Tie astounded.

“Damn, Brother Feng, why did you pack so much food?” Wang Tie exclaimed in surprise.

“Ah, take it and put it away. I’m giving you guys a treat for lunch today,” Yi Feng smiled.

“Thanks, Brother Feng!” Wang Tie licked his lips, the smell alone was enticing!

Wang Tie eagerly took the food away.

Yi Feng turned to Han Ping’an and asked, “Ping’an, how’s it going? Did you manage to negotiate the lease for the three internet cafes?”

“Brother Feng, it’s all set. Here are the rental prices for the three internet cafes,” Han Ping’an said.

He handed Yi Feng a document with the rent schemes and prices.

Yi Feng had personally visited and chosen these three shop locations, mainly next to

three universities. The main consumer group for internet cafes was actually young people, and the most young people were found in universities.

The annual rent for these three internet cafes was negotiated to 40,000 yuan a year, each with an area of about 300 square meters. One of the shops was located next to South China University of Science and Technology, on the second floor of a shopping mall, covering 300 square meters. This one was also the flagship store Yi Feng planned to build.

Each internet cafe could accommodate 200 computers. The more computers, the more money they could make.

Of course, this was also a huge expenditure. The cost of renovations and purchasing computers was estimated by Yi Feng to be around 3 million yuan or even more. However, Yi Feng did not plan to use his own money for the investment but intended to use bank loans to make money.

This year, affected by the Asian financial crisis, the country released a lot of funds to stimulate the economy and introduced many policies to support the financing of small and micro enterprises. Many banks were seeking customers for loans, and commercial loan interest rates were generally around 6%, similar to the current mortgage rates.

This interest rate was negligible for the highly profitable internet cafe industry.

The earning efficiency of internet cafes was beyond everyone’s imagination!

Wanting to get rich, open an internet cafe, this slogan was even more resounding than wanting to get rich, first build roads. During the golden ten years of internet cafes, those who opened internet cafes could generally become wealthy, with annual incomes of millions being commonplace.

As the saying goes, even a pig can fly if it stands at the wind’s edge.

Yi Feng still vividly remembered a relative in his hometown who, in 2001, invested 500,000 yuan to open an internet cafe in the town. With 50 computers, it averaged an income of about 3,000 yuan a day, and it only took half a year to break even. Later, expanding and opening more branches made even more money, counting money until his hands were sore.

Once during the New Year in his hometown, Yi Feng received a hundred yuan red envelope for the first time, which came from him.

So, Yi Feng was very determined to open an internet cafe, no matter how difficult, it had to be done!

This super windfall, a money harvester, must not be missed!


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