Quick Transmigration: Cannon Fodder Comes to Counterattack

Chapter 105

Although this body is not the client, it is also the original owner. If people lend it to her, she can't leave a lot of trouble.

Come on, Meng Li hesitates and takes out her pills, which she usually does for a rainy day. She can get rid of a little common poison.

But the poison of Princess Pingxian, taking the antidote pill, can't completely get rid of it.

The rest can only be carried by Princess Pingxian.

Meng Li poured some water in the room, boiled the pill in the cup and fed it to Princess Pingxian.

Princess Pingxian took the medicine, and her body was not so hot.

Meng Li checks the jewelry on Princess Pingxian, and finds a circle on the bed to make sure that there is nothing missing from Princess Pingxian. He helps Princess Pingxian to simply tidy up her clothes.

After a while, I feel that Princess Pingxian is not so hot. Meng Li presses several acupoints on Princess Pingxian.

After she left for a while, Princess Pingxian should be able to wake up.

Meng Li deals with all this and leaves Princess Pingxian's room.

Not long after Meng Li left, Princess Pingxian woke up with a frown.

Princess Pingxian opened her eyes and felt bad.

She looked around the room and checked her dress. She saw that there was no difference in the room and that her dress was very neat. Princess Pingxian was relieved and breathed a long breath.

My memory is fragmentary. I feel that something is wrong with my body after lunch.

Susan had her taken to this room for a rest.

It seems that a servant girl came in after that?

Ping Xian rubbed her head and her body was still abnormal. She knew that she was being calculated today.

Ping Xian endured the desire of his body, and knew that the room couldn't stay long. He arranged his clothes, adjusted the color, and made his face look normal. He left the room quickly.

And Meng Li still wears the dress of servant girl to wander in the mansion.

I don't know what the prince ordered qinyi to do.

I don't know what great gift the prince will give Wei zining.

Meng Li estimates that it should be Wei zining who drugged the prince on the way to the banquet. Instead, he was discovered by the prince.

It's probably because Xu Caishan was forced to make such a bet.

Meng Li wanted to walk around to see if he could meet Qin Yi.

But for a moment, people in twos and threes went to a distance, and even the emperor was shocked.

Because there are so many people around the emperor, where is the biggest team.

In that direction, too.

Although Meng Li is far away, Meng Li can feel that the atmosphere of the team there is not very good.

The servant girl in front of Meng Li whispered with another servant girl:

"something's wrong, let's go and have a look."

Meng Li moves in his heart and goes with the two servant girls.

It should be a good play arranged by the prince.

The crowd is crowded, and I don't know who can attract so many people in a short time. Meng Li can only hear the voice inside in the crowd.

I can't see the picture.

Meng Li wanted to try to use his mental power for a second, but before he could release his mental power, a voice came into Meng Li's ear, which almost startled Meng Li.

"Book one?"

The sound is very low, very small. It's the sound of Qin Yi.

Meng Li goes with the direction and sees Qin Yi in the crowd wearing the clothes of the prime minister's house.

Qin looks surprised, looks up and down at Meng Li, and again exclaims uncertainly:


Meng Li pursed his mouth, pressed his voice and said, "don't shout."

"But may everyone know who I am?"

Qin stretches her neck, her head slightly back, her eyes full of incredible, and her whole body is full of expression, which means that she never thought of it.

"Why are you dressed like this?"

Qin Yi can't help but ask, more can't help but want to laugh.

If it wasn't for the untimely smile, he would have burst out laughing.

Shuyi's dress is really unforgettable in his life.

Wearing a set of servant girl clothes, the cuffs can't be hidden, the skirt can't cover the legs and wrists, and the hair of a decent servant girl is combed in a bun.

If he had not grown up together, he would not have recognized him.

That said, it doesn't affect Qin Yi's determination to make fun of Meng Li in the future.

Meng Li said faintly:

"don't care about these details. What's the matter?"

Qin Yi still can't help but ask Meng Li:

"a man can enter the backyard today. Why do you pretend to be a servant girl?"

Meng Li wants to cover his face.

Can she say she's used to women's wear?

At the critical moment, I want to dress up as a servant girl.Meng Li's face is uncomfortable. Qin looks around, then whispers to Meng Li:

"just look at it."

Qin Yi's face is full of confidence and looks like a good play. Although she is proud of her face, there is a trace of cruelty in her eyes.

Meng Li nodded, and now is not the time to speak. Although they talk very carefully, they need to be careful not to be heard.

Around these people, are some servant girls, servants, or some young ladies.

They were chatting and playing in the backyard. They came very quickly. Although everyone was around the door of the room, no one dared to push the door in.

It's just that the sound coming out of it is hard to be heard.

He made everyone blush and feel at a loss.

But curiosity drove us to stay where we were. Although we didn't dare to push the door, we didn't leave.

Everyone is guessing in their hearts that the war is so fierce inside, and who is the main character?

The emperor and a group of ministers, as well as the prince and the prince, also rushed to this side. The emperor's face was gloomy, and behind him was the prime minister, and his face was unhappy with anxiety.

The gourd eaters outside the room knelt down one after another when they saw the emperor coming. The emperor came straight over.

Glancing at the kneeling people, he did not ask them to get up.

The prince glanced at Meng Li and Qin Yi in the crowd, and their eyes met for a moment.

The prince intended to take back his eyes. He glanced at Meng Li and frowned uncertainly.


What is this?

Book one?

Meng Li sees the prince's suspicious eyes and raises his head to give the prince a positive look.

Yes, I'm your book.

Crown prince

Kneeling beside Meng Li, Qin Yi buries his head and shakes his body. It's so funny. Hold back!

The emperor heard the voice coming from inside, his face was very blue. With a wave of his hand, the eunuch around him went to kick the door open.

When the door was kicked open, the voice inside was even more unobstructed, and the clear voice came out of everyone's ears.

Some of the young ladies who have not yet come out of the cabinet quietly look up with a look of consternation. They suddenly feel that their faces are hot and they want to escape.

When the emperor saw the scene inside, he widened his eyes, became impatient, and roared:

"evil son!!"

"Why don't you stop?"

The emperor roared, and all the people buried their heads even lower. When the emperor was angry, all the people felt frightened and scared.

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