On The Other Side: I Quit Being Human

Chapter 97 Intermezzo: Another Perspectives

[Brianna Johnson's POV]

We have spent our time in this new world for two months. To say that what has happened for the past two months are wild will be an understatement—it is fantastically wild.

Boys being boys, all of them were extremely excited when they found themselves resurrected in another world. All of them immediately thought of the great things they could achieve in this world, forgetting what had happened a few moments before.

Layland ... To think he would ever do that—I was really shocked. I knew him as a quiet, kind, and passive person, so never did I expect him to be a school shooter.

I hate—I abhor him for the psychological trauma he has caused me—I still dream about that day every night—but I can't blame him, really. What he did back then, after all, was all caused by what I had done to him.

I don't know how exactly he figured out my little game with Mark, but what he did because he found out about it was soul-shaking. To this day, I still wonder why he had to react that way.

I mean, dating is all about having sex and fun, isn't it? Why did he need to feel so attached to me?

"I am a bitch, aren't I?"

"Not, if your boyfriend is doing the same thing—being unfaithful."

Turning my head to the side to look at the person lying on the other side of my bed, I can't help smiling bitterly at what he has said. This person is the Holy Knight's captain of the Kingdom—the strongest swordman in the Kingdom.

"You can stop feeling guilty about it." He caresses my hair. "Nothing is wrong with wanting to have some fun. He does too you know—it's fair."

"No, you don't understand," I mutter bitterly. "It's not about him..."

"Oh, there is another him?" Neroel chuckles. "You are a player, aren't you?"

I honestly don't know how I should respond to that, so I just turn my head away from him. I don't even know what I am doing—the reason I have been sleeping with him for the past month is because his looks.

His grey hair, clear blue eyes, chiselled jaw, and muscular build makes him look like a better version of Layland. He looks manly whereas Layland looks girly, but both of them are attractive—it's just a matter of preference ... I like them both.

With that being said, I still wonder why I am so sexually active these days. I can't tell if I really enjoy it each time I am having it, but I know I definitely need it.

Rather than a biological need, I think it is more of a mental need. The life here is just... Harsh, to say the least.

Each time there is a Quest, we have to risk our lives. Injuries and such are no longer foreign to us—we can even purposely break our hands and only blink at the pain.

It is amazing whenever I think how much we have changed—mentally and physically. The way we hink is certainly different from before, and our strength—what we are capable of is too.

Upon coming to this world, we were given a system that would help us level up—simply said, gaining power. It works the same like a game's stats system, so it is very easy to use.

We get points whenever we accomplish a Quest, and we can either use that point to upgrade our stats or buy a Skill. Everyone was so excited to use it, until they realized this was not a game.

I was not among those who were excited about being a Hero of this world. I heard we are not the only Heroes summoned to this world—there are many other Kingdoms that have summoned Heroes too.

Our status as Heroes has never made me feel special, but I still found myself being one of the people who felt I could do anything just because I was one of the main characters.

... I was wrong—horribly so.

Finishing Quests in the castle was easy. We only had to train with the Knights to gain points that we could trade for stats and skills.

A month passed pleasantly. We became stronger—we managed to defeat some of our trainers—and many of us even developed a romantic relationship with the person we thought we never would.

At this point, my relationship with Mark, which I believe wasn't that strong in the beginning, began to strain. My interest in Neroel also exceeded my faithfulness toward Mark, and that was how I started sleeping with Neroel.

I found Mark also sleeping with other women not long after, but I didn't care in the slightest. His above average member is the only good thing about him, so I don't feel a strong emotional attachment to him.

Ah, I have digressed—my shitty love life is not important.

After a month of training in the castle's training ground, all of us were finally given the green light to explore this world. All of us were excited about it—me included—but we soon learned why we shouldn't.

26 of us were split into 5 teams with each team having 5 members, whereas my team became the only team that had 6 members. We then took a 3 days travel to Brontes Dukedom.

Brontes Dukedom is located in two different locations, and we visited the other Brontes Dukedom—the one that was close to Amizanima Forest.

I knew there would be something wrong going to happen the moment we arrived there, but I kept it to myself because everyone still looked excited. It wouldn't be good to ruin their mood.

Alivert Storm, our overseer, Mark's personal trainer, Neroel's father told us we weren't going to the forest. The forest was very dangerous to us, so we would only fight the Wild Beasts outside of it.

Many of us had the audacity to whine in disappointment even though they didn't know what was waiting for them. Unlike them though, I heaved a sigh of relief at that.

Still, the worry didn't disappear.

"God damn it, Brianna! Heal him!"

"I am trying!"

"Fuck! Use your points to buy an extra potion or something!"

"I would have already done that if I had enough points. What about you? Why don't you use your points?!"

"I don't have enough!"

My premonition turned out to be true. Fighting the Wild Beasts outside the forest was easy—they were easy points—but something, or rather, some creatures suddenly came to barge in.

Monsters—one of the groups that belongs to Cursed Creations.

No one had expected Monsters to be there. We were too focused on killing the Wild Beasts—we detected their presence late.

The moment we heard the Minotaur of the group roared was the moment we saw one of our friends have his body torn apart. Up to this day, every one of us will remember about this scene each time we hear a roar.

Being one of the very few people that could heal other people, I naturally tried healing him—I couldn't. He died while grasping my hand tightly and looking at me hopefully.

Anyone might think he was hoping for me to heal him from how he looked at me, but what he had said to me was, "End this misery now." I didn't think twice—I crushed his heart with my Spell.

Everyone believes up to this day he died after me trying so hard to heal him, while in truth, he died because I killed him. Do I feel bad? No. Contrary to that, I feel like a saviour to him, and that disgusts me.

"Are you not going to take any Quest soon?"

I am awaken form my thought by Neroel's question. I take some time to answer it, but I actually know what my answer is.

Ever since that day, taking Quests is no longer the same for us. Very few of us can still smile when a Quest notification pops up in the System's screen.

All of us always think of that unfortunate day whenever we have a Quest. The thought that one day we might experience such a painful and gruesome death scares us.

I think that day is the trigger of why many of us have become more sexually active. The more we know how short-lived our life could be, the more we feel the need to mate—to produce offsprings, just like animals.

"No, but I'll be joining this week's expedition with the Paladins."

"Ah, right. I forgot you are a Holy Maiden." Neroel chuckles at what he has said, and I can't help smiling sardonically at that.

Holy Maiden is one of the available classes the System allows us to choose based on our stats and potential. I was actually given the option to choose Poison Master class, but I chose to be a Holy Maiden for obvious reasons.

Holy Maidens are protected by everyone. I love living safely, so it is clear why I chose that.

I know, it is ironic considering what I am and how I behave. I can guarantee I am the filthiest Holy Maiden this world has ever had.

I may be able to play innocent, but I know I am not like the other Holy Maidens. The Princess of this Kingdom, who is also a Holy Maiden, is a perfect example of what I can never be.

... A good girl.

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