My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 642: I'm going to be a father!

Chapter 642: I'm going to be a father!

After the initial confusion, there was an indescribable mixture of surprise and excitement.

Qin Feng stood up and paced the hall, his face full of excitement. He muttered to himself, “It’s still uncertain for now. It’s best to have a doctor come and confirm it so that it’s not just a false alarm…

Yes, yes! I must find a doctor!”

Thinking of this, Qin Feng was about to rush out of the Qin Mansion. He even wanted to go to the palace to find an imperial doctor. 

But just as his foot stepped out of the hall, Father Qin stopped him with a shout, “You naughty boy, have you gotten too excited? Have you forgotten that you are a doctor yourself?”

Qin Feng froze for a moment, realising that when it came to medical skills, who in the entire Imperial City could match him?

Returning to Liu Jianli’s side, Qin Feng took a deep breath and cautiously extended his right hand to the other’s pale and smooth wrist. At the same time, he activated his Dual Pupil ability to observe the other’s body.

The people in the hall became quiet, their faces showing a mixture of nervousness and anticipation.

After about twenty breaths, Qin Feng’s entire body seemed to relax like a taut string being loosened, and he collapsed.

“Young Master, what’s the result?” Lan Ningshuang clasped her hands tightly and asked quietly.

“Feng’er, what is the result?” Second Mother grabbed Father Qin’s sleeve, her palms sweating.

The others were also waiting for an answer.

Then Qin Feng giggled and said, “I’m going to be a father…”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was relieved, and the atmosphere of joy spread instantly in the lobby. 

Giving a new life was an experience Qin Feng had never had before. For a moment, happiness overflowed in his chest, and his whole body felt as light as floating in the sea of clouds. 

He reached out and gently placed his hand on Liu Jianli’s abdomen, as if he wanted to feel the movement of this little life.

But he forgot that Liu Jianli had just become pregnant, so how could there be any movement in her womb?

Liu Jianli smiled with joy and looked at the man in front of her with softness in her eyes. She was grateful for the method her mother had taught her, without which this result might not have been possible.

Seeing this scene, Cang Feilan’s mood was quite complicated. She was happy to see her Sister Jianli’s wish come true, but she was also annoyed and worried about her own stomach staying still.

Bai Yan smiled and said, “When a woman is pregnant, blood qi gathers in her abdomen, and during the manipulation of internal vitality qi, it can cause disturbances. Last night when you fought Wushuang, there was a sudden change in your sword techniques.”

Actually, as a physician, Qin Feng should have thought of this possibility at that time, but overwhelmed by worry, he ended up taking the wrong path.

After being momentarily dazzled by the feeling of happiness, Qin Feng gradually calmed down and then asked, “Senior Bai, after a woman becomes pregnant, will the fetus draw the Ancient Divine Breath from the mother?

“Ancient Divine Breath?” Bai Yan was slightly stunned. The reason he was able to successfully enter the second-tier realm was because the Sword Dao Alliance had found remnants of Ancient Divine Breath through their painstaking efforts.

“Since ancient times, it has been extremely rare for women to reach such a level of cultivation and still be able to bear children.”

“As for your wife’s specific situation, I’m not sure.”

“But I have heard that some beings in the world have extraordinary talents. The reason why their bloodline is strong is because when they are still in the mother’s body, they will absorb energy from the outside world and strengthen themselves, so that they can have an astonishing level of cultivation as soon as they are born.”  Bai Yan thought for a moment before answering.

Cang Feilan interjected, “Indeed, our Dragon Clan is like that.”

“Senior Bai means that Jianli might also be in this situation?” 

Bai Yan nodded slightly, “But what exactly it is, it’s all just speculation at this point. We’ll have to wait until the day the child is born to know for sure.”

Soon, the news of the young lady’s pregnancy spread throughout the Qin Mansion, causing joy and excitement.

Second Mother treated Liu Jianli like fragile porcelain, constantly reminding her not to catch a cold at night and ordering the kitchen to prepare nutritious meals to nourish both Jianli and the child.

When the matriarch of the Liu family learned of this, she rushed to the Qin residence, full of concern for Jianli. While caring about Jianli, she also did not forget to communicate with the Second Mother about her experiences and precautions during pregnancy, and gave Liu Jianli countless instructions. 

The entire Qin residence became as lively as the New Year.

When the excitement subsided, Liu Jianli calmed down. She sat on the edge of the bed and stroked her belly, her eyes full of tenderness. 

At that moment, the door to the room opened and Cang Feilan stood at the entrance, looking hesitant, as if she wanted to speak but didn’t know how to begin. She had come to seek advice on pregnancy…

Liu Jianli replied quietly, “Usually, I spend most of my time practising with you in the forest without doing anything else. I think it’s Mother’s methods that have worked.”

Your method, I’ve tried it every time, but I haven’t seen any movement in my stomach… Cang Feilan sighed inwardly, feeling that it was a problem with the Dragon Clan’s bloodline.

But as someone who has always been strong-willed, she didn’t give up. Instead, she began to ask about various details.

For example, what did Sister Jianli usually eat, what was her daily routine, and did she have any special cultivation techniques?

She even delved into the details of the positions and length of time Sister Jianli and Qin Feng were in bed together.

With all these things in mind, Cang Feilan planned to implement them starting tonight.

As she prepared to leave, she glanced back at Sister Jianli’s stomach. Her slightly blue eyes were filled with indescribable envy and a strong fighting spirit.

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, ten days had passed.

The Sword Dao Alliance’s Martial Hall was finally built within Imperial City. Due to its reputation, over a hundred disciples had joined within half a day.

With this trend, the number of members would only increase.

However, the taller the tree, the stronger the wind. The Sword Dao Alliance’s Hall was so popular that some would inevitably look at it with envy.

Especially the local martial arts schools in the Imperial City. They were able to hold their own in the Imperial City, so their backgrounds were naturally exceptional, with many talented individuals among them.

There were even some who had retired from the military.

As they say, in literature there’s no one above the first, and in martial arts there’s no one above the second.

Once the new martial hall was established, it became an unwritten rule that local martial halls would come looking for a challenge and, as expected, assert their dominance. 

Especially when it came to formidable entities like the Sword Dao Alliance.

Senior Bai Yan had already anticipated such a situation, which is why he had set up a platform outside the martial hall.

Since the establishment of the hall, the fights on this platform had been relentless.


A burly figure was sent flying from the platform by a sword qi, causing the spectators below to gasp.

“Isn’t this the thirty-sixth person?”

“I never expected the Sword Dao Alliance to produce such skilled individuals so casually.”

“That’s not surprising. Since the Sword Dao Alliance was formed by the three great sword families and combines the strengths of all three, shouldn’t its disciples possess such abilities?”

The burly challenger, who was originally a martial artist, didn’t feel ashamed of losing the match, instead he respectfully admired, “The Sword Dao Alliance is indeed as famous as rumoured. I’ve learned a lot.”

“Nice fight.” The disciples on the stage responded respectfully. 

The Sword Dao Alliance continued to win battles and bask in glory.

The others who considered challenging the platform looked at each other and finally decided to retreat.

Why subject themselves to humiliation?

But at this moment, a cold snort sounded: “When will Imperial City allow juniors like this to run wild?” 

The disciple guarding the platform furrowed his brow at the sound, and when he looked over, he saw a middle-aged man with a scarred face and a menacing aura, obviously no stranger to bloodshed.

“Words are of little use, please enlighten us,” a disciple of the Sword Dao Alliance said in a solemn tone.

In less than a moment, the arena was covered in blood and cries of shock erupted.

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