My Daily Cultivation Life with a Clumsy Female Disciple

Chapter 104

Chapter 104

Li Shiyin bought some spirit beast meat and went to buy other food. She had almost spent all her spirit stones and then she took Long Qiqi and flew towards Dan Peak on her sword.

Flying magic was indeed convenient. It only took a few minutes to travel from one mountain top to another, whereas walking would have taken an entire day...

During these few minutes, Long Qiqi couldn't resist the temptation of the Lionheart Flame Beast meat in Li Shiyin's Universe Bag. She took out the meat intending to smell it, taste it, and satisfy her craving.

To her surprise, as soon as she took out the Lionheart Flame Beast meat, she smelled a putrid odor.

She took a closer look and realized that what she held in her hand was not Lionheart Flame Beast meat at all. It was clearly just ordinary rotten meat!

"What is this?" Li Shiyin wrinkled her brow and asked, annoyed by the smell.

Long Qiqi showed the meat in her hand to Li Shiyin.

"What is this?" Li Shiyin still hadn't realized.

"It's Lionheart Flame Beast meat," Long Qiqi said.

Only then did Li Shiyin react. She cursed, "Damn it! How dare they deceive even this lady!"

She decided not to return to Dan Peak and changed her mind. She reversed the tip of her sword and flew towards Master Peak.

That stall owner was really arrogant. After deceiving someone, he didn't even leave. He continued to set up his stall, waiting for the next fat sheep to come.

Li Shiyin walked over with the foul-smelling meat in her hand and forcefully threw it on the stall owner's stall, shouting, "Give me my money back!"

The stall owner was startled by the commotion caused by the rotten meat hitting the stall. When he regained his composure and saw that it was Li Shiyin and Long Qiqi, two little girls, he understood what had happened and immediately composed himself.

"Miss, who are you? What is the meaning of this disturbance?" he asked calmly.

"Huh?!" Li Shiyin grew even angrier. "Are you pretending with me?"

She clenched her fist and shouted repeatedly, "Is this meat from here? Is it the meat you just sold me? Is it?"

The stall owner pretended to examine the rotten meat on his stall, then looked puzzled and said, "This, this is clearly not from here! I am an honest person who sells spirit beast meat. How could I sell you fake spirit beast meat?"

He felt smug and gave Li Shiyin some advice, "Miss, it seems you have been deceived. Why not go find the patrol team of Dao Sword Sect? They can help you seek justice."

The patrol team was just a group of disciples responsible for internal patrols. They only dealt with trivial matters because they couldn't handle the affairs of true disciples... or rather, they didn't bother with them at all.

The stall owner's words were meant to mock Li Shiyin, implying that if she felt wronged, she should go home and find her mother.

Li Shiyin's fist tightened as her anger grew. She was so furious that she couldn't speak.

"But! Whether you go find the patrol team or not, please don't stand here blocking the way. It's affecting my business," the stall owner continued with his self-satisfied words. "Look, so many people have gathered around. Your actions here have created a negative image for my stall. If you don't move away, I might have to ask you to compensate for my losses..."


Before the stall owner could finish his smug words, Li Shiyin's fist had already reached his face.

With a furious punch, the Stall Owner was struck heavily on the brow, causing him to collapse on the ground in a daze. He lay there for a while before slowly regaining consciousness.

As he sat up groggily, his head spinning and his vision blurred, he noticed that the upper half of his brow was already swollen from the blow.

"You dare to lay hands on me?" he exclaimed, unable to believe it.

"You dared to deceive me! I'll beat you to death!" Li Shiyin couldn't tolerate it anymore and, clenching her fist, charged at him once again.

At that moment, several people rushed out from the crowd nearby, using their magical techniques to attack Li Shiyin.

Li Shiyin knew that reinforcements had arrived, the Stall Owner's accomplices. The person who had bought meat for him in the morning was still there, but she paid no attention and continued her charge towards the Stall Owner.

The Stall Owner, still in a daze, attempted to use his incantation to cast a spell when he saw Li Shiyin approaching. But Li Shiyin's speed was astonishing. Not only did he fail to complete the incantation, but even the normal accomplices who had rushed out from the crowd could only eat her dust.


She delivered a whip kick directly to the Stall Owner's head, causing him to fly off the ground like a burst sack and crash down far away.

He tried to get up, making two attempts, but failed. His head was covered in blood as he lay there shouting, "Murder!"

After kicking the Stall Owner away, Li Shiyin swiftly changed her stance, evading the incoming magical attacks one by one. Then, with a somersault from mid-air, she drew her Qingxing Sword, landed on the ground, and unsheathed it.

"You all should fight back too!" Her eyes filled with killing intent, Li Shiyin pointed her chilling Qingxing Sword at the five people opposite her.

This group consisted of the Stall Owner and five others. At this moment, the five of them looked at the white-robed girl standing with her sword, and couldn't help but gulp, exchanging glances with a hint of retreat in their eyes.

It seems they're afraid to fight against her alone?

"Five against one, why are you scared of her?!!" A tough man shouted and raised his hand to activate his magical techniques.

However, Li Shiyin swiftly moved, her body shining with starlight, and with a few afterimages, she counter-charged at the five people...

As the sound of sword energy filled the air and the screams of the five people continued, it didn't take long before they all fell to the ground, injured all over.

Being approached by a powerful sword cultivator up close, this was their fate.

"Who is this female sword immortal?" The onlookers erupted into discussion, with someone asking.

"Does my Dao Sword Sect still have a female cultivator with such talent and strength?"

"What terrifying combat power!"

Someone answered amidst the buzzing noise, "It seems she's from Dan Peak."

"Dan Peak? Who is that?"

"Dan Peak, Li Shiyin!"

On the battlefield, Li Shiyin stood alone while the five others lay on the ground. She held her sword and gazed at them, her mind in turmoil.

"Should I take their Universe Bags? These despicable people have cheated me out of so many spirit stones. But my master said I shouldn't take such things, fearing future troubles..."

"Should I destroy the evidence and dispose of their bodies? There are still people nearby who have witnessed this. Is it necessary?"

The five people on the ground felt the terrifying gaze from Li Shiyin and trembled.

Long Qiqi pulled the Stall Owner over with one hand, placing the five of them together. She looked at Li Shiyin's chilling gaze and asked, "What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking whether I should finish them off," Li Shiyin honestly replied.

All six of them shivered in unison.

"That seems a bit too much..."

At this moment, the patrol team seemed to have finished observing the commotion here. A person walked out from the crowd and, upon assessing the situation on the field, respectfully asked Li Shiyin, "Are you Senior Sister from the Dao Sword Sect?"

"Yes, Dan Peak, Li Shiyin," replied Li Shiyin.

The patrol team understood and then asked the six individuals on the ground, "Where do you all come from?"

"Senior Brother... Senior Brother!" The stall owner, upon seeing the patrol team's arrival, seemed to have found hope. He propped up his pained body and addressed the patrol team, "Senior Brother, look, she beat the five of us and even smashed our stall, preventing us from selling our goods properly. This disrupts the rules of the marketplace. Senior Brother, please punish them swiftly!"

"Are you a member of the Dao Sword Sect?"

"No... that's not important. Just quickly capture them," the stall owner pleaded.

"In that case, no problem." The patrol team proceeded to bind the individuals and prepare to take them away.

The person who had just spoken to Li Shiyin came over and said to her, "Senior Sister Dan Peak, you were too impulsive. If you had deceived them into going to the Debate Platform and then beaten them up, you could have also earned some spiritual stones."

"The Debate Platform?" Li Shiyin and Long Qiqi exchanged a glance, feeling as if they had discovered the key to wealth.

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