My beast Emperor System

Chapter 105: The First step forward!

Chapter 105: The First step forward!

"The empire owes me that much!" Lucien said those words with so much venom everyone could feel it.

Hearing Lucien's demands the emperor could only sigh. The Fotia empire is very large and even a mere Baron has control over his own territory. Problems arising in that territory will have to be taken care of by Lucien and the emperor felt Lucien is too young to handle this but he also couldn't deny that the new Lucien he is looking at now gave off an air of maturity and confidence with a hint of madness. 

Lucien's demands were already stunning, making people convulse with anger! How can a fourteen-year-old with the third sky of the human realm cultivation level demand to be a noble and own a territory of his own? Does he think he has the strength to defend a territory? Does he even know how the empire's politics works?

In their opinion, Lucien was quite greedy!

Seeing the Emperor hesitate, Lucien frowned. He quickly waved his hand and the Habakiri appeared in his hands! Raising it above his head, a dark storm engulfed the entire courtyard, blocking the sun!

"Strike!" Lucien growled as he pulled down and a powerful bolt of lightning descended on the emperor, forcing him to block with his bare hands!



Following the explosion was a loud burning sound echoing all around the courtyard. The thunderbolt strike rose enough dust to hide both combatants but suddenly a bright, fiery orange light can be seen within the dust.


Lucien let out an inhuman roar as he swung the mighty flaming whip with all his might, striking the emperor and sending him flying above!


A bright orange mark could be seen on the chest of the airborne emperor, glowing brightly!


Suddenly the dust around Lucien dispersed as he screamed those words, following with a loud bang sound, and the emperor consumed in flames, stunning many to scream in shock!

"Take the last one!" Lucien suddenly leaped forward and on the tip of the Habakiri was a powerful storm brewing!

"Typhoon!" Lucien growled as he threw the massive wind hurricane at the emperor, pushing him all the way down without giving him a chance to resist, or maybe the emperor wasn't resisting on purpose!


They saw a blazing figure getting pushed back to his original position, forcefully smashing him back to where he sat while Lucien remained airborne without any support, standing there casually like he was standing on solid ground.

"Tier 3 wind magic: Wind walker" Lucien said calmly.


The dust around the emperor cleared, revealing his destroyed royal robes and revealing a sizeable portion of his bright red armor hidden within his robes! This left everyone including the nobles dumbfounded!

Everyone knew the royal robes was not as normal as it seems. It had the strength to withstand even tier three attacks effortlessly but Lucien reduced it to this sorry state in a matter of seconds! What is that weapon in his hands and how can it have control over four different elements?

"This is the Habakiri A magic weapon I created under the supervision of the emperor, a year ago I can boldly say it is more capable than any noble family heirloom in this empire and only the royal family can present weapons that can match its strength. Does anyone else doubt my worth?" Lucien said with a sly smile on his face but in reality, he was secretly alarmed.

The emperor took all those attacks head-on but he still came out without a scratch! He even blocked his lighting with his hands! Even the outer disciples of the creed couldn't do this much!

[He is quite strong He is truly worthy of the title Emperor!] Rakuzen commented calmly

The emperor gazed at Lucien thoughtfully for a while before nodding in approval.

"I agree to your conditions" Emperor Fei finally said.

"Hahahahaha! I knew you had it in you kid! My Lucardo family looks forward to working with the youngest noble the empire has ever gotten! And a damn strong one at that!" The old man of the Lucardo clan laughed wildly before walking away!

"Me too Uncle!" Lucien said with a childish smile as he gave the old man a thumbs up!

What transpired today was just too stunning that if anyone outside the place should hear the story they will most likely reject it and claim it's all a lie. Today, Lucien who is supposed to be executed for a capital offense, suddenly turned on the empire and forced them to present him with benefits!

All those who ratted him out and even failed to visit him even once while he was in the dungeon suddenly felt bad, especially instructor Emma. Based on status and personal achievements, Lucien has surpassed them, and it's only a matter of time when he would be able to stand on the same footing with the major figures of the empire! He is a rising star that cannot be stopped!


A few hours later, Lucien walked through the halls of the royal palace with so much swagger, that the guards who threw him into the dungeon convulsed in anger but none dared to make eye contact with him! After his stunning showcase of power, they all realized that his cultivation level may be low, but his strength is far beyond something, mere warrior realm experts like them can handle.

He yanked the mighty golden doors of the royal throne room and in there was the emperor and all the nobles in the empire!

Without baiting an eye, Lucien walked forward confidently. He wore his long silver robe but this one was more customized than the others. It had the Azure blue serpent dragon on it, giving him a majestic look. His long silver hair was allowed to fall freely and his hands were placed behind him as he walked forward. Each step he took looked majestic since his legs barely touched the ground! Many felt he was walking on air just like he did during the trial!

This was the tier three version of his original spell, wind wheels! A spell only he can cast! 

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