Longevity Begins with Marrying a Wife

Chapter 132: That's what it's for

  Chapter 132 was originally for this purpose

   A moment.

  Lingchi quiet room.

   Shen Ping sat cross-legged on the cushioned futon.

  He is still looking at the virtual panel.

  Mood ups and downs.

  I thought that this time to solve Luo Qing's blood constitution, at most it could transform to the silver frame, and it might not even change. After all, Luo Qing rarely has too much emotional change.


  This time, it directly crossed the silver color and transformed into gold color.

   Obviously, there has been a backlog of affection buried deep in Luo Qing's heart over the years.

   Until this moment, it was like a volcano erupting.

   Bits and pieces of six or seven years.

   Hard work and care day and night.

   Shen Ping never stopped.

   Now the fruit has been plentiful.

   This made him more confident in his heart.



   Take several deep breaths in a row.

  He calmed down.

   Then he looked at it calmly.

  【Sorcerer Ability: Oracle Bone Aura (Hundred) (2/1000)】

  【Spell Resistance: Tier 2 Low Grade (1640/15w)】

  【Life: 53/268】

   His eyes flicked to the front.

   falls in the column of magical powers.

  His face showed excitement.

  Since stepping into practice, spells have always been his weakness.

   Even up to now, I have only practiced basic spells and spells derived from family-inherited exercises, and all my energy and time have been devoted to studying the talisman.

   But with magical powers.

   It is no longer a weakness in terms of spells.

   And the most important thing is through Luo Qing's golden frame, he confirmed one thing, as long as he transforms into gold, there is a great possibility that he will have supernatural powers!

   It's just a magical power.

   brought great changes to his life practice.

  If the virtual frames of Yu Yan, Bai Yuying, and Mu Jin all change, then the scene...

   Come to think of it.

  Shen Ping was faintly excited, and it was difficult to calm down.

  He really wanted to go to Yu Yan for an exchange of Taoism, but he held back in the end.

   At this time, the latter is practicing in the quiet room.

   It's better not to bother.

   thought about it.

  He took out the core jade token.

   With the penetration of spiritual consciousness.

   Soon sent a summons to Yu Qingling.

   "Friend Daoist Shen."

   "Has the sound bug arrived?"

   Not long.

  Yu Qingling responded.

   Shen Ping, who was in a good mood, said with a smile, "It's already here, but Fellow Daoist Yu, I still have concerns. The D-level core members contribute one thousand a year. Although Fellow Daoist Yu makes a lot of contributions, there are risks in this matter..."


Yu Qingling sat cross-legged in the sixth-order spirit vein cave, her clever eyes were full of speechlessness, she couldn't help but said angrily: "Shen Daoyou, you are too careful, the parents of the little girl, the master has some strength, but this is The core jade tablet of Zhenbao Building, even if the master can check it, there is no clue."

   "Besides, the message from the Yin Chong Beast can only stay for a cup of tea. How can the little girl have the time to refine these elixirs."

   "The reason why I am willing to contribute 5,000 yuan this time is because I don't want these pills to affect the Dao Heart. There is no other intention."

  Shen Ping listened and thought about it, secretly thinking that what Yu Qingling said was not unreasonable.

  Pillions such as Xuezhi Pills, Lingyu Ginseng Cream, and Cuizhen Liquid are auxiliary resources for dual cultivation, and monks who do not have needs and preferences in this regard will not buy them.

  No matter how curious Yu Qingling was, she would not refine it after knowing its use.

  As long as you don't refine it.

  His parents, how could Master know.

  Be at ease.

  He summoned the message again: "Okay, as long as Yu Daoyou swears not to record it again, and transfer 5,000 contributions, you and I can exchange this kind of elixir."

  Yu Qingling gritted her teeth and followed suit.

   Transferred to Shen Ping after five thousand contributions.

   She concentrated.

Her white and pink fingers pinched the corners of her skirt, and her vivid eyes sparkled with intense curiosity. As a talented and outstanding alchemist, she really wanted to know about the Xuezhi pills and Lingyu ginseng cream that her parents and master had banned by various means. Waiting for the effect of the pill.

   "It is likely to be related to magic."

   "Or some kind of taboo."

   "Father, Master... my daughter has grown up and has the courage and strength to face all this."

  Yu Qingling's eyes were firm.

   After a few breaths.

   The unique voice of Yin Chong Beast was transmitted through the core jade card.

  Her heart beat faster.

   "Friend Daoist Yu."

   "The main purpose of elixirs such as Xuezhi Pills is double cultivation."

   "The process of having **** with men and women can be assisted by this kind of elixir, and the effect is amazing."

  Yu Qingling was a little confused.

  She is ready to face the cruel practice world.


   This kind of elixir turned out to be only an auxiliary resource for dual cultivation.

  Come back to God.

  Her cheeks flushed instantly.

   Pursing the corners of his lips to suppress the shame in his heart, he asked again, "Fellow Daoist Shen, are you sure that these pills are only for dual cultivation?"

"very sure."

   "Yes, but why parents, Master prohibits this kind of pill."

   "Ahem, friend Daoist Yu, you are still young, it is not a good thing to be exposed to these pills too early."

  Yu Qingling replied almost instinctively: "Fellow Daoist Shen, the little girl is no longer young!"

  Lingchi quiet room.

   Shen Ping couldn't help but see the curved outline when he saw Yu Qingling for the first time. The slightly undulating arc of the flat material can still be supported when viewed from the side.

  He shook his head suddenly.

   "Friend Daoist Yu."

   "Your Majesty has informed you of the purpose of the pill, and this exchange is over."

   Finished speaking.

  He put away the Yin Chong Beast and ignored Yu Qingling.

  Looking at the extra five thousand contributions.

   There was a smile on his face.

   You are indeed a monk in Zhongshengzhou.


  In Lingmai Cave.

  Yu Qingling got up and pushed open the jade window.

  Looking at the fairyland-like mountain palaces floating in the distance, she leaned against the window sill, with half of her cheek resting on her palm.

   She didn't care about the five thousand contribution.

   What she really cares about is knowing the doubts that plague her heart and completing the communication.

   "That hateful Shen Fushi must have used this kind of elixir."

   "The effect is amazing...I don't know what effect it is."

   Thoughts floated up.

  Yu Qingling's small and delicate earlobe was dripping red like a tide.

  She suddenly raised her white jade finger.

  The spiritual mist floating in front of my eyes quickly gathered lines of characters.

  It records all the doubts and curiosity hidden in my heart over the years.


   Her fingertips slide.

  Xuezhi Pills, the words on the use of Lingyu Ginseng Ointment Elixir disappeared immediately.

   Almost instantly.

  Yu Qingling's eyes are as deep as the stars in the sky.

  The sword-shaped marks between her eyebrows flickered, and she quickly regained her composure.

   Look at the remaining lines of fonts.

  Yu Qingling had a sad look on her lips, especially when her eyes fell on the last line, she hurriedly covered her eyes in shame.


   the next day.

   Just had dinner.

  Matchmaker Zeng summoned her.

  The Foundation Establishment nun has arrived.

  After tidying up a bit, Shen Ping and Pei Huoyu came to Chunman Garden.

  Not in the private room on the second floor this time.

   Instead, he came to the backyard wing.

Matchmaker Zeng said with a smile, "Master Shen Fu, the nun who established the foundation is in the house. I have seen her before. She looks like Fairy Caiyue from the Jinyang Sect. As long as she nods her head in agreement, the matter will be settled." set."

   "Come in."

  The two stepped into the wing.

  The foundation-building spiritual pressure dissipated, and the special formation in the house counteracted the suppression.

   Shen Ping took a look.

In the jade slips, this middle-stage foundation-building female cultivator who is quite talented in formations has an extraordinary appearance. She is wearing a fiery red palace dress, her black hair is coiled up, and a jade ribbon is casually pulled down, her lips The lines are rosy, the earlobes are without any decoration, and the cheeks seem to be white and moist, even sitting there has a charm that cannot be ignored.

  If it weren't for the dead gray eyes.

  Based on this appearance and figure alone, I am afraid that there will be many monks looking for Taoist couples.

   "Red lotus."

   "This is Master Shen Fu."

   "The core members of Zhenbaolou came this time to form a Taoist couple with you. I have already told you how to choose. Let me give you an answer now."

  Matchmaker Zeng was smiling, but her eyes were full of indifference.

  Sister Red Lotus glanced at Shen Ping.

  She hasn't spoken yet.

  Shen Ping spoke first, "Fellow Daoist Honglian, if you have no intention of becoming a Taoist couple, you don't have to force it, just follow your heart. I believe that Fellow Daoist Zeng will not make things difficult for you."

  Matchmaker Zeng laughed hurriedly: "Master Shen Fu is right, how dare I make things difficult for a female foundation-builder."

   "I do."


  Shen Ping stroked his palms and smiled.

  After exchanging a few words with Matchmaker Zeng, she took Honglian to the counter in front of Chunmanyuan.

   "Master Shen Fu."

"Your wife Wang Yun's matter has been answered. In two or three months, an envoy will come from the headquarters. At that time, a special member will transform your wife's blood. The possibility of success is extremely high, and even if it fails, there will be no Danger."

   Matchmaker Zeng said.

  Shen Ping was overjoyed in his heart, but on the surface he said calmly, "Is there no trace of danger?"

  This is the transformation of the bloodline root bone.

  Matchmaker Zeng replied confidently, "This is sent by the headquarters in person, which shows how much attention is paid to this matter. Don't worry, there is absolutely no danger."

  Shen Ping clasped his hands and said, "Fellow Daoist Zeng has taken care of you. If the matter succeeds, I will be very grateful."

   Leave Chunmanyuan.

  Pei Huoyu reminded, "Shen Daoyou, mortal cultivation is no small matter. Even if you succeed in the end, you should not be careless. Chunmanyuan's move is quite meaningful. In addition, you must remember that you are the core member of Zhenbaolou."

  Shen Ping understood what Pei Zhenren meant, he nodded heavily, "What Senior Pei said, I will definitely keep it in my heart."

  Go back to Tongquan Lane.

He first brought Honglian to Huiquan Lane, introduced Fellow Daoist Mu to him, and then said seriously, "Fellow Daoist Honglian, no matter what happened to you or what happened to you before, from this moment on, you It's Shen's Taoist companion, and Shen has always cared about Taoist companions and will not force it, so you will live here first, and then send a message to me when you are ready."

   "Of course if you want to leave, Shen will not stop you."

   There was a wave of fluctuation in Yin Honglian's ashen eyes, but it disappeared quickly.


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