I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 133: The Storm 19

Chapter 133: The Storm 19

After the boy left the hotel, Naomi also left the hotel and went to walk around the city. She wore a knee-length black skirt and white shirt while holding a purse in her left hand. She had brought her mask and put it in the usual place in case of emergency.

She had done everything to hide her trace so the boy from earlier wont know about it. While she was at it, she also uploaded the video of the boy smelling his hand after he touched the door handle. Of course, she didnt forget to send a private message to Mischa. Because Mischa was in her duty, she had yet to read Naomis message. But once she opened it, Naomi wondered how her reaction would be.

The reason why Naomi choose to walk around the city so suddenly was she had realized something important. Tomorrow her order for a high-end robot will arrive, but she had forgotten about Mischas bracelet!

That was why Naomi contacted Chi to know about the bracelet and she answered that the bracelet was ready. She had also put a chip to track the bracelet movement, so they could monitor Mischas movement through the bracelet.

It was Chis suggestion to add the chip to track the bracelet and Naomi didnt forbid her to add it because she had also planned to add the chip. With everything said and done, Naomi now walked through the street near Lunar Caf to meet Chi.

They planned to meet each other briefly and Chi will give Naomi the bracelet as they passed each other in the street to avoid any suspicion. Chi said that she had disguised as someone else and she would bump into Naomi in the street so Naomi could get the bracelet with her Telekinesis.

It was a truly brilliant plan, at least Naomi thought so. When she was on the street in front of the Lunar Caf, Naomi could see a movement on her left. A woman wearing sunglasses looked around suspiciously and when she saw Naomi she walked to her.

Naomi instantly realized this was the time. She nodded her head slightly to signal the woman to show that it was safe and now was the time to do the exchange. The glasses woman also nodded her head slightly and they bumped each other. When they bumped each other, with skillful movement, Naomi used her telekinesis and took the thing inside the womans pocket using her Telekinesis and put it under her skirt.

After they bumped with each other, Naomi looked at the woman and said, Im sorry, I didnt see you there.

Yes, the normal conversation after bumping another person. It was serving as a diversion to show that both of them were strangers to each other. The womans expression changed and she shouted at Naomi.

You better use your eyes to walk! Huh, the youngster this day never walked with their eyes looking at the street in front of them. The woman huffed and turned around after leaving those words.

Naomi also turned back and stopped on the side of the street. She had not confirmed the thing that she took yet because it was inside a box. She put the box inside her purse and she continued her walk like usual.

It was around afternoon, so Naomi decided to have lunch in Chi Diner again. When she was walking to the Chi Diner, this time another woman was looking at her and blinked her eyes several times. Naomi was confused, why did that woman look at her while blinking her eyes?

But, as a professional leader of a secret organization, Naomi immediately understood it.

That woman, shes mistaken me with someone else! She also wanted to exchange something with someone. Lets soil their plan, shall we?

Naomi responded to the woman by blinking her eyes several times too. The womans mouth curved a little before she walked towards Naomi and bumped her accidentally. When she bumped Naomis shoulder with hers, she whispered something.

On my pocket.

Naomi nodded her head a little to remain inconspicuous and used her ability to take the thing from the womans pocket. After they bumped with each other, Naomi walked silently while looking at the thing that she had just taken from the woman.

She used her Telekinesis to bring the thing to her hand and saw that it was the bracelet that she had asked Chi. Naomi was confused, if the second woman was Chi, then who was the first woman? And what was inside the box that she just took from that woman?

Naomi changed her plan. She went to the fast-food restaurant and brought a burger for her lunch and went toward the factory area where she was attacked a month ago. She wanted to know what was inside the box and she cant help but get excited by it.

Finally, she was gotten entangled with something outside her plan, the real exchange of goods in the public! Naomi hurried her pace to reach the factory faster. There was a reason why she was in hurry, Naomi saw the first woman that bumped into her and knew that she was tailed.

It seems the first woman realized that Naomi was not the real person that she needed to give the box to, and now she was tailing Naomi to get it back.

It was fast, Naomi didnt expect the woman to realized it that quick. Maybe she met the real person who was tasked to get the box and she realized that she messed up. As soon as Naomi arrived at the abandoned factory, she took the box out from her purse and was about to open it.

But, as Naomi expected earlier, the woman who tailed her showed herself behind Naomi and called out.

Sorry young lady, but that was mine.

When the woman said that, another girl that had clothes similar to Naomi showed herself from the shadow. She had black hair too, but her hair was long and it reached her waist. Naomi immediately understood why the woman mistook her for her real target, Naomis clothes were similar to the womans target.

Naomi turned to look at the woman and raised the box, Ive suspected it. I had no plan to have an exchange with you, but you bumped into me while gesturing for me to take the thing in your pocket. Wasnt that your fault?

Naomi provoked the woman and her expression turned instantly. She took off her sunglasses and glared at Naomi. The two in front of Naomi were Espers, that was why Naomi provoked them.

Shut up and give it to me! The black-haired girl shouted at Naomi.

Naomi was not familiar with her, but she ultimately wanted to play because she was bored. That was why Naomi just smiled and throw the box back in her purse.

Unfortunately, I refuse. Take it from me if you can. Said Naomi as she smiled smugly.

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