I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 130: The Storm 16

Chapter 130: The Storm 16

I must say, I was disappointed with your attack. Look, I didnt even move since I descended to the ground. Said Naomi as she looked around to see the men one by one.

The men gritted their teeth and resumed their attack towards Naomi. Who cares if they were high-up the sky if they can take down the most sought criminal right now. Even if they cant take the reward as they were criminals too, they at least could earn glory for taking down Mugetsu.

Or they could also take Mugetsu to their boss so they will be rewarded handsomely. The men had prepared themselves and launched the barrage of attacks towards Naomi.

However, Naomi still refused to move from her place. She just spread her arms and the barrage of attacks that were consisted of Ice, Fire, Oil, and earth failed to reach her. They were scattered around as soon as Naomi spread her arms.

The men were surprised, they could understand if the attack failed after it hit their target, but they were scattered as soon as the attacks were launched. They now understood, the true terror that made the world called Mugetsu The Worst Esper ever lived.

The men were confident. They were confident that they were able to take the majority of Esper down with their attack. But now they were feeling one thing, despairs. Their body refused to calm down, they were trembling in fear as they unconsciously took a step back. Even the biggest man from before also took a step back while holding his crushed hand.

He had a wry smile as he looked at Mugetsu, Monster.

Naomi who was in alert mode had enhanced her body to the limit. She could hear the mans muttering and looked at him, They always said the same thing after seeing my ability. Be more creative, shall you? I will give you a free skydive as your punishment because you were not creative.

As Naomi said that, she lifted the ground higher until it passed through the cloud that was forming in the sky. She had controlled those clouds to hide the perfumes when the men attacked her, that was why she gave those men 10 seconds because she needed that 10 seconds to hid the perfumes.

After they pass through the cloud, Naomi stopped the ground. Right now they were in Stratosphere, around 20KM high from the ground. The men had difficulty breathing because of the sudden change in the air pressure and the low oxygen in the Stratosphere.

They were holding their chest and kneeled to grasp for air. They were extending their hands towards Naomi to ask for help. But, Naomi just looked at them with cold eyes and said.

So, shall we begin? I will miraculously drop one of you on the water, so do your best to survive with your ability.

As Naomi said that, the ground that they used as a foothold began crumbling. With no footing or whatsoever, the men began to fall one by one. They were still gasping for breath, but some of them were using their ability in desperation and tried to survive the fall.

Naomi was watching them fall for a second before turning towards the direction of Avos Island. She had gotten her hand on her objective, now it was the time for her to go back home with her loot.

She entered the cloud where she stored the perfumes and isolated the perfumes from the air around them with her Telekinesis. After making sure that it was safe, Naomi began to fly back towards Avos Island.

Hmm~ That was a nice exercise. I need to do it more frequently.


In the underground base, a few minutes ago.

Chi called Rekka and Melaine for a sudden meeting because of some trouble. Rekka and Melaine were confused, what sort of trouble required a sudden meeting. But, when they entered the meeting room and looked at the screen, they immediately understood.

Princess has gone and done it again. Said Chi as she sighed while looking at the screen with tired eyes.

On the screen was news that came from Mexico City. It was a live feed that showed an unknown individual floating in the sky in a black dress while surrounded by thousands of bottles with unknown pinkish-white liquid.

Chi had seated on her seat while holding her head. Rekka just smiled wryly at her while Melaine was pouting.

She didnt invite me Muttered Melaine as she walked toward a seat beside Chi.

Well, she didnt want to bother us. I bet she was the most furious one about the act of Smiling Sun. That was why she moved by herself to take the perfumes. Said Rekka as she took a seat beside Melaine.

Thats right Muttered Chi. She sighed and looked at the screen while pinching the bridge of her nose, But she could do it without putting on a show like that

She must have her own goal with putting on a show. Like telling the Esper Association about the existence of the perfumes? Or she wanted to show that we were not responsible for that perfumes and wanted to destroy it? Asked Rekka.

Maybe, but with Princess way of doing things Said Chi.

There would be a misunderstanding. Oh- someone came in Humvees. Melaine said as she pointed at the screen that now following two Humvees.

The man on top of the Humvees started shooting at Naomi, but they were not worried about her.

Fool, they were shooting at Princess. Said Rekka as he scoffed.

Even SS-Ranked Espers ability dealt no damage for their Princess, that was why they could watch with a calm expression.

The battle continued until Naomi scooped the ground of Mexico City and lifted it. Chi covered her face and muttered that she didnt want to watch again and left the meeting room. Melaine had an excited expression while Rekka was just watching the screen with a smile on his face.

After a few seconds, ten men could be seen falling from the sky at the same time. They used their ability to try to stop their fall, but they ultimately failed. But, one man somehow managed to make a foothold using his ability and able to save himself.

Why did Princess drop them instead of killing them right away? Asked Rekka, curious about Naomis act.

She wanted to leave a witness. Or she wanted the man to report the incident to his boss. From the biggest mans tattoo, Princess must have realized that they were part of Smiling Sun. Said Melaine.

So, that is Rekka looked at Melaine with a surprised expression.

Right, that was Princess' goal. I never expected that she will declare war against them this fast. Added Melaine. She had a smile on her face and stood up from her seat.

Where are you going, Melaine? Asked Rekka as he stood from his seat too.

Getting my subordinates ready. This will be a big war because of those perfumes, so I need to brief my subordinates. I will leave the organization to you while Im gone, Rekka. As Melaine said that, she disappeared from her spot.

War, huh. I never expected the scale would be that big. Thought Rekka as he fixed his tie. He walked out of the meeting room with a resolute expression. Then I must prepare my mind too. A lot of lives will be lost in this war.

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