I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 129: The Storm 15

Chapter 129: The Storm 15

The perfumes were gathered above Naomi, and as she thought, the civilians began to gather below her and filmed what happened.

It went as Naomi planned, with the crowd gathered below her, the Esper Association mustve noticed it. No, because they moved fast, the Esper Association mustve sent their PD already.

Naomi tried to feel the Esper that was on the move towards her and as she had expected, a group of 10 Espers moved towards Naomi at a high speed, maybe they were in a vehicle or some sort of it.

Naomi extended her right hand and create a small earthquake by moving the crust of the earth a little. Mexico City was attacked with a 4RS earthquake that night, the crowd below Naomi also panicked and they ran towards safety.

After the crowd disappeared, two Humvees appeared from the distance. The person on top of the Humvee saw Naomi and pointed the mounted gun towards Naomi. They began shooting the guns without any warning and that surprised Naomi.

But, Naomi was prepared. She used her Telekinesis to stop the bullet from reaching her and sent it back towards the Humvees. The Humvees drivers were skilled, they evaded the bullet that Naomi threw back without any problem and they stopped right below Naomi.

Naomi looked at them with enhanced sight, she exactly 10 Espers came out from two Humvees. But, they were not the ones Naomi expected to come. They didnt wear PDs uniform, instead, they were wearing a normal suit. All of them were middle-aged men with rough faces.

Why? Naomi was confused but she decided to not mind it. She wanted to have fun while taking the perfumes, so if there were people who wanted to accompany her then it was fine for her.

Oi! Do you know what youre stealing, AH?! One of the people that came out from the Humvee shouted at Naomi.

Naomi looked at the man and said. I know, that was why I take it.

As Naomi said that, the drivers of the Humvees came out from the vehicle and looked at Naomi. One of them seemed to have an ability of enhanced sight or something, but he was surprised when he saw Naomi and shouted.

Damn it! Hey, shes that one! Shes Mugetsu! The driver pointed his hand towards Naomi.

The other people that were together with him were shaken. They looked at Naomi and some of them had smiles on their face.

Naomi smiled under her mask and spread her arms. Exactly. You, who dares to face me. Introduce yourself, or should I guess your identities?

The biggest man in the crowd stepped forward while holding the machine gun that was placed on top of the Humvees earlier. He smiled at Naomi while raising his gun and shouted.

Ha! There is no need for us to introduce ourselves!

The man rolled his sleeve and show a tattoo of a sun on his left arm. Our boss said that you and your subordinates will understand once we show this tattoo!

Naomi looked at his arm, and her smile deepened.

Good, this is good. My plan didnt include their organization, but they came to me on their own accord. I will use this.

Hou, Smiling Sun? I thought that you guys were cowards that targeted a little girl that cant defend themselves. Do you have the guts to face me directly? I will give you 10 seconds to show your ability to me. Said Naomi as she descended to the ground while crossing her arms.

She amplified her Telekinesis armor and just stood in front of the group of 10 Esper with a smile on her face. Her mask was in the full-mask state, so they cant see Naomis face. Even so, the pressure that Naomi emitted was enough to make them tremble in fear.

H-Hahahaha, so you know, huh. That we kidnapped a girl in secret? If thats so, then I guess it is a war between us! Shouted the biggest man as he pressed the trigger of the machine gun.

As soon as the bullet flew towards Naomi, she began counting. Ten.

The bullet hit Naomi directly, but because of her Telekinesis Armor, the bullet bounced away from her body, leaving no scar or bruise on her body.

A-Attack! One of the men shouted and they began to rush towards Naomi while being covered by the support attack from the gun. They spread to left and right, planning to flank Naomi from all directions.

One of the men jumped on the Humvee that was still had its gun installed and began to shoot at Naomi.

Nine. Naomi's countdown ringed on their ear, and the men who flanked Naomi from her left used his ability.

He crouched and put both of his hands on the ground. Instantly, the ground shook and a big hand made from dirt appeared behind Naomi. The hand moved and smashed down, hitting Naomis head. But, as soon as the hand made contact with Naomis head, it shattered to pieces.

The man was surprised, but his comrade was already on the move. From both sides, two men looked at each other before nodding their heads.

They extended their hands at the same time and oil gushed out from their hands. It covered Naomi from head to toes and burst in flame when the bullet hit Naomis armor. Naomi was not bothered standing in the middle of flames.


She used her Telekinesis to blow the wind away from her and the flames were put off in a matter of seconds. Seeing their comrades attempt didnt work, all men began to use their abilities. They all had a rather mundane ability, just an ability to control wind or ice.

Naomi just stood silently and watched them. They have no control, even if most of them were B-Ranked Esper, they were weaker than most B-Ranked Esper.

Naomi sighed and continue her countdown. As her countdown hit three, the machine gun stopped. They were out of ammo, so the two men that were previously shooting with the machine gun ran towards Naomi.

The biggest guy had a wild grin and shouted. Diee!! He hit Naomi with his fist right on her face.


A cracking sound was heard when his fist connected with Naomis face. He smiled, thinking that he managed to destroy Naomis mask and will be able to see her face, but he soon realized that his fist was broken beyond belief.

One. Said Naomi shortly.

The second man that was on the Humvee earlier shouted. Move away!!

The biggest man heard his shout and jumped away from Naomi. As soon as he jumped away, a laser passed him and hit Naomis right on her stomach.

The man smiled, but his face paled after a second. Naomi stepped forward, ignoring the laser that hit her, and said.

Zero, your time is up. Now its my turn. As she said that, the groups of Esper could feel that the ground they stepped on all this time began to move.

They were panicked, and one of them realized what happened.

Hey, for real? The man stood on the edge of a circular ground that was somehow disconnected from the other ground in the area. She gouged out the ground and levitate it?

So, shall we begin the second round? Said Naomi with a cold tone.

The groups of Esper from Smiling Sun soon realized. That they had joined the wrong side.

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