I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 126: The Storm 12

Chapter 126: The Storm 12

Naomi cant help but chuckle. Every time Melaine introduced herself to new people, there will always be a new reaction from them. Mainly because Melaine has the appearance of a girl in middle school, no one believed her when she introduced herself as SSS-Ranked Esper.

Millie and Topaz who were never seen Naomi chuckling like that were left confused. They looked at Melaine and saw her having an irritated expression on her face.

Always, this always happened. Said Melaine. She turned to look at Naomi who was chuckling and said. Lady Naomi, you really enjoyed the reaction of people when I introduced myself Im glad that I could make you laugh.

Well, the reactions were always funny. Even Mischa didnt trust you when you introduced yourself to her. Now, its Millie and Topazs turn. I never expected that Topaz called you Chuunibyou though. Even if you look like one. Answered Naomi as she tried to regain her usual smile.

Melaine was pouting at Naomi and said. Well, I cant make myself to look like an adult even when I am an adult! This is my real appearance, sorry about that!

Dont worry about it, you are perfect the way you are, Melaine. Said Naomi as she smiled.

I will be able to get a new reaction in the future if you looked like this. Thought Naomi.

Melaine doesnt know what Naomi thought of. She smiled and approached Naomi, leaning her face closer to Naomis. Really? Then shall we go back to our hotel room? Thats a proposal right, Lady Naomi! Lets go, to our love nest!

Naomi was looking at Melaine with composure and a little smile, as this is almost an everyday thing for her. But, Millie and Topaz didnt think like Naomi.

Stop right there! Shouted Topaz.

Melaine and Naomi turned to look at Topaz with confusion on their face. What? Asked Melaine shortly.

This is strange, isnt it? First, you introduced yourself as SSS-Ranked Esper. Now, you wanted to take Naomi back with you in the hotel room? How shameless are you! Said Topaz as she pointed her finger at Melaine.

Melaine and Naomi looked at each other for a second before they turned back at Topaz and Naomi said.

Its just a joke, about the hotel part. We live together, so its just her asking me to go home. Well, the part where she introduced herself as SSS-Ranked Esper was not a lie though.

Im also Lady Naomis guard, so its normal to do this right? Added Melaine.

Millie and Topaz cant say anything more after Naomi said that. They only stood in silence in their place.

Because they made a rather loud conversation, the employee of the store they are in approached them. Umm, Im sorry but could you do your conversation in the other place? She looked at her left and right. You are bothering the other customers.

Millie and Topaz snapped back to their consciousness and said. We are sorry, we will go.

Naomi was giggling at their reaction again, and she said. Well, lets walk around the shopping center as we planned.

Yeah, but I will ask you something more! Said Topaz as she walked to Naomi and Melaine with Millie.

I think I also need to ask something about your guard? Added Millie. She was unsure of how should she call Melaine. If Melaine is an SSS-Ranked Esper, then she must be careful to not make an enemy of her or Naomi from now on.

Well then, lets walk around. You can ask any question that you like, I will answer them. Just know that I will not answer the sensitive question. Said Naomi.

Four of them were leaving the store and began to walk around the shopping center. While they were walking, Topaz said to Melaine directly to show the proof if shes really SSS-Ranked Esper.

Melaine took up her challenge and used her ability to disappear with Topaz for a few seconds before they came back. Topaz was more excited than usual when they came back and began to call Melaine Master.

How? What was going on? Why did Topaz suddenly call Melaine Master? thought Naomi.

She was confused by the sudden change in Topazs behavior. But Naomi just brushed it off like usual, she just thought that maybe Topaz was admiring Melaine after she showed her time-stopping ability.

Millie was also confused. First, how did Melaine and Topaz suddenly disappear and appeared again a few seconds later? She guessed that Melaines ability was akin to teleport, or something similar. Second, why did Topaz suddenly call the girl that she thought of as Chuunibyou earlier as Master? Thats strange.

But, like Naomi, she decided to ignore it as Topazs strange behavior. She didnt know Topaz well, so she won't know what she will do or how she acted normally.

After walking for a while, Topaz and Millie were satisfied because all of their questions were answered by Naomi and Melaine. They also found out that Melaine was the one who helped to train Mischa in her spare time.

Millie as the daughter of a person who owned a big family cant pass the chance to get acquainted with SSS-Ranked Esper. So she asked for Melaines phone number. At first, Millie guessed that Melaine would refuse to give her phone number. But, she was surprisingly cooperative and gave her phone number without a second thought.

Millie was happy with the result. She hugged Naomi with a big smile and thanked her. Naomi was surprised by the sudden hug, but she just said Youre welcome. to Millie.

They stopped in a perfume shop on the 5th floor of the shopping center because Melaine said that she wanted to get a new perfume because her perfume was about to run out.

Naomi agreed with Melaine. Topaz and Millie also wanted to check the perfume so they followed Naomi and Melaine to get a new perfume for themselves too.

When they reached the perfume store, Melaine suddenly said.

Ah, Im sorry. I need to go to the bathroom for a while. Lady Naomi, can you accompany me to the toilet?

Naomi tilted her head because of Melaines behavior. She never asked this, but after looking at Melaine for a while, she understood something.

I see, she wanted to say something privately. And she cant stop her time because it will be suspicious.

Naomi turned to Topaz and Mille. Can you wait for us in the perfume shop? We will be back in a minute.

Sure! Exclaimed Topaz. Lets go, Millie! I wanted to browse their perfume so we can tell Naomi which one is good when she came back from the toilet! Said Topaz as she walked inside the perfume shop.

My~ What an energetic girl. Muttered Millie. She turned towards Naomi and said. Well, I will tell you the good perfume later, Naomi. Coincidentally, my familys business run in cosmetics, so I know a little bit more about perfume.

Im counting on you. Said Naomi to Millie.

After she said that, Naomi looked at Melaine and she nodded her head. They went towards the toilet room. They entered one of the stalls and Naomis face turned serious.

Tell me. She said in a low voice.

The problem is bigger than we thought previously, it seems we will need your help for the final phase, Lady Mugetsu. Said Melaine.

Naomi didnt know what final phase that Melaine told her, but it seems interesting as Melaine said that there is a big problem. With a smile on her face, Naomi said.

No problem, I will take care of it.

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