I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 100: Force of Change 25

Chapter 100: Force of Change 25

We've reached chapter 100!!

This is an achievement, I never thought that I can go this far!

Truly, thank you so much to the patrons for your support. I will deliver even better chapters in the future! I will do my best!

Well then, Enjoy the chapter!


Foolish. If he kept his distance, he would be fine. Truly a fool, to think that he walks towards my chakram by himself and got beheaded as a result. Naomi said while looking at the headless body in front of her.

She turned away after a while and walked towards the unconscious Mischa that was now visible to her eyes as the illusion was canceled by the death of the Esper. Mischa was now looking better than earlier and her breath was turned into a normal one.

Naomi erased her Telekinesis armor that she put around the taxi and carried Mischa in Princess carry again. She also didnt forget to stop her chakrams and put them back in her suitcase and lift it using her Telekinesis.

She started walking towards the hotel again as she looked up at the sky.

Smiling Sun, huh. They are not satisfied with me as their target and now they are targeting Mischa too? I planned to take the man who called himself Zhang to the base and interrogated him, but hes too foolish as he walked towards his own dead without me doing anything to target him at all. Thought Naomi as she looked down at Mischas face.

Mischa would be in danger if someone like that man targeted her. She had no way to pin out his location like me and she has no wide-area attack like my Telekinesis or Rekkas pyrokinesis. This is a little bad.

Well, lets just roll with it. I believe that Mischa would be fine. Though I think Melaine needs to train her harder.

With that Naomi just walked towards her hotel, while the civilians started to come out from the shelter.


Melaines POV

What are you saying!! I need to go there and help Mischa and Naomi!! There is no way Naomi could stop Mischa by herself! Shouted a girl in front of me.

Shes so troublesome. This girl called Hotaru is troublesome. How could Lady Naomi deal with a girl like her for a year?

Right now I am in the middle of the city while trying to stall this girl- Hotaru, from going towards Lady Naomi and Mischa.

How did we arrive at this situation? It started a few minutes ago.

At first, when I was searching for this Hotaru, I saw her evacuating the civilians to the shelter that was built in the underground of some building. I just watched her while distancing myself from her. She looked so serious to help the civilians to safety and that was good. That means I didnt need to stall her as she was focused on her job.

But suddenly she took out her communication device and her face paled. At that time, I noticed that she was contacted about Mischas situation. That means Lady Naomi's plan was a success because the Esper Association as we are expecting, watched Mischa chasing after Bel.

Now its my turn to work, I activated my ability and slow down the time, and moved towards Hotaru before she teleported away. I approached her and stood in front of her before deactivating my ability.

She was surprised to see me suddenly appear in front of her and took a step back in caution. I cant blame her to get surprised like that, especially since this is the first time she saw me doing something like this.

I pretended to not know anything and asked her. What happened?

To make my acting believable, I put on a curious expression and tilted my head. I acquired this skill in my long years of hiding. I must say that acting skill is truly useful in a situation like this and when I need to act like a young girl.

Most of the people who didnt know me well were fooled by my act, and I hope that she will be fooled too. Well, Lady Naomi was never fooled by my act since the beginning so there is a chance that this Hotaru wasnt fooled by my act too.

After a few seconds, she snapped back from her surprise and put on a serious expression.

Good, shes been fooled! Now I must stall her for as long as I could.

I have no time to be here. Mischa needs my help or she will be a paste when she hit the ground!

Crap! She almost teleports herself!

I immediately used my ability and grab her arms before returning the time to normal. We were teleported to the roof of a certain building near the location where Mischa fell from the sky and I saw Lady Naomi was preparing herself to hold Mischa.

I cant let Hotaru see her using her ability to stop Mischa, thats why once again I stopped the time and brought Hotaru away to the previous location.

And so I deactivated my ability and the time turn to normal again. I am pretty sure that Hotaru was confused about why did she arrive at the same area after she teleported herself?

You better stay here and help the civilians to evacuate. Lady Naomi could save Mischa by herself.

And now we arrived at the previous situation.

Lady Naomi was fine by herself. Like I said a week ago, you are underestimating her. Although she couldnt fly because she was C-Ranked Esper, she could use her Telekinesis to Mischas body to slow down her fall! I shouted back at Hotaru.

Her expression changed as soon as I shouted at her. She realized what happened and looked at me with an intense glare.

You I have teleported successfully right? Why did you bring me back here? She took a step back while glaring at me.

This is bad, I need to defuse her hostility towards me. If she is suspicious of me, she will definitely hinder Lady Naomis plan. Should I just kill her?

I was considering killing Hotaru to prevent the suspicion. But, after thinking about it twice, if Hotaru was killed when she was with me, Mischa will definitely hostile towards me regardless of my excuse.

The best thing to do right now is to tell her the truth. The truth about Lady Naomis order. That she wanted me to stall her from reaching that location.

Yes, thats true. I bring you back here. But, I brought you back here was because of Lady Naomis order. She wanted to bait someone so we cant be there with them. Dont worry about Mischa, I had used my ability to slow her fall. So what Lady Naomi needs to do is catch her body and thats it.

I glared back at Hotaru and said. So just stay here.

I saw her hesitate for a while before nodding her head.

I will trust you for now. But tell me who this person is? Why did Naomi want to bait him?

Good, she believes it. Now I just need to tell her about Smiling Sun and we will be done.

Smiling Sun, thats the name of an organization that targeted Lady Naomi. The reason why she called me to Avos Island is to protect her from them.

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