I Know the Secret to Surpass Level 100

Chapter 98: Nullify the Spell

Chapter 98: Nullify the Spell

The fog from their attacks had slowly dissipated. They expected Bright to come from it alive since her body did not fell but they could only gasp when a spherical forcefield covered her.

The protective spell was a see through black with triangle marks all over it like a pattern.

They heard her chuckle, forming several balls of white light around her. A roar came from her and the light passed through her forcefield and into the Adventurers around her.

Johnson conjured sand shields around them. Bright's attacks had tipped of the sand but Johnson kept regenerating it.

"I can still last, prepare your attacks and I'll hold down the shield," Johnson instructed. "Three, two, now!"

"Black Annihilation!"

"Eternal Chaos Strike!"

"Infernal Blaze!"

"Lotus Blast!"

They casted their spells in advance, firing all of them as the sand fell like curtains. All their casted skills fell in vain when four large mouths shot their attacks, blocking their own.

Bright conjured black wisp-like magic. She growled and the wisps entered the other dragons.

The dragons roared, their skin turning darker and black triangles had appeared on their scales and skin.

"She buffed them?" Lance couldn't believe his eyes. "From Queen of Hell's power too. This will be tough."

"Let's split up and defeat one of them at a time," Johnson said. "Pommel's levitation can still give us half more hour. He's at my Sand Bunker, so don't worry about him. Lilith is taking the lead against the soldiers and Zeud is battling over against the strongest opponent here."

As they had planned, the group split up. Johnson was after the lightning dragon with Ed, Connor was with Elliot who was after Shadow the Black Dragon Emperor, while Lance and Hope faced Bright.

Johnson were in advantage against Volt, the Lighting Dragon Emperor. His sands were great protection against high-magic output attacks Volt fires. He was going to act as support for his front-liner, Ed.

After all, his best skills lies with support. He could conjure long-lasting and high magic resistant spells, even blinding spells, but his own offensive magic output was low.

"This should be easy," Johnson said and started forming sand spears. He tried firing them towards Volt, expecting all to hit but the dragon covered its body with an intense surge of lightning. It blocked the sand spears, making it turn to dust that fogged around him.

"I take it back," Johnson groaned. "This is gonna be hard."

A figure emerged from the cloud, a quick and rather smaller dragon compared to the others dashed from it, going around Johnson and Ed in circles.

"Eternal Chaos Strike!" Ed swung his sword but failed to hit Volt. His speed was so fast, as he surrounded them. "Damn. I can't seem to hit him."

"I can't even see him," Johnson retorted and formed a small sandstorm around them just blind Volt. "This should teach him."

Feeling the air, Ed closed his eyes and tried locating the dragon. The blowing sands hindered its speed, lowering it by half. The dragon was fast and agile but now, his mind could keep up with it.

"Eternal Chaos Strike!" Ed casted and barely hit the dragon. "Darn!"

"Try again," Johnson said. "I can keep this up for the whole night."

"Okay," Ed closed his eyes and felt the air again. 

There was a small yellow spark that made Ed's eyes widen. A smirk has formed from his lips.

"Dude, I'm kidding. A sand cloud as dense and big as this would take a lot of my mana," Johnson gulped. "Please hurry."

"The New Guardian of the South, Johnson Wales, a support Adventurer that's not so good," Ed said. "Kind of disappointed, man."

"W-What?" Johnson pouted.

"If you were as versatile as Miss Lilith, you could've defeated this dragon alone," Ed teased. "What a shame. Eternal Chaos Strike!"

His attack slashed through the thick sand and hit Volt. The dragon groaned but the attack's power was also lowered as it traveled through the sand, barely scratching the yellow dragon.

"What did you say?!" Johnson yelled, dropping his sandstorm and growled. 

"Did you sent it?" Lilith asked Sittie. They were on the ground, with the latter just lowering her hand, barely finished casting a spell.

"Yes, ma'am!" Sitti replied. "That was the longest range I did. But it was worth it, right?"

Lilith chuckled, "Totally."

The memory from Lilith that Sittie sent to Ed was about Johnson. 

It was a memory of Lilith from when she saw Johnson switch with his alter ego for the first time. With Johnson's power alone, he was way beneath the power of the Guardians. But with his alter ego, he can reach the power of the strongest Adventurers in the kingdom.

And all it would take was to push Johnson over the edge, teasing him about being weak that his inner self would come out and prove everyone wrong.

"John, calm down," Johnson cried. "Let me out! No, Jhon. No! John, calm down first. Johnson, let... me... out!"

His eyes glowed with a light brown color. He raised his right hand and conjured a spear made of sand that he hardened. It was as if the sand became metallic with how dense it was and how hard it looked.

"Johnson has reached the Pointe," Zeud said from Lilith's memory.

"Pointe?" a younger Lilith asked. She watched over Johnson who was screaming as he conjured gigantic sand weapons against a large crab beast.

"A stage where the Adventurer can draw out their strongest power," Zeud grinned. "But he's mad when using it. I will bind him for now."

Back in reality, Ed watched as Johnson yelled and vanished, appearing behind Volt with a seemingly equal speed. He was chasing the dragon with a wide grin on his lips.

"H-How?!" Volt gasped after seeing the human behind him. "But I'm the fastest!"

"Ugly overgrown lizard!" Johnson yelled and thrusted his spear. Volt covered his body with electricity and curled up in a ball. The electric currents that surrounded him were powerful that it was impossible to break through.

This made Johnson back off but he raised his hands and sand had started to appear from his legs and around him. The sands started to form similar spears that floated behind him, all hardening like the one he was wielding.

"Endless Desert Spears."

The weapons slowly rotated, pointing themselves at Volt. Johnson raised his spear and lowered it, pointing at the dragon as the levitating weapons all darted towards Volt.

The sand spears had hit the electric forcefields around Volt. Some vanished into thin air while some had hit the dragon's thick skin. But they didn't managed to penetrate the protection thoroughly.

When Volt have had enough, he opened his wings and fired an electric beam at Johnson. The latter quickly formed a sand shield in front of him, blocking the beam.

"You're a piece of lizard meat now!" Johnson yelled, laughing devilishly.

Volt felt something ominous behind him. When he turned, a giant spear with the tip the size of his head was swinging towards him.

Johnson smirked as he waved his own spear, the giant spear following his movements. 

Volt couldn't comprehend what was about to happen and could only close his eyes and accept his destiny.

"Eternal Chaos Chaotic Slash!"

The spear was blasted into pieces after Ed's attack. He got in between Volt and the giant spear, panting as he lowered his sword.

"What's the big idea?!" Johnson yelled.

"I can nullify the spell he's under," Ed said. "I set it off at Kian earlier and now it worked. I'll try freeing him too."

"Let's just kill him, it's easier!" Johnson argued but Ed shrugged it off.

Ed got to the top of Volt's head who was now squirming. He asked Johnson to suspend the dragon and the latter conjured sand chains that he wrapped around Volt.

As the dragon lost his flight and slowly fell into the ground, Ed was focusing his magic. He put his sword back in his scabbard and placed his hands on top of Volt's head.


As they crashed to the ground, the stringed white symbol that was controlling Volt appeared, shattering into pieces and freeing the dragon from its spell.

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