I Know the Secret to Surpass Level 100

Chapter 127: Everything Will Be Fine

Chapter 127: Everything Will Be Fine

Lance got in between them and scoffed. "Why would you like this idiot?"

Ed snorted and bumped Hope with his elbow. "There he goes acting like a jealous fool again."

"I heard that," Lance glared. "No, I mean among all of us, there's five gorgeous men in our party and you chose the least attractive? I could say I'm the most handsome one and why is it not me?"

"Woof," Connor was the one who snorted this time. "That was unexpected."

"I don't like cocky men," Valerie smiled awkwardly. Lance heard this and took a step back, dramatically touching his chest.

"So, Elliot" Valerie played with her fingers. "What do you say?"

Everyone could see that Elliot was flustered. Besides the fact that he can take down large beasts with his overwhelming powers, he has never had any experience in talking to women.

That was when Ripple slung her arm around the shorter boy's neck. She kissed Elliot's cheek and winked at Valerie.

"Sorry Val, but Elliot is going out with me," Ripple said.

This made gasps echo throughout the hall. Their leader was going out with a man from the South and she never said anything.

"We are?" Elliot asked, Ripple bumping their hips together and made him get her point. "Oh, right. Y-Yeah, we are going out. Ripple here, this woman beautiful woman, is my girlfriend."

Lance's eyes twitched. "And you didn't tell us?"

He walked over to Elliot and scolded the two, his friends looking at each other in dismay.

"Is this still part of the act?" Hope whispered.

Ed looked flatly at the scenes being unfolded in front of them, speechless as to how his friend was acting at that moment.

"I have no idea, anymore, Hope," Ed sighed. "I have no idea."

They had laughed at each other more until Elliot saw two familiar people at the corner of the hall. They were obviously hiding, covering their faces with a cloak as they tried to exit the building.

"Holy" he stopped and removed Ripple's arms around him. "Priestess Geneva, did you know about the previous Ruler's children?"

"Yes, but they were dead long ago," the priestess said. "The Ruler's children were killed they said."

Elliot blasted himself and ran to the door, slamming it shut before the two could exit.

"Gomorrah, Santi," Elliot called out. "What are you doing?"

The older Succubus tried to hold the door's handle, but Elliot slammed it shut again. She gasped and sighed.

"We don't want to join your politics, Elliot," Gomorrah said. "I know you're looking for a leader and neither I and Santi will go back. Our father wants us to live a peaceful life and that's what we'll do."

There was a quick figure that went past through Elliot. It was a large man that hugged the siblings.

"Why didn't you tell me you were here?" Cain asked, tears falling from his eyes. "I thought I lost you too."

"U-Uncle Cain," Gomorrah muttered under her breath. "Is it really you?"

Cain let go of the two and held their shoulders, "You've both grown so much. I never thought I could see you again."

Lilith came over and gasped, "Gomorrah, Santi, I"

She went over to wrap the two in her arms too, crying as she felt for her cousins' warmth. "I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough to save you back then. I'm so sorry."

"The previous Ruler's children" Geneva walked over, wide eyed and lips slightly parted. "They told me they were dead. Their life stamps were gone from the records, and yet they're here."

When the priestess was about to walk over, Connor held her wrist to stop her. She turned and saw Connor shaking his head in disapproval.

"They don't want to be part of Inferno anymore," Connor said. "Let's let them be."

"But they have the strongest claim," Geneva tried to argue. "They're the people we've been looking for. The lost children of Abel. Wouldn't make the people of Inferno trust them?"

"Yeah, but they don't want any part of it, so why force them?" Elliot added. "I believe they have their own right to choose their path."

"Tell me what happened when you got separated," Cain said. "When the castle waa attacked, I was in the throne room with Abel as the General of the highest rank. You two were sent away as the Challenger approaches. What happen then?"

The sky was dark and city was in chaos. The capital of the Realm of inferno was filled with destruction as the Challenger Monstrum raved the city with his minions. The Generals tried to pursue him, all failing after the man overpowered every single one of them.

"Even Therese has been defeated," Cain said. "Abel, you must flee."

The Ruler shook his head. "Guards! Take Gomorrah and Santi to a safe place. Find someone who can conjure a portal and go to the safest Realm you could find."

"That would be Terra, my ruler," one of the guards said.

"Then send everyone to Terra"

"My ruler!" A guard rushed inside the room. "We have been breached by assassins! They had gone to your childrens' rooms, but we couldn't figure out where they are right now!"

"F*ck!" Abel cursed in anger. "Everyone, search every nook and cranny in this castle for Gomorrah and Santi. Do not stop until you find them!"

"But my ruler, we need to guard you," one of the other guards said.

"As your Ruler, I command every guard in this palace to search for your Ruler's children. Until I am usurped I am your king," Abel boomed, making every guard run out of the room and find their missing royals.

"Brother" Cain trailed off and conjured flames in his fists. "Brother, he's here."

The door of the throne room exploded, a man dragging a large sword walked inside, grinning whil throwing a guard's head to the side.

"I have come here to Usurp," Monstrum grinned. "But it seems like I already did, aye?"

"You could've challenged me in a duel," Abel said. "Why must you result in these tragic and horrible deeds?"

Monstrum shrugged, "Seems fun to me."

This made Abel sigh and raise his scepter, which was his weapon. Flames started coming out from the orb and he had covered himself with the flames.

"I will show you the power of the Ruler!" Abel yelled and walked forward. "You shall kneel before"

He was cut off when a flaming fist passed through his chest, piercing his heart and burning his innards.

"W-What?" Abel stuttered.

Monstrum laughed hysterically, looking at the Cain who was under his control. He deactivated his hypnosis and watched the younger brother's eyes widen in shock.

"Brother!" Cain yelled, taking out his hand and letting Abel fall in his arms. "What have I done, Abel?"

"Nothing," Abel managed to let out before he succumbed to his wounds.

"What did you made me do?!" Cain yelled in anger, slowly placing his brother down the marble floor.

"What did you do?" Monstum asked back, emphasizing each word to egg the man even more. "It was you who killed him. Not me."

Cain was about to launch himself towards Monstrum when he saw his daughter, Lilith, being held captive by the Challenger's daughter.

"I'm sorry father," Lilith said. "Gomorrah and Santi were taken by other people and I lost track of them."

"We will give you a chance," Monstrum said. "I know you can open a portal to another Realm and that's where you should go. Never come back here ever again."

"Choose freedom," he heard Abel whisper. He turned to see his brother looking at him, a smile forming in his lips. "I do not forgive those who did not wronged me. Goodbye brother."

"Sister," Santi cried as they hid under a bed. "I don't want to die, sister."

"Shh," Gomorrah shushed him. "We will not die."

A Flame Minion threw the bed over, revealing the two. It grinned widely and slowly walked over when a frying pan was smacked in its hed. A bucket of water was poured in its fainted body, killing its flames along with its life.

"Oh, goodness, children, come here," a plump woman with an apron on said. She and her husband guided the two out of the castle through a series of passageways.

They heard a loud scream coming out of the palace just after they got out, Cain screaming for his brother's death and his despair rang the entire city.

"Uncle Cain" Santi cried.

"My dear, calm down my dear," the plump woman said. "Everything will be over soon."

She kept repeating the words while another woman opened a portal, letting them escape with a hundred more Seductors. The two children kept crying and she reassured them with her words.

"Everything will be fine."

Once again, Cain hugged Gomorrah and Santi, Lilith following them as they cried in sorrow for their haunting past.

Geneva slowly understood as she watched them comfort each other. It was the most perfect sight that melted the leftover snow that were stuck inside their hearts, closing another chapter of their adventure.

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