I Know the Secret to Surpass Level 100

Chapter 125: Misunderstandings Part II

Chapter 125: Misunderstandings Part II

Elliot and the priestess left Cain to talk to his children. Apparently, Cain was over 60 years old, but Infernals do not age like Terrans. They have longer lifespan and older age of maturity. Seeing the father and his children interacted made Elliot and Geneva crossed Cain out of their candidates.

They will never going to convince him since he doesn't want to leave his family behind.

So they spent an hour more together, thinking of a person who would rule Inferno. Elliot's other friends were busy settling the people into their homes while Connor was nowhere to be seen.

Their brainstorming took a while considering that unlike the other realms, Inferno couldn't be ruled by choosing a leader through voting. Someone with power, who is unfit and tyrannical, will threaten as much people as they can to vote for them, taking the throne in the process. And as much as possible, they had to stop another version of Monstrum.

What they need is someone who is fearsome and could rule over the Realm without anyone else challenging them, and that someone should be good and wants everything to change for the better. Someone who has power that could intimidate anyone in their path.

"What about Therese?" Elliot asked. "She is the strongest General from Monstrum" Elliot paused, gasping. "I said his name."

"The curse died along with him," Geneva said. "And about Therese, she is strong enough but her influence isn't that widespread. She's famous in the capital, but her name hasn't reached the Fallen Kingdoms. There are still people there, you know. They might not let her rule."

Elliot groaned and stood from the chair he sat on. He placed his scabbard in his belt, buckling it just when the door opened.

"Oh." Connor opened the door and cleared his throat. "I didn't realize you were in here."

"There you are," Elliot smiled and walked over. "Hey, Connor what do you"

"Sorry for disturbing you," Connor said and closed the door right in Elliot's face. The latter looked at Geneva who had the same expression as him.

"What was that?" Elliot said and opened the door, running outside to chase Connor but couldn't see him anywhere.

"Elliot!" Frost said as she ran up to him.

"Have you seen Connor?" Elliot asked.

Frost looked around and shook her head, "No, I don't think I did. But you have to stay indoors. The casters will conjure a barrier and a spell that will keep everyone inside safe."

Elliot walked around, stretching his neck to find his friend. "What? Why?"

"There's a storm coming, a strong snowstorm," Frost said. "Everyone's inside the city hall already. It is expected that the storm will come in thirty minutes."

"I need to find Connor," Elliot said and leaped to the roof of a random house. He was looking around, seeing the raging storm that was coming to them and gulping. "Where are you?"

He tried calling Connor through the Contact feature but he failed multiple times.

Running to the roofs, Elliot had reached the end of the city but Connor was still nowhere to be found.

Maybe he's already inside the hall. Elliot thought and nodded. He then decided to go to the hall Frost pointed at.

He got inside and instantly saw his friends forming a circle in the front. Elliot was baffled as to why Connor wasn't there with them.

"Where's Connor?" Elliot asked. He turned to Lance who creased his forehead in confusion.

"I thought he said he was going to find you," Lance muttered. "He said he was going to the house Cain was."

It felt as though Elliot's world stopped. He rushed out of the hall and into the roof of the building. The tower broke down when Therese launched wrath upon the city along with several houses and establishments.

"Where is he?" Elliot muttered to himself and glanced at the approaching storm. It won't be long until it unleashes its rage upon the city.

"Elliot!" Lance said from below. "Let's go inside. The storm is dangerous. It will freeze you to death!"

"I need to find Connor!" Elliot yelled back. "He's out there somewhere, misunderstanding the situation I am with Geneva."

"What do you mean?" Lance asked. "What situation?"

"I'll talk to you later. Don't wait out for me and let the casters cast their heat spell," Elliot yelled one last time before using Hasty Aspire to run to the other houses' roofs.

Not a few moments later, the door opened.

"Why are you yelling?" Connor asked. "Where's Elliot?"

"He's looking for you," Lance said. "Where were you?"

Geneva followed Connor out, walking past him, "I cleared everything with him."

"Sh*t," Ed cursed and was the first one to go to the roof to follow Elliot. Lance decide to jump to the roof to follow Elliot. 

"What's going on?" Connor grabbed Lance's wrist, making the other boy look at him. "What happened?"

"Elliot thought you ran away because of a misunderstanding. He's out there somewhere," Lance replied.

"But the storm's already near," Connor gasped. "What's he thinking?"

"Nothing apparently," Lance sighed. "Hope, do you still have mana to morph? It's better if you could be easily seen so he can see us too."

"I can," Hope said and took a few steps back.

"Good." Lance turned to Geneva, "Tell everyone to seal the hall without us. Connor will keep us warm somewhere when we find Idiot I mean Elliot."

Geneva nodded and closed the door from the hall, looking at Connor before the door fully shut, "Be careful."

Connor smiled and turned to Lance who had a knowing look plastered in his face.

"What?" Connor quirked his brow up. 

Lance chuckled and shook his head, "I didn't say anything though."

When Hope had finished his morph, the two rode his back and took Ed with them. They flew through the city, finding their friend who was looking for nothing.

"This is not the smallest city in Alorde, but it's also not small," Lance sighed. "And sh*t, the storm is here."

It already covered half of the city within seconds of its arrival, covering everything with frozen flakes of snow in its wake. Along with the roaring skies and the strong wings, it would be hard for them to maneuver inside.

"Scorching Endurance." Connor casted to their group, forming a coat of soft flame magic above their skin. This would protect them from the cold waves of the incoming storm.

"This should take care of us for the next 10 minutes," Connor said.

Hope roared in understanding, taking a moment to compose himself before he dove straight to the storm.

They got inside the large mass of frozen storm with zero vision. Even with Connor's buff, Hope had a hard time navigating the way.

Lance brandished his black sword, raising it and casting a spell.

"Shadow Veil."

A thin cloth-like mana spurred out of his sword, forming a sphere around Hope's large body and blocking the strong winds and snow from the outside. It was a veil he used to cloak and camouflage the Seductors at the dungeon escape.

He continued raising his sword to keep the veil retain its spherical shape. It was a simple yet effective way so they could maneuver their way inside the storm.

Not long after, they saw a figure from one of the roofs. Hope instantly dove to the house and hovered over it

When they confirmed that it was indeed Elliot, Lance fired his ropes and took Elliot inside the veil, placing him comfortably in the dragon's back.

"Look," Connor pointed at his left ear. "What the hell is happening here?"

"Isn't that what happened to Levitican?" Ed asked, turning to Lance who was facing them.

Elliot's left ear was cut off by the frost. But it wasn't the thing that surprised them.

What fascinated them was that it's growing back.

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