I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 163: System: Sudden Confession

Chapter 163: System: Sudden Confession

The end to the ladders seemed way farther than I had expected but I decided to go the slow and steady route. With my current cultivation, I know that I'll just explode if I rush into climbing the Qi Energy Ladder. That's why I had to move slower than usual. I don't know if I have enough time to reach the end though.

Seriously, Hui-ying, why do you have to make this Void Tower/Dungeon so hard? Not only is there a Guardian that could easily kill anyone it sees, you also had to scatter a lot of Titanium and Platinum Rank Monsters and Spirit Beasts all over it. If I didn't have the knowledge on the Bloodborne Poison, and if I didn't have White accompanying me, I'm fairly certain that I would have died by now.

One might say that White could've easily cleared this Void Tower without me in tow, but think again. I'm the one who concocted the Bloodborne Poison. I was the one who ultimately defeated the Guardian. Even if he was the one who bought time before the Poison completely kicked in, I'm still the one who defeated it. It's not a case of White being better than me, clearing the Void Tower is a joint effort and if I could be as prejudiced as I could, I can say that I have more contributions compared to White. It's not even worth questioning.

"It's because I didn't want any cultivator clearing it. If you were really chosen to be the strongest cultivator, then you could at least be Beyond Transcendence Realm. Anyone can reach that point given a few years' time. But only the chosen one would be able to reach it at such a young age and clear this ultra-difficult dungeon." Hui-ying reasoned out. "And also, I do think that the way dungeons are constructed varies greatly on certain periods in time. I guess I'm a little bit too ancient for your liking."

"It's fine, it's not like I needed your memory fragment or anything. With or without it, my goals of defeating the perpetrators behind this." I continued, starting off my comment with sarcasm. "But don't misunderstand. Before, it was clear to me that I'm doing this for myself. I know that finding more information about you and the System would prove to be useful in the long run."

"After hearing your story, however, I've decided to do this for you and the System. You've helped me more than enough already and you've given me a second chance at life. Knowing more about the two of you would bring me closer to the truth about your existence. And if the memory fragment is the answer, then so be it."

"You've helped me so much that I couldn't even begin to thank you. Just as you said when you first appeared in my head, without you, I'm just a normal rabid human wandering the face of the earth as I feed off human flesh and rot for who knows how long. And I guess, I haven't thanked you properly enough... that's why I made a new goal for myself."

"Well, saving the world is my topmost priority. But along with that, I also want to reciprocate what the two of you did for me. You've given me a second chance at life. It may be a work of fate but it's a no-brainer that you've helped me. That's why I want to give you a second chance at life as well."

"What do you mean?" Hui-ying asked, perplexed. "If you're talking about living again, you're doing it now. The two of us may be currently existing in your mind but this is more than enough for us. You don't have to go out of your way to resurrect the two of us." She continued.

"Resurrect? That would be hard. I mean, is that even possible? I've never heard anyone do that." I continued. "What I mean is... I'm going to find a way to separate the two of you from my mind. And when that time comes, I'll construct a soul puppet for the two of you. A soul puppet that's so human you won't even begin to describe it."

"How would you do that? First, you need to master the Four Main Elements to construct the Soul Puppet. You may have two right now but that still won't be enough. Well, you do have enough shop coins to buy elements in the System Shop but... I'm sure there will be more useful elements and skills for you. You don't have to worry about us, we're fine the way it is. Besides, it takes years or even decades to master an element. Do you think you can master all your elements plus the Earth and Water Element? It's impossible in one lifetime."

"Do you know who I am? I'm Tang Yongrui, glorious master of the Tang Sect. We're one of the top sects in all of China because of me. No one can reach my level of genius, at least, not in the Lower Plane. If it takes learning an element or two to bring you back, then I can do it in one or two years' time."

"These are all nonsense. There's no way you can do it in two years' time." Hui-ying pointed out as if she was twirling her index finger in front of me. And then she chuckled.

That's right, she chuckled.

It was my first time hearing her chuckle that I almost got distracted. Fortunately, I managed to maintain my composure so my Qi Cores won't get agitated again. By now, I'm still yet to take another step forward due to the pressure that the Qi Energy Ladder emitted.


<Congratulations! The System has opened its heart to you!>

<With the help of the System you can conquer the world!>


<The System has issued a quest for you!>

[Quest: Make 2 Soul Puppet for (Yang Xin)Hui-ying and the System.


(Yang Xin)Hui-ying and the System as your betrothed.

Unlimited Capacity for your Barracks.

Lifetime supply of love and affection from (Yang Xin)Hui-ying and the System

Two wives! Not just betrothed!

Description: The System believes that you can master the four main elements and make two soul puppets that could be a vessel for both the System and Hui-ying. The System also believes that you can find a way to extract them out of your mind.

Notice: Upon completion of this quest, you will be granted something special. Love, System.




What on... what is the System talking about? Is it playing tricks on me? How could she say something like that? And what is up with being betrothed to me as a reward? System? System? You're just messing with me, right? Right?!


<Notice: The System can indubitably assure that the System is not messing with you>

<Notice: The System exists to serve its master... and now its new master>

<Notice: The System doesn't have the ability to lie. It can only say what's in its core>

And there's another one! Great! Now the System is responding to my questions in my mind! Don't tell me she was just being shy at first? What is going on here?

"But, Yongrui... you were the one who asked her. And also... I wouldn't mind marrying you if that's the reason why you're going to such lengths to give us another chance to walk on this world. Even if you ask of us to die for you, we will gladly do so. That's how grateful we are on the sentiment. If you managed to pull through, then it would be even better." Hui-ying responded.


<The System bids you well on your quest. The System hopes that you complete the quest before the two years is over>

I sighed. I only ever told them about it because I wanted to reciprocate their gesture of giving me a second chance. And now there are two of them talking inside my head! Two of them! If one was already too much to handle, then how about two?!

Honestly though, even if the System didn't give me a quest like that. I would still fulfill my promise no matter what happens. After all, I, the esteemed Tang Yongrui, am a man of his words. I don't say something and mean another. That's what cowards do.

'Right now, we have to get that memory fragment.' Thinking about this, I mustered all my courage as I took a step upwards the spiral ladder... then another step, and another step. I could feel the taste of iron in my mouth as blood began to flow through it. I was nearing my limits but I still continued climbing the Qi Energy Ladder.

I can take it! I can still take it! I kept on telling myself as I pressed on while continuously circulating Qi Energy through my Qi Cores. Every single step gave me more intense Qi Energy pressure...

But with regulated breaths, I managed to hold out and continue my ascent.

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