I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 160: An Investment

Chapter 160: An Investment

Time remaining 1:13:25.46

With how the way things are, I know that I wouldn't be able to survive climbing the tower if ever there were beasts or monsters residing there. If worse comes to worst, my remaining hp would be depleted before we even step foot halfway up the Void Tower.

That's why I must do this no matter what!

Even though I'll be wasting precious time and Qi Energy in saving White, it would be worth it since he's clearly stronger than me.


Without further ado, I used my Holy Qi Core and Blood Transfer Skill to White. Little by little, I could see some drastic changes in his physique. His uneven breathing finally returned to normal and his bruises were beginning to disappear as well.

Adding to that, I also noticed that I'm regaining back my health points as I continued healing White. His Qi Energy seemed to be increasing as well when I started healing him. Up until now, I haven't really explained how my Blood Transfer Skill works but now, I more or less understood how it works.

First off, the Blood Transfer skill doesn't just grant heal to the user or the one being healed. In fact, it was far from that. Apparently, the Blood Transfer skill doesn't work that way, but rather, it works through the Blood. Every time I use the Blood Transfer skill on myself, my blood will be directed to the most injured part of the body, thereby increasing the recovery rate of that body part. As for when I'm healing someone else, the Blood Transfer skill actually takes a portion of my blood and gives it to the one being healed. I don't see it but the blood disappears from my body and reappears in the body of the one healed. It's a bit trippy but that's how it works. I only ever found out about it now when I feel a bit dazed while continuously healing White.

Time remaining 1:01:12.36

White slowly opened his eyes as his consciousness came back to him. Although I've healed him more than what my body could handle, he was still weak after depleting his Qi Energy when he transformed into his 'Awakened Form' a few minutes ago. If I weren't here, he would've died from draining his Qi Energy so there's that.

"Yongrui, are you all right?" He asked, wincing in pain as he clutched his chest.  Even though I healed most of his injuries, his injured ribs must've hurt still since I couldn't fully heal them. In total, he had six broken ribs, ruptured organs, and his muscles were so overused that he wouldn't have been able to walk if it weren't for me healing him.

"I should be the one asking you that. Can't you see I'm the one who healed you right now?" I told him, lending him a hand so he would finally stand up.

"T-thanks,  I thought you were dead. Looks like I managed to send the Broadaxe flying just in time." He commented upon noticing the Broadaxe fastened against the wall.

"Well, I thought I was dead too. Thanks for the cover. You were the one who covered me with your Qi Energy, right?"

"Who else is here except me? I don't think that Guardian would save your life either." White shrugged.

"In any case, we have to get out of here right now. Apparently, the treasure is not here. This is just the beginning stages of the Void Tower... well, more like a trial before the dungeon actually starts."

"So I'm guessing we go up?" White asked, but just as I expected, he still couldn't walk straight.

"Yes, can you make it?"

White pursed his lips as he tried to take a step but he ended up falling on his butt. With a forced laughed, he scratched his head and replied. "Hahah... I don't think I can make it. If I were to exert myself, then my injuries might worsen. You can take it from here."

"Are you sure? You don't want to know about the Ancient Power as soon as possible?"

"You don't have to tell me. I know that we don't have enough time. At this rate, the Void Tower will disappear into another place and time if we don't act quickly."

"You knew about that?"

"I can sense it. We only have more or less an hour left, right?"

I nodded.

"Then, it's up to you. Don't worry about me. I have a familiar that can take me to the entrance." He continued. "I may not be viable to fight anymore but I know that I should at least not get in your way. If my theories are correct, then you must be connected to the Ancient Power more than I think you are."


The moment White snapped his finger, a snake-like spirit beast with wings appeared beside him. Just like White, the snake-like spirit beast had white skin and white eyes. It hissed as it stared at me. "This is a White Crystal Wyvern. My Spirit Beast since childhood. He will take care of me."

"Right then." I continued.

Although I was looking forward to White's help as we ascend the Void Tower this time. I knew that he had already reached his limit. And if I were to heal him any more than that, I know that I'd be the one who'll be a sitting duck in place of him. It was truly a dilemma but I can say for sure that I made the right decision. 

"Then, take care, Yongrui. I'll meet you at the entrance. And don't be late! It would be terrible if we were to find ourselves in a different timeline. " He half-jokingly said.



"Can I ask one question?"

"Sure, go ahead. Just don't take too long since you can't possibly waste your precious time here." White continued.

"Why did you save me back there? If you left me to die, then you wouldn't have critically injured yourself like that." I asked.

The reason why I just had to ask this was because there wasn't any resentment emanating from White himself. It was obvious that I can still heal him if I overexerted myself but he didn't ask me to do so. He was definitely prioritizing the success of the raid even though he knew that he wouldn't get his hands on the rewards. Well, who would've thought that the rewards would be on top of the Void Tower? Even I didn't think of that possibility.

And also, there weren't any passageways nor hints that there is a way up. Even when I examined the Tower, it was just a thick cylindrical slab of bricks and metal from the second floor upwards. And yet, right now, there really is a way up. It's baffling but I guess I had to accept it at face value.

White looked at me and shrugged as if the answer to my question was obvious. "It's an investment for the future. I know you'll be stronger than me once I get you to the Middle Plane. That's why I'm getting on your good side."

"I see," I continued. "Well, that explains it. I'll be on my way then."

"Be careful on your way up."

"Yeah, no sweat." I waved my hand as I started heading upwards.

Time remaining 00:57:32.23

Without further ado, I opened the System Shop and scrolled down the Skills Section in there. Up until now, I didn't really care about any agility-based skills but right now, I'm running out of time as it is. If the Skills Section in the System Shop has a wide array of skills, then surely, there should be a 'Quickstep' skill or a  'Dash' skill that would utilize my agility in ascending the Void Tower. ]

To my relief. There was one.

[Skill: Air Step

Description: Allows the user to step in mid-air without using any elements whatsoever. This is one of the simplest Skills when it comes to the Gravity Element. However, it doesn't need the Gravity Element for it to activate.

Mastery over this skill increases the number of steps one can do in mid-air. Achieving maximum mastery would grant the user a total of twenty steps in mid-air.] 

<You have selected the skill: Air Step>

<Would you like to buy this skill?>


Since it only costs 90 million shop coins, I didn't hesitate to buy it. I've had at least 6 billion more shop coins the last time I remembered it.

"No, Yongrui, you should take a look again," Hui-ying spoke in my mind, making me open the System Shop once again to see how many shop coins I have. There was a bit of chirpiness in her voice that for a moment, I thought she was playing a prank on me.

The moment I laid my eyes on the number of shop coins I have, my eyes almost fell out of my sockets. "T-t-thirty billion Shop Coins? How did I get that much?!" I exclaimed.

With this, I could buy at least three Elements in the System Shop!

Well, more on that later. Right now I have to clear this cursed Void Tower Dungeon whatever first.

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