I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 136: OP Detection Skills

Chapter 136: OP Detection Skills

"Let's go!" Liu Zhi called out as he headed southeast from the Shelter. HIs decisiveness made us follow him without question and as for me, I concluded that he probably knew what he was doing.

Wu Yan and Blade easily matched Liu Zhi's pace as we traveled southeast. Well, it was a given since Liu Zhi is not really the fastest in the group albeit his Wind Element. This is one of the subjugations of rabid humans, right? Then I guess I can leave everything in Liu Zhi's hands. He's the leader of our party after all.

"We're going to the most remote part of the area here where not a lot of zombies are grouped up." Liu Zhi explained. "I figured that all the other parties would immediately head towards the most concentrated area to get all the points they need. With that in mind, it would be inevitable if the other parties were to get in a fight."

"That's true. But what if everyone else thought the same as you di " I called out, and then I stopped since I might jinx it. But now that I think about it, I think that a lot of parties would have the same mindset since they are all professional parties, or rather, rabid human hunters.

And just as I thought... I was right.

We only got a little bit farther into the southeast when we already met another party.

"I knew it." I sighed as I prepared myself to fight. Well, I didn't really prepare, I just blanketed a huge area with my Qi Energy to detect everyone nearby.

"Hey, are you heading this way, Yongrui?" One of the party members of the other party asked. For some reason, he was casually grinning as he waved towards our group. For someone in another party, he seemed to be a pacifist type not like the aggressive ones we usually encounter.

"Yeah, but if you're heading this way, then you can take it," Yongrui responded. "Your team is much better than ours anyways when it comes to efficiency."

"N-no, please take it! As you said, we're more efficient in hunting. We can just look for another spot." Another party member of the other party shook his head and waved his hand, gesturing that we just move forward and ignore them.

"Then, we'll oblige." Liu Zhi cupped his hand. "Blade, Wu Yan, Yong Rui, this way." He signaled.

Wait, what?!

What just happened?

Wu Yan probably saw my shocked expression since she chuckled underneath her breath. "You probably don't know them, Yongrui, but they are one of the parties in our Red Sea Shelter. Wait, did you think we are the only ones in Red Sea Shelter?"

"No, it's just that, I've never met them before," I muttered. "Well, that explains it."

Our group continued heading southeast, eradicating rabid humans we meet. Since they were at least Stage-2's, it wasn't that hard to hunt them down. I'm guessing that someone somewhere is watching everyone's performance as they tallied our scores. If that were the case, then we can't possibly continue hunting down Stage-2s. If we were to aim for the prize that Shen Rong offered to the winner, then we'd have to hunt rabid humans with higher stages.

Since we weren't meeting any rabid humans that would give us a significant amount of points, I decided to thin out the detection circle I released. After a few kilometers or so, I finally found something that would boost our points.

"Liu Zhi, I'm detecting a horde three kilometers southeast from where we are. Should we head there?" I asked.

"Do you know what stages are they? Also, if it is a huge horde, then they might have a leader within them. Can we defeat them?" Liu Zhi asked but he continued leading everyone to the southeast. In fact, he was charging even faster than before as if he has a clear goal of winning in his mind.

I never thought that Liu Zhi was the type to take a contest seriously. Ever since we've started the Red Sea Tournament, I never saw him raise his voice in his cheers. The only thing he told me before I entered the stage on my first match was 'good luck' so I thought he was indifferent towards contests and such. But now, he seemed more eager to win compared to the other party leaders.

"Their leader has an aura of a Stage-Five. With our current strength, I think we can defeat it. The rabid humans under it are just Stage-3's" I announced.

Blade and Wu Yan looked at me in surprise as I announced. "How could you detect them so accurately at such a distance?" Wu Yan asked out of the blue to which I don't know what to reply since I just tried it out today.

"Just as I thought, you really are a talented Scout, Yong Rui." Blade said with a smile on his face.

A few minutes or so later, our group arrived at the location I pinpointed. And lo and behold, there really was a horde there. And fortunately, the horde was relatively weaker compared to our group. We didn't have to call for other parties for help in subjugating this horde.

"Let's go." Liu Zhi smacked his lips as he charged straight on.

I was about to stop him when I realized that all of them were already in the Immortal Realm. Even if he goes straight ahead, there's no way the Stage-3 rabid humans would stand a chance against them. After all, a Stage-Three Rabid Human is only on par with cultivators in the Emperor Realm, which is two realms lower than the Immortal Realm. As for the leader of the horde, which is a Stage-Four High-Leveled Rabid Human, it's only on par with the King Realm which is, again, a realm lower than the Immortal Realm.

Countless wind blades flashed through the horde as Liu Zhi mercilessly shot them down. Blade also initiated attacking the other side of the horde as well, just so they won't be able to get away. As for those who managed to slip through Blade, they were frozen to the core, courtesy of Wu Yan's Ice Element.

I almost cheered in surprise as I realized that their cultivation has risen by a lot. They were at least on the Fourth Level of the Immortal Realm and they are on the verge of a breakthrough, the essences and cultivation techniques that I gave them must've worked their charm. Even though they are still starting and there aren't really any solid results from their training, it was obvious that they've gotten a lot more formidable compared to when I first met them.

The leader of the bunch was just a Stage-Four High-Leveled Screecher Rabid Human. And even though it has superb agility and strength on par with those in the Peak King Realm, it immediately knew that it stood no chance against our bunch. Using the other rabid humans in the horde as its meat shield, it tried to escape, using its speed to its advantage. Nevertheless, the other rabid humans were like meat being presented to a slicer since they were instantly killed by Liu Zhi and the others.

Since there was no escape for the Screecher, it stopped in the middle of the horde and tried to hold its fort for as long as possible. Its screeches constantly resounded in the air, making me impulsively cover my ears in frustration. I badly wanted to just go over there and give the Screecher a good slice on its neck. But Liu Zhi's actions told me that any help would be unnecessary. That's why I remained where I was as they did their job.

In any case, their teamwork was really fascinating when it comes to hunting down rabid humans. Figures, they were probably doing the same stuff over and over again for the past five years. A moment ago, they were beating themselves up, trying to tell the other party member we met that our party was inferior to them. Little did I know, they were just trying to act meek about it. When it comes to efficiency, they are probably one of the top parties I've ever seen... or I may be biased since Liu Zhi's party was the only party I've seen. But that doesn't mean that my inward compliments for them are fake. They really are oddly efficient when it comes to eliminating a horde.

"Blade, take care of the flank, I'm almost done over here!" Liu Zhi shouted. "Wu Yan, we need all the points we can get. Don't let a single rabid human slip past us! Remember, a single rabid human gone is one less infected in the world."

"Yes, leader." Blade and Wu Yan answered in unity.

During the course of the battle, the Screecher kept on screeching and screeching... and screeching until it met its demise. Even when it was on the verge of death, it still tried to screech but to no avail.

"We did it!" Liu Zhi cheered as he walked towards me. "Now, where to next?" He asked.

And that's when I detected it.

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