God Simulator

Chapter 137: The collapse of the lighthouse

Chapter 137: The collapse of the lighthouse

After driving away the gloomy day, Lu Yao shifted his focus to Salt City.

Phileas said that there have been tremendous changes here, and now it is controlled by slave traders.

Lu Yao looked down at the city.

A series of reminders immediately popped up in the simulator.

【Salt Long has created the Asceticism Society.】

【Shangji has created the Citizens’ Council.】

【Salt City has invented the slave system.】

【Salt City has invented the tax system.】

【Due to the slave system, everyone’s attack has slightly increased, while defense has slightly weakened.】

【Dorennunu has written the first history book, "The History of Salt City."】

【Dorennunu has invented history studies.】

【Everyone has learned to use history.】


Lu Yao observed each of these changes one by one.

First was the Asceticism Society.

Salt Long. This masochistic ascetic who enjoys being whipped by gods left a deep impression on Lu Yao.

Lu Yao couldn’t find anyone around him, so he tried clicking on the reminder about Salt Long. The perspective immediately jumped to a stone house.

It turned out that the reminder bar also had a positioning function.

The stone house was located in the mountains between Yao City and Salt City, and its appearance was unremarkable.

Lu Yao double-clicked on the stone house and entered an overhead view.

Inside, there were more than a dozen people kneeling.

They were all dressed the same: shirtless, shaved heads, and garlic necklaces hanging around their necks.

The leader was Salt Long.

He was now 63 years old, but he was healthy and did not have the ghost symbol on his head.


【Salt Clan LV14】Salt Long

HP: 197/197

MP: 47/47

Damage: 1

Defense: 7

Speed: 4


Has a longer lifespan.


Willing to sacrifice for spreading the gospel of the gods.


Realizes and improves through suffering.

【Grand Elder of the Asceticism Society】

As the Grand Elder of the Asceticism Society, he has high prestige.

【Evasion Lv2】

Can evade some damage from attacks. Compared to his weak life, this probability is higher.


Created the Asceticism Society at the age of 37 and completed the second pilgrimage.

Lost his left arm in a monster attack at sea at the age of 45 and completed the third pilgrimage.

Lost his left eye at the age of 51 and realized 【Evasion】 in the Miracle Ruins.

Completed the fourth pilgrimage at the age of 53.

Completed the fifth pilgrimage at the age of 61.


Lu Yao felt a bit emotional.

Salt Long’s life experience was quite tortuous.

He was born with 【Longevity】, a natural talent, but later became a follower of the White God due to a shipwreck. After failing to spread his faith under the name of heresy, Salt Long became a traitor who was hated by everyone. Finally, he withstood the pressure and came to the temple to repent.

Lu Yao didn’t give him a chance.

Salt Long became an ascetic and martyr once again.

He created the Asceticism Society and persisted in pilgrimage year after year. In this long and unresponsive process, Salt Long’s body began to deteriorate, but he also realized 【Evasion】.

As a human, possessing transcendent power through acquired means, Salt Long was the first among Lu Yao’s followers.

A prompt popped up on the screen.

——Great gods, one of your followers has made a heroic feat far beyond the others. Do you want to transform him into a hero?


Lu Yao opened the temple and found that there were no new characters inside.

Returning to the stone house, a faint light appeared above Salt Long’s head.

In other words, now it was possible to transform heroes without being in the temple. It seemed to be a minor adjustment in the updated version of the world.

Lu Yao once again chose 【No】.

In order to maximize the use of the abilities of an ascetic, he wanted Salt Long, this pioneer, to continue his practice... next time for sure!

A symbol of pain appeared above Salt Long’s head again.

Then it changed to a happy expression.

Under the rejection and contempt of the gods, Salt Long’s level suddenly increased to LV15.

He knelt on the ground, touching his head to the ground. "Great gods, your faithful servant senses your boundless will. I will continue my journey of asceticism until the end of this old body..."

Other ascetics’ heads also lit up with exclamation marks, and they all knelt down.

Salt Long’s experience confirmed Lu Yao’s belief that ordinary people can grow into transcendent individuals through the path of asceticism.

Lu Yao also discovered a new point: history.

He clicked on another ascetic next to him.

Sure enough, there was a column for 【History】 in this person’s panel as well.


Lost his left hand’s five fingers at the age of 15 for stealing.

Lost his hearing when capturing slaves at the age of 16.

Joined the Asceticism Society at the age of 18.


Lu Yao checked each ascetic one by one.


Became a pirate at the age of 24 and fled during a battle with slave traders.

Joined the Asceticism Society at the age of 27.


Poisoned at the age of 31 and saved by Salt Long.

Joined the Asceticism Society at the age of 32.


Captured by slave traders and became a slave at the age of 22.

Killed the slave owner and escaped at the age of 29.

Joined the Asceticism Society at the age of 33.


Lu Yao understood.

Everyone had learned to use history, adding the 【History】 section to their personal panels.The starting point of personal history is currently when "History" was invented. The content is relatively simple, only major personal events are described and recorded.

This is like when the tribal pixel people invented writing, allowing the entire game interface to have various detailed resource data.

The advancement of civilization not only benefits the pixel people themselves, but also brings operational convenience and intuitiveness to Lu Yao behind the scenes.


Lu Yao clicked on the "Citizens’ Council" in the reminder.

The perspective switched to Salt City.

The council hall is located behind the library, the building is circular, like a beer theater that is two sizes smaller.

The Citizens’ Council was bustling at this time.

The council representatives sat one by one on the circular stepped seats, looking at the speaker in the center of the hall.

A dialogue box popped up above a pixel person’s head.

"......Salt City is now facing tremendous external pressure. To consolidate the city, we need taller and more complete city walls. The city walls can protect the entire city, and the port is also an important part."

"Once a continuous city wall is built, neither monsters nor pirates can break through in a short time. This is the only way to protect everyone’s property and safety."

"Salt City needs more and higher walls! We must spend a lot of taxes on building walls!"

The council was indifferent to this.

The pixel person stepped down and left.

Another person walked to the center of the hall, this person was wearing a black coat, he was a scholar.

"Gentlemen and ladies of the council, Copper Sea is leading the pirates to continuously threaten the entire city."

"Allow me to be blunt, if Salt City wants to change the situation, it must abolish slavery!"

He said: "We all know that the slave market is now close to out of control. Not only the previously hostile savages, islanders, uncivilized natives, but also a part of the foreign citizens who have already moved to Salt City, are also being captured as slaves......"

"The situation has reached a point where we can’t ignore it!"

"The number of pirates is increasing, not because they are getting stronger, but because more and more slaves, and people who are afraid of becoming slaves, have joined them."

His words received a response from the council.

"The slave market is a trade issue, and we will further regulate the trade in the future."

"Pirates are pirates, they are criminals and robbers, don’t mix pirates with business!"

"Without slaves, there would be no population and prosperity in this city today, we can’t forget the basics."

The scholar could only leave.

Several other people made various suggestions, but none received any effective feedback.

Lu Yao was not surprised.

Salt City is now in the hands of slave traders and the Salt Clan. Their main source of wealth is the sale of slaves, and they will not cut off their own interests.

He only needs to order the Apostle, and slavery will disappear from this city. However, Lu Yao was not in a hurry to take action, he still hoped that the pixel people would make efforts within themselves to end this barbaric system.

Lu Yao noticed the port on the northwest side of Salt City.

Two groups of people were fighting.

One side was pirates, and the other was slave traders. The two sides fought fiercely, and people kept falling.

To be precise, it was the slaves of the pirates and traders who were fighting.

However, the slaves obviously did not have high fighting spirit, although they were much more numerous. But after the pirates cut down more than a dozen people, they scattered and fled.

The traders had already seen the bad situation and fled.

The pirates who occupied the port began to set fires everywhere.

The port that many laborers had worked hard to build was now enveloped in a raging fire, destroyed in the red light.

Lu Yao remembered that there used to be a lighthouse here, which was the pride and symbol of Salt City.

It was not tall, but when it was lit, it could guide the direction for distant ships.

Now only ruins were left.

Thanks to: The crying madman for supporting with 500 Qidian coins, Book friend 20220816220711750 for supporting with 500 Qidian coins, The village idiot for supporting with 500 Qidian coins, Seven? Pearl for supporting with 100 Qidian coins, Yangyang got me for supporting with 100 Qidian coins, Curve circle for supporting with 100 Qidian coins.

(End of this chapter)

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