God Simulator

Chapter 108: Building stones of the world

Chapter 108: Building stones of the world

Lu Yao opened the temple.

In the 【Offerings】 slot was a glowing stone.


【Omni Stone LV2】: Basic material for forging treasures, a rare mineral. Can be used to upgrade items below LV2.


The deep-sea fishmen actually found this?

Lu Yao thought to himself.

The deep-sea walkers of the fishmen ancestors possessed the 【Deep Sea Spirit Stone】, which was obtained from the sea. The spirit stone gave birth to the omni stone... so the true origin of the omni stone might be the sea.

To verify this speculation, Lu Yao asked Isabella to bring Dinael.

Dinael was a survivor of the souls of the deep-sea walkers, and also a remnant of the old era.

"Apostle, the treasures of the deep-sea walkers all come from the ocean. We were born in the sea and have received the gifts and favor of the sea."

Dinael said, "Our ancestors passed down the story that the first sacred tower was built by the World Stone."

"The deep-sea walkers spent a long time collecting only a few World Stones."

"The World Stones form the foundation of the entire world. They are the strongest, most precious, and the original treasures."

"The treasures stored in the sacred tower are the ones nurtured by the original tower."

"After the God’s War, the Dark God destroyed all the towers, took away the World Stones, and the deep-sea walkers were also captured into the abyss..."

The omni stone is not the World Stone.

According to Dinael, the omni stone has another name among them, called the 【Boundary Stone】, which is usually used to build stone railings, arches, and corridors around the sacred tower.

Lu Yao listened intently.

The omni stone is really just a stone, no wonder it’s a sea tycoon.

Under Isabella’s questioning, Dinael gave a detailed explanation.

"The boundary stone wraps around the World Stone. They are the outermost thick layer of stones, attracting each other. Just put them in a whirlpool, and they can be peeled off."

"The small square white stone inside is the World Stone."

"The remaining scraps are the boundary stones."

The name boundary stone gave Lu Yao an idea.

He immediately typed and asked Isabella to inquire.

"Yes, Apostle!"

Dinael’s head was filled with exclamation marks.

He continued, "The boundary stone was the first to be discovered. They grow in the sea and near the world’s boundaries."

"The closest place to the boundary is where the boundary stones are. Only with a large number of boundary stones can there be a possibility of World Stones. It took our clan many years to figure out the experience."

A rough idea formed in Lu Yao’s mind.

The omni stone is both a forging material and a strengthening item, but it is difficult to level up.

Previously, the Skeleton God dropped a level 10 omni stone, which should be quite precious in the eyes of the gods, so he had been reluctant to use it.

And the World Stone gave birth to the omni stone.

Both the 【Mirror of Blazing Fire】 and the 【Deep Sea Spirit Stone】 mentioned a sentence.

"Special substances formed by the power of rules cannot be strengthened."

The essence of the World Stone is likely to be a part of the power of rules.

Therefore, the treasures formed by the World Stone and the things created by the omni stone are not on the same level.

Lu Yao finally understood the special features of these two items.

At the same time, he also had expectations for the fishmen clan.

Since there is the first omni stone, the second and third ones should not be far away.

Lu Yao used this LV2 omni stone to refine the 【Traveler’s Boots】.

A moment later.


【Traveler’s Boots LV2】: Faith +1/hour, Speed +2.


Not bad.

Speed increased by 1 point.

After taking the fishmen’s offering, Lu Yao remembered that he hadn’t bestowed any blessings to his followers for a while. The last blessing was soybeans.

Although he was the behind-the-scenes boss, if he didn’t motivate them regularly, the little people below might lack motivation.

The work ethic of the working class is simple and straightforward: Give me a raise and promotion, and you’ll be a good boss!

Lu Yao fell into deep thought.

What are the little people lacking now?

The most basic needs of humans: clothing, food, shelter, and transportation.

Early human civilization always revolved around basic needs.

Lu Yao’s eyes lit up.


He almost forgot about something that has driven human history, something that has changed the world.

Lu Yao first searched for relevant information on the internet to confirm that his general idea was correct.

He logged into a local online store, found a shop, and rode his bike all the way there for a face-to-face transaction.

An hour later, Lu Yao returned with a small bag of cotton seeds. He clicked on the Yao City Temple and completed the blessing.

In the temple, the prophet Hamira had an exclamation mark above her head.

"The gods have bestowed blessings! The new blessing has arrived by our side!"

"Praise you, our Heavenly Father and Savior, God Yao."She knelt devoutly on the ground, worshiping the statue of the deity.

Outside, the crowd had fallen into ecstasy, with smiley face symbols floating above each person.

"Cotton? The flower that grows around the gods."

"The gods have answered our prayers!"

"Grace has descended once again, God Yao loves mankind!"

"God, dear God, great God."

"Yao City is the firstborn of the gods!"

"I hate that I am only a mortal, unable to approach the gods, unable to understand the gods... This god-given seed, give birth to a spirit that has never existed before, and fulfill my wishes one by one!"

"We must make good use of these seeds, let each one grow and mature, so as not to disappoint the expectations of the gods."

Before long, the first batch of cotton planted in Yao City began to bloom, gradually maturing.

They wove the cotton into wreaths, wore them on their heads, and held the "Gospel"... They turned cotton into a theological decoration.

Lu Yao watched with a bit of helplessness.

Cotton... is not used like this.

He switched his perspective and looked towards Salt City.

The little people there were also excited about the grace.

"The flower given by the gods must be extremely noble."

"As beautiful as gold, as brilliant as crystal, as clear as a gem... Ah, I can already smell the wonderful scent of seashells."

"This world needs flowers, the gods have already told us this. So, citizens, come and buy flowers from me! Top-quality fresh flowers!"

"What a beautiful and full seed, it will definitely grow into something amazing."

The cotton in the fields grew into a new type of natural commodity.

Before long, the little people of Salt City discovered the secret of cotton—it was a material better than hemp, which could be made into various clothes and hats.

Whenever the farmers had free time, they would fiddle with the cotton. They stuffed the cotton into hemp cloth and made the earliest cotton clothes and quilts. Then, following the same pattern, they made cotton hats and pants.

The crude but practical cotton products became the new favorite of Salt City, quickly turning into important export commodities.

Lu Yao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Since cotton began to be commercialized, driven by interests, textile technology in Salt City would eventually emerge.

In terms of economy, Salt City was a bit more astute.


At the same time, in the ghost city of Sanilo.

With the help of the ghosts, the fish people were clumsily planting cotton seeds.

But because it was a gift from the gods, they were working very hard to learn farming.


This time, Lu Yao confirmed one thing.

"Grace" would appear simultaneously in all temples. All temples shared the "digestion period" of grace, and they must fully integrate the existing grace into the world before they could proceed to the next operation.

A reminder appeared on the simulator at this time.

"Prophet Hamira has decided to go on a pilgrimage."


Lu Yao was a bit puzzled.

Isn’t she already in the holy temple? How is she going to pilgrimage?

Thanks: I just came to take a look, support 1500 starting coins, Hanhan No.1! Support 500 starting coins, book friend 20221028000658489 support 500 starting coins, Tianmu Qingchen support 300 starting coins, Luo Renwen’s people support 100 starting coins.

(End of Chapter)

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