Gate of Immortality

Chapter 127: Passionate Yang Shi

Chapter 127: Passionate Yang Shi

" Are you telling the truth?!" La Yue humped in surprise. " Are you doubting me?" Yang Shi chuckled. " You can see. The blackness of his body almost faded and his breathing is normal now." Yang Shi explained.

" Thank you, young master. If it wasn't for you, My father would have died. It has been a week since he woke up." Lan Yue smiled as her eyes became teary from gratitude. Yang Shi wiped it as he raised her chin.

" So, Miss Lan. About me fees..." Yang Shi smiled. Lan Yue's smile froze as she became stunned. " Yang Shi whispered in her ears, " Do you know what I am going to ask you for?" Lan Yue's face flushed as her heartbeat became rapid. " I don't know." Lan Yue said in a meek voice. " Hehe, To save you and brother from bandits, I asked for your lips. Now for helping your father..." Yang Shi pushed Lan Yue against the wall as he held her waits as muttered, " Now pay with your body." Yang Shi brought his face closer to Lan Yue. Lan Yue stood there dazed, allowing Yang Shi to come closer.

Lan Yue's mind was in a mess. She felt both fear and strange anticipation in her heart. The moment this youth saved her and his brother from bandits, she couldn't stop herself to think about that mysterious young man. She clearly fell in love with him at the first moment.

" Righteous yet wicked, His personality is strange but his heart is pure. Why shouldn't I love such a person? Only if he was around, our family can rule this entire town. Moreover his identity as a Master rank Blacksmith, It's definitely higher than the status of an Outer disciple of the sect." Lan Yue's mind raced. It wasn't like Lan Yue is sacrificing for her family, she also had a secret crush on Yang Shi.

" So..." Yang Shi' and Lan Yue's lips were almost connected, as heavy coughing interrupted them. Lan Yue's face flushed as he pushed Yang Shi. She became stunned as it was her father who was coughing. Lan Yue hurriedly brought a glass of water. Her father opened his eyes as he looked weakly at Lan Yue.

" Little Yue." He mumbled feebly. Lan Yue's eyes became wet as she hugged her father tightly. " Father." She wept. " Haha, Silly child. Don't cry anymore." The man caressed the hair of Lan Yue as he smiled with affection. Then he looked at Yang Shi and became astonished. " This young man?" He probed. "It's Young Master..." Lan Yue was going to introduce him but she became stunned. She still hasn't asked his name. Her face became red from shame.

" I am Yang Shi. As for occupation, I am a jack of all trades." Yang Shi smiled. " Father, It was him who cured you.' Lan Yue informed. The man was shocked as looked at Yang Shi with careful eyes. " Not even the best alchemist of this town can cure me. But such a young man did it. He must be from a powerful force from great cities." The man thought as he became excited.

" Good. My name is Lan Xiaozi. I am the father of Lan Yue and Lan Hai. I will be indebted to you for saving me." Lan Xiaozi cupped his fist. " Haha, Uncle Xiaozi doesn't need to say such things. After all, It the duty of a doctor to cure the patient after taking the fees, although miss Lan has yet to pay." yang Shi looked at Lan Yue with a look of interest. Lan Yue blushed as she looked away. 

Lan Xiaozi was stunned as he calculated in his mind. " It seems my daughter has caught the eyes of this young master." His heart became anticipant as he beamed with a smile. " Those Li family bastards. I will see them in near future." Lan Xiaozi gritted his teeth.

Lan Yue went outside hurriedly as informed about the awakening of Lan Xiaozi. The Lan family erupted with clamor as many elders rushed into the room of Lan Xiaozi. " Lord Xiaozi, You have woken up." They became surprised as he roared with happiness. They bowed to Yang Shi as they expressed their gratitude. Lan Hai came running and cried in front of his father. Yang Shi felt happy to see the family reunion, but he could feel a pang of pain in his heart. " I wonder I even had a family?" Yang Shi sighed inwardly. 

Lan Xiaozi talked with Yang Shi with great enthusiasm. " Damn those Li clan pests. They dared to poison me?" Lam Xiaozi was angered. He was still afraid of the strange poison which almost made him lose his life. " How uncle got affected by this poison?" Yang Shi asked curiously. " I went to Eastern Mountain to hunt some Demonic beast, Then a strange snake bit me. I came home and took a detoxifying pill but it became worse. Only in three days, My body became black and I couldn't get up from the bed. After two weeks, I went in deep sleep and don't know anything after." Lan Xiaozi sighed.

" Maybe Uncle doesn't know, but Frozen Dream poison isn't a natural poison." Yang Shi spoke calmly. Hearing him Lan Xiaozi's expression changed drastically. " Impossible! How can I poisoned by someone?" He asked in confusion. " Well, Frozen dream poison is a poison formed with a mixture of both natural and human technique. The snake that bit you must be a Cold poison snake. With its poison as a catalyst, the detoxifying pill would merge with it, creating the Frozen dream poison." Yang Shi explained.

" That means..." Lan Xiaozi shuddered as he clenched his fist. Yang Shi smiled and confirmed it, " Yes, there is a traitor in your clan." " Hahahaha, It seems some old fogeys can't remain still. And Li clan thinks they got the Golden Sun sect as a backer because his son entered as an outer disciple of Golden Sun Sect and some connection with the Inner sect? Hmph." Lan Xiaozi snorted. " Heh, Uncle doesn't need to worry. Since Miss Lan will give me her bod...I mean, Since Miss Lan asked me to help, I will definitely help." Yang Shi patted his chest. Lan Xiaozi laughed as he praised Yang Shi.

After talking for a while, Yang Shi returned to his room. It was evening already, so Yang Shi went to take a bath. After covering his lower body with a towel, he came out as he suddenly looked at the door. He tiptoed to the door sid as he quietly unlocked it as he hid nearby. Suddenly, Lan Yue entered with a tray of tea and some snacks. After she put it on the table, she suddenly heard a clicking sound behind him.

She was about to turn back as someone held her waist from behind. ' Don't worry, I was just locking the door." Yang Shi whispered. Lan Yue quivered as she turned around, only to look at his fine muscles and sturdy chest. " You...Why haven't you worn any clothes?" Lan Yue asked angrily as she blushed. " You see, I saw you naked before, so to repay this, I will let you see me naked. So tell me, Should I remove my towel?" Yang Shi smirked. " Rouge." Lan Yue spat.

" So have you come to fulfill your promise?" Yang Shi asked in a tender tone. Lan Yue's body quivered as she looked into Yang Shi's eyes. His eyes were in a strange color, It was almost crimson with partial azure. It had an evil yet attractive charm. " Shall we continue what we left unfinished?" Before Lan Yue could react, Yang Shi already locked his lips with her lips.

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