Forgotten Juliet

Chapter 148:

Chapter 148:

Alright. Lets do it.

Right after Teo left, someone approached Juliet. It was one of the paladins who had been escorting the delegation.

Excuse me, Lady.

The paladin, dressed in a crimson tunic, led Juliet somewhere.

The distinguished guest wishes to see you.

The place he took her to was, unexpectedly, an outdoor theater at a temple, just a bit away from the square.

The person who wanted to meet Juliet was Archbishop Gilliam, the representative of Lucerne.

Archbishop Gilliam was happily watching a play performed by young priest apprentices.

Its been a while, Miss Monad.

Have you been well?

Archbishop Gilliam was an acquaintance of Juliets.

While they werent close enough to greet each other warmly, they did know each other.

Did you ask to see me?


With a dignified attitude, Archbishop Gilliam directly asked Juliet:

Where is the Soulstone, Miss Juliet?

I dont have it.

Unexpectedly, Archbishop Gilliam didnt press further. He just looked surprised.

That is a precious treasure of the temple, Miss Monad.

You should know that the temple has many treasures, even if it wasnt that.

Juliet replied politely.

The relics called Regalia were the most notable examples.

Juliet glanced suspiciously at the large ring on Archbishop Gilliams left hand. The ring, almost too extravagant, was also one of the Regalia.

It was the Fishermans Ring, a symbol confirming the authority of the Popes representative.

But what power does it have?

Juliet tilted her head.

She had heard that the Fishermans Ring was a famous relic, but she had never heard of it having any miraculous powers. Perhaps healing?

If you continue to be uncooperative, we wont stand by idly.

Im not being uncooperative; I genuinely cant give back the Soulstone.

Juliet knew the Soulstone of Genovia had been used to heal the eyes of Duke Carlyle. Therefore, she believed she couldnt return it.

Miss Monad, are you familiar with the content of that play?


Suddenly, Archbishop Gilliam pointed to the half-circle theater.

Young priest candidates were presenting a play in commemoration of Lent.

Because they were children, the quality wasnt high, and the story was a common old tale that every citizen would know.

Lord Voice, I have nothing left to offer. Please help me once more.

Then give me your first child.

The kings tailor master goes into the forest intending to take his own life, where he encounters a mysterious voice.

The tailor, taken by the sweet voice, pours out his concerns, and the voice which he knows only as a voice proposes a solution and they strike a deal.

For the next ten years, the tailor becomes prosperous and lives happily with his wife. Then, the forgotten entity from their agreement comes calling.

The day was also when their long-awaited child was born after ten years. The terrified tailor tried various means to chase the entity away, but failed.

The story was that the entity he made the deal with was actually a demon, and as per the agreement ten years prior, it took away their first child and disappeared into the woods.

The lesson seems to be Dont trust suspicious beings, doesnt it?

Juliet thought bitterly.

Demons are entities that cleverly tap into human desires.

Archbishop Gilliam said, almost as if he was reprimanding a child.

And the same goes for that key of yours, Miss Monad.

Juliets eyes widened in surprise when he mentioned the artifact.

Its a cursed item. You know that, right?

Who says? Its a family heirloom.

Pope Hildegard mentioned it.

Hildegard was the previous pope from Lucerne whom Juliet had met. When Juliet was kidnapped by the impostor pope, Sebastian, Hildegard was also imprisoned in the dungeon.

Why are you bringing up my possession all of a sudden?

Archbishop Gilliam proposed with a serious expression:

We wont ask any more about the missing Soulstone. However, how about handing over that dangerous artifact to us?

Amused and incredulous, Juliet chuckled:

Im also curious about something, Archbishop.

What is it?

Is it true that the prophetic book has been found?

Where did you hear that from?

Archbishop Gilliams eyes shone.

But he didnt seem surprised.

Everyones been saying it.

Yes, its true.

Archbishop Gilliam spoke as if he was trying hard not to act conceited.

Juliet wasnt taken aback.

In her previous life, there had also been a prophecy.

An ancient stone tablet had been discovered, and because it accurately predicted a series of ensuing calamities, it was called a prophecy.

For instance, the incident when the imperial palaces lake turned red.

Juliet asked with a sly smile:

If I were to exchange this key for that prophecy, would you give it to me?

Miss Juliet.

You wouldnt, would you? Its the same.

Its different! While the relics establish the order of the world, artifacts like your key only bring chaos.

I dont know about such grand tales.

After glaring at Juliet for a moment, Archbishop Gilliam sighed and spoke.

She told youd say that.

Who did?

Her Holiness Hildegard.

Reluctantly, Archbishop Gilliam offered the ring he was wearing.

Its the Fishermans ring, a third-class relic.

Why are you giving this to me?

Its also an order from the Pope.

Archbishop Gilliam gritted his teeth.

She said it would protect you from the cursed artifact you possess.

Juliet hesitated for a moment.

She thought that without the butterflies, it might be harder for her to protect herself.

Besides, the butterflies had disappeared once before.

Due to the Soulstone of Genovia, the butterflies had hidden for a while. She didnt know why, but since then, Juliet had been hesitant to touch sacred objects.

Juliet cautiously took the Fishermans ring with her gloved hand.

Please convey my gratitude.

For now, she accepted it, thinking shed just keep it hidden without touching it with her bare hands.

By the time Juliet left the temples auditorium, the sun was starting to set.

She quietly exited the small theater and, being conscious of the bulging ring in her silk pocket, tried to summon her butterflies. Fortunately, they were summoned without any issues.

It seemed that they didnt disappear just by touching the relic.

Relieved, Juliet strolled through the town.

The town was bustling in celebration of Lent. While watching the festivities, Juliet stopped in front of a makeshift arena.

Its cruel.

The highlight of Lent was the combat where beasts from all over were thrown into the coliseum for a fight with bets placed on them.

Get up now!

Damn, how much did I bet!

There were shouts of excitement. Juliet frowned.

A giant rhinoceros-like creature with armor-like skin was lying on the ground, groaning.

Miss Juliet.

As Juliet frowned at the scene, someone called her softly from behind.


It was Dolores, cloaked from head to toe.

What happened? Where were you?

I had something else to do.

Juliet blinked a few times.

You had business here in town?

Yes. But I never expected to run into you here.

Dolores said with a smile.

Why are you wandering around dangerously on your own? Lets go. I know a shortcut.

Dolores started walking ahead.

But Juliet watched Doloress back for a while before slowly starting to move.

Under the torchlight, the wavering shadow looked like a snake.

Suddenly, she realized Dolores, who often referred to herself in the third person, hadnt done so.

Her heart sank.

Really? When did you learn this shortcut?

She tried to sound casual, hoping her voice wouldnt tremble.

Just recently.

Then Dolores, why does your shadow look like that?

Juliet was prepared to summon her butterflies at any moment.

At that moment, the thing in Doloress shape turned its head stiffly with a creaking sound.

It looked down at its own shadow, which was writhing as if something might burst out, moving chaotically.

Soon, it chuckled softly.

(Got caught, didnt I?)

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