Forbidden Zone of the Human Race

Chapter 421: The Great Mountain Dragon

Chapter 421: The Great Mountain Dragon

Looking at Owen, who had just been slammed into the ground, Xiang Ning glanced at his Devourer. That was a first. He couldnt believe that the Devourer broke from the impact between two weapons. That guys weapon must have been made of exceptional material; it was worth investigating further.

That was why when the tail lifted, he immediately charged forward. He saw that Owen was unconscious but his breathing was quickening, meaning he might wake up any moment. He looked at the weapon in his hand and thought for a moment before turning to ask, Big guy, could you hit him again?

The moment he finished his question, the tail struck again, much harder than before. But the hand never released its grip, and, looking at the unconscious Owen again, Xiang Ning hopped nearer. There was a fifty-centimeter dent in the ground now. He tried pulling on the weapon, but then shook his head and went to the edge of the dent and called out, Again!




Hmm? Why do I hear a voice? Uh, again. Xiang Ning thought he heard wrong.

You damn




Stop that


What the hell are you


The commotion had attracted a lot of attention and, after about eight strikes, there was a crater 1.5 meters deep. When that stubborn hand finally loosened its grip on the ax, Xiang Ning grinned and leaped forward to take it.

Owens mouth twitched when he saw Xiang Ning approaching to take his weapon. Fucking hell.

Those who saw Xiang Ning taking the weapon were stunned, their impressions of him completely changing after witnessing this robbery-like situation. Indeed, all geniuses were at least a little quirky.

Xiang Ning put the weapon in his dimensional ring, then left to join Gu Kun without even looking back. But when the time limit for Eight Gates was up, he lost his balance and almost face-planted. Chu Long and the rest jumped in shock.

Then, in the next instant, he activated Refresh and instantly returned to his tier five, three-star state. But before he could get up, he felt himself being picked up by a mouth. If it wasnt for Combat Instincts lack of danger warnings, Xiang Ning would have activated Eight Gates again to attack whatever it was.

Xiang Ning found himself suddenly sitting on Helos back with the girl by his side. She looked at him and asked, Are you alright?

He was quite surprised. Whats happening here?

Dont dont be mistaken, Helos is very kind. He actually likes living here, but my tribe wants to catch him Hera explained, though she didnt say why they wanted to catch him. Lan Quan had mentioned that Helos was a spacefarer, and this dimensional rift was likely caused by the big guy, too.

Helos seemed to sense Xiang Nings gaze, because it noisily huffed as if to say, If you say even one bad word about me, Im tossing you off.

Xiang Ning wasnt sure whether to laugh or cry and patted Helos. Big Brother, youre the best. Thank you.

Helos huffed twice.

Xiang Ning didnt feel anything, but the Hydrangea Clan and Gu Kun were surprised to find them on such good terms. But they didnt stay for long, speaking into their communicator, Xiang Ning, leave immediately. Rutgers is coming!

Rutgers was the third Beast Emperor to be discovered, also known as the Great Mountain Dragon. After collecting cell samples, scientists found that its body contained genes from Earths prehistoric tyrants of the lands, the dinosaurs. The discovery had shaken the world. However, scientists didnt find any more similarities between Rutgers genes and other beasts. They hadnt found any other dinosaur-type beasts, either. No one knew where it came from; it was as if it appeared out of thin air.

It was as magnificent as the mountains, its body six hundred meters long and sixty meters tall. It was a true superbeast that was usually dormant throughout the year. That was because the larger the body, the more energy it consumed. A thick layer of stone covered it, which was muddy yellow and blackish green. Its body shook every time it moved, revealing gray skin beneath.

According to research, it was speculated that if it wasnt for the fact that Earth had too little resources for it, it could have grown much larger than it was. If its growth wasnt limited, it could grow up to a kilometer, or maybe even ten kilometers long. And now, the Beast Emperor had arrived.

Within the Shuras tier four battleship bridge.

Commander, weve found that with our ships current strength, we cant withstand a beast of this level.

Hmph! Its just a prehistoric being from this planet, how powerful could it be? Stop building the magnetic field and concentrate our power sources to kill it!

Yes, Commander.

The weapons that could be mounted on a tier four ship were not considered very powerful, but they were enough to make a crater on the surface of a planet.

The energy was concentrated, then the main cannon of the ship fired. A ray of light shot out, twisting the surrounding air from extreme heat. Even the people in the ship felt the heat.


The target was hit and a clear roar burst through the heavens.

Looking at the live data streams on the screen, the personnel at the console suddenly turned terrified, Com Commander! Bad news!

Spill it out!

Zero damage! It did nothing!

What? Thats impossible! That shot was strong enough to pierce a tier five battleship!

Suddenly, the people on the ship grew uneasy.

Idiots! I cant believe they angered it! Gu Kun grew solemn. They couldnt really see through the sea of fire, but he knew the beast was too strong for that. Its seething anger made all their hair stand up.

Xiang Ning, who had his Combat Instinct activated, was even more sensitive to the conditions. His lips curled upward. Great, that bunch of bastards are done for. He felt some amusement in its rage. It was the amusement felt by an emperor looking at an ant, mocking its stupidity. Rage, yes, but more contempt.

Boom boom boom!

The ground shook with thunderous rumbles as a terrifying beast burst through the sea of fire, the stone layer on its body falling off from the extreme heat. The Great Mountain Dragon, Rutgers, finally revealed itself in its true form with a vicious sneer and armor-like skin. The earth cried in agony every time its feet landed, as if unable to bear its weight.

Quick, ascend! ordered the commander in panic.

But it was too late. Dont underestimate the beasts speed because of its large size, there was great explosive strength stored in its powerful muscles. It started running, every step crossing a hundred meters.

That was enough to catch up to the battleship, and to everyones shock, Rutgers leaped up into the sky after less than ten steps. It jumped over Helos, swiped, and its five claws slammed the battleship to the ground. Then it stepped on it.


The battleship exploded. But to the Great Mountain Dragon, it was just the same as stepping on a large ant.

Doge & Chacha's Thoughts

Hahahaha stoopid Shura tribe. As if a Beast Emperor is something you could just defeat

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