Fallen Chronicles

Chapter 350 350: I Want to Revive the Miasma Mother!

Chapter 350 Chapter 350: I Want to Revive the Miasma Mother!


Lena disconnected from the World Tree and returned to the underground space. Her back was soaked with sweat.

It wasn't until Lena saw Miyuki's worried and comforting gaze that she calmed down a little, but she was still trembling with fear and held onto the elf's hand tightly without letting go.

Seeing Lena's state, Miyuki did not rush to ask the succubus what she had seen.

As the oldest of the five sisters and with a "parental" feeling, Miyuki hugged Lena's trembling body, patting her back lightly, as if saying that everything was okay and that she was there.

After a while, with Miyuki's help, Lena's spirit finally stabilized.

The succubus took a deep breath, left the elf's embrace, and began to describe what she had seen to Miyuki.

Throughout the process, Miyuki listened quietly, and although she could not see it, she had a premonition about many things.

However, when Lena mentioned the last "healthy" leaf's scene, the world that had become a sea of fire, and the terrifying existence that had transformed and distorted from the gray-robed human body into a fire giant, like a mythical creature, even Miyuki couldn't help but furrow her brow.

"Sister Miyuki, is this...is this our ending?" Lena said at the end, her emotions becoming unstable again, as if she had suffered a huge blow, muttering to herself in a dispirited manner.

"If all of this is destruction, then why, why still..."

Lena left that world because the fire giant that had transformed from the gray-robed man was eating the former "contractors" like food, turning the world into a sea of fire and a purgatory.

She could not forget the despair and confusion in the eyes of those contractors when they looked at the fire giant, those who had gone through hardships, joined forces to defeat Miasma, and were crying with joy, dreaming of a better future and wanting to rebuild their homes, only to find out that everything was in vain the next second.

Fortunately, Miyuki maintained a clear and calm mind.

She quickly shook her head.

"No, Lena, the sea of fire and purgatory you saw, from our perspective, is the destruction of the world, but from the perspective of that fire giant, that kind of world may be what it wants."

"This just proves that this thing and the 'savior' are two different wills and souls."

"From the worlds you have seen, we can summarize a few commonalities. First, every world has Miasma and is on the brink of destruction. Second, every world also gives birth to a savior similar to Lord Ashen, although there are significant individual differences between the different 'saviors.'

"Finally, it seems that only when the 'savior' successfully defeats the Miasma, that is, kills the mother body in the Miasma Abyss, will the descent of the mythical giant creature be triggered.

"However, if the 'savior' fails or is killed in the middle, the mythical creature will not descend, and that world will be destroyed by Miasma."

Miyuki's words gradually helped Lena regain her rationality and clarity. Especially Miyuki's last conclusion, when she thought about it carefully, it made sense.

If the giant truly resided within the 'savior,' why would it watch the 'savior' die? If the giant was the embodiment of the "world's will," why would it remain indifferent as the world was consumed by Miasma?

"Could it be that it also fears Miasma?" Lena couldn't help but speculate.

Miyuki nodded and said, "It's very possible, or we could say that it doesn't have the power to resist the Miasma on its own, so it needs a spokesperson."

"A spokesperson?" The succubus repeated, unable to help but ask, "Sister Miyuki, are you saying that those saviors, including Lord Ashen, are all puppets of this kind of mythical creature in our world?"

"Not a puppet, it's more like a cooperative relationship between the two."

"A cooperative relationship?"

"Yes, you and I are both familiar with Lord Ashen's contract, and from the other worlds you have seen, those saviors also have this kind of contract ability. This is the source of our strength, the reason we can defeat Miasma and not be corrupted by it. And I suspect that this power comes from the mythical creature."

Miyuki's words left Lena speechless.

Indeed, the Eclipse users under Lord Ashen's command were several times stronger than the other Eclipse users outside, and their rate of power growth was also terrifying.

It was for this reason that so many Eclipse users longed to form a contract with Lord Ashen.

While it was true that Lena and the others had become legendary "Calamity" level beings, Lena pondered to herself that no matter how much she trained, she would never have been able to reach such heights in several lifetimes, and would have died at the peak of the "Disaster" level at best.

Such powerful authority was not something that this world should have had.


No, that's not right.

They had previously speculated that the mythical creature was afraid of the Miasma, right?

If it truly had such power, why didn't it act on its own?

Reading Lena's confusion, Miyuki quickly guessed and said, "Perhaps these mythical creatures are actually very weak, or it could be that they only possess authority but not power. That's why they need someone to complete their other tasks for them, and that person is the savior."

"Every savior has likely reached some kind of agreement with the mythical creature. This also explains why, at the moment of victory after killing the Miasma Mother, Lord Ashen would voluntarily separate his soul and body."

"This may be the final step of the agreement. The mythical creature wants to reclaim this powerful 'savior' body for itself, thus becoming a true mythical creature."

Miyuki's words made Lena's thoughts clearer and clearer.

And also made her feel more and more chilled.

Were all the worlds on the World Tree's leaf, including their own, just embryos nurtured by the mythical creatures?

Was everything Lord Ashen had done...

Just to forge a powerful body for the mythical creature?

Was this...

The so-called "cooperation" that Miyuki spoke of?

Did Lord Ashen know everything from the beginning? What were they, then? What about the countless contractors who trusted Lord Ashen?

Were they just...

"Snacks" to fill the stomach of the mythical creature after it took over the "body" and hatched from the "embryo"?


'Absolutely not'

Lena recalled her meeting and experiences with Ashen, the human leader who had passed her "test" after she "left home" and joined the Ashen Base, and even later, the person who was willing to go against five bases alone and lead the army into battle for her.

Is this also cooperation? Is this also salvation? No, this is "Lord Ashen's" own will, Lord Ashen's true feelings towards them!

That's why Lena firmly believed that even if there was an "agreement," Ashen must have been deceived. If Lord Ashen truly knew about all of this, he would never have chosen to "give up."


Lena's once-wavering eyes were now more determined than ever, and Miyuki across from her seemed to feel the same way. They might be diffrent in many ways, but they would always trust the person who raised them.

After regaining their confidence, the next thing to consider became very clear.

They had to stop it!

They had to prevent the tragedy from happening, and they had to let "Lord Ashen" know the truth and bring him back!

At this point, the succubus had completely returned to being the wise advisor of the Ashen Empire.

While Miyuki was still trying to come up with a plan, Lena suddenly grasped the core of the issue.

"I've got it!"

"Right now, Lord Ashen's soul is leaving because his mission is complete. It's very likely that the mythical creature has sensed that our world has become a healthy embryo."

"So, all we have to do is break this rule. We have to make this 'embryo' incomplete again!"

'Break the rule?'

'Make the embryo incomplete?'

Miyuki suddenly understood Lena's meaning and gasped.

"Wait, Lena, you don't mean to..."

"That's right, Miyuki."

"I'm going to revive the Miasma Mother!"

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