Fallen Chronicles

Chapter 349 349: A Magpie Occupying a Dove’s Nest

Chapter 349 Chapter 349: A Magpie Occupying a Dove's Nest

Lord Assassin

The codename was the same as their "Lord Ashen" and Lena even saw the appearance of the so-called " Lord Assassin" from the memory fragments of these undead creatures.

He was a person who completely shrouded himself in a cloak.

Exactly the same as their Lord Ashen.

From the memories of these "contractors," Lena saw that "Assassin" also started from being a leader of a small gathering place, then gradually recruited new Eclipses, expanded his power, upgraded from gathering places to shelters, and then from shelters to bases.

The whole process was very similar to their experience.

If there was one thing that made Lena feel a little relieved and not so devastated, it was that in this world, although there were also elves, succubi, robots, and demi-humans, they were only races, and the individual entities were completely different.

In other words, there was no "second Lena" or "second Miyuki" here, but new succubus princesses and new elf empress.

Otherwise, Lena might have really gone crazy.

She couldn't accept the fact that in another world, her so-called parallel self had become a contractor of some other "Lord."

The memories of the contractors in this world ended at the "base" level because their "Lord Assassin" had fallen here.

During a dispute over territory with other bases, they fell into a trap and were completely annihilated. Many Eclipses died, and in the end, even "Lord Assassin" was killed.

After "Lord Assassin's" death, the base naturally became someone else's property. The world continued to be in a state where everyone gave up resistance, and no one tried to unite the world's forces to resist the Miasma.

The outcome was natural. However, in the hundred years that followed, the Miasma completely corroded and polluted every corner of the world. When the last place where people could survive was filled with Miasma monsters, the people of that moment seemed to remember that there was once a "savior" who tried to change everything but was strangled in its infancy by them.

Lena in the diary was fearful but also secretly pleased. She knew this was wrong, but it undoubtedly proved that "Lord Ashen" was different from the others and was absolutely a special existence even among the "Lords."

However, as a player, Renji understood the truth in this scene.

He was indeed one of the top players in the game "Fallen Chronicles" but for a player with the nickname "Assassin," there should be no such thing as "defeat." They could always find a way to break the situation by repeatedly loading their saves. At worst, they could endure and start anew.

The only possibility for this "Lord Assassin's" death ending was that the player outside the screen had completely given up on the game and abandoned the characters they had raised. Therefore, they no longer loaded their saves, and the characters died for good.

Players like these who "abandoned the pit" should correspond to those "withered" leaves.

Later, Lena's perspective also confirmed Renji's guess.

The succubus quickly switched to another world, which was completely similar to the previous one, except that the name had changed to "Lord Dawn."

Although the name was Dawn, this world was even more tragic.

The strongest contractor Lena saw was only at the Disaster level. The "Lord Dawn's" power had only developed to the shelter stage when they died in a Miasma flood.

In Renji's eyes, this was probably one of the new players who were directly discouraged at the beginning.

In the game "Fallen Chronicles" the proportion of such players was more than half.

The more "withered" leaves Lena saw, the better her mood became. Most of these "Lords" were completely annihilated at the gathering place level.

These so-called "Lords" were not even qualified to help Lord Ashen put on his shoes.

It was only after this that Lena turned her attention to the "healthy" tree leaves.

Through her previous experience, Lena had also summarized and explored some rules. These "healthy" "leaves" should mean that the world had been successfully saved.

To delve deep into the souls of these "healthy" leaves, it was countless times more difficult than the "withered" leaves.

Because the latter is 'dead,' but the former is 'alive.'

However, no matter how great the obstacles, Lena gritted her teeth and did her best to enter different worlds. She wanted to visit those "Lords" similar to Lord Ashen and seek a way to bring back Lord Ashen from those who had the same "title" as him.

But when Lena successfully infiltrated this saved world, she realized she was wrong.

Because this world was not saved, but was instead a purgatory.

It was not a purgatory brought by the Miasma.

But rather, it was a purgatory brought by the savior of the world, the "Lord."

The world had been transformed into a sea of fire, a giant furnace. Countless living beings were imprisoned and raised like lambs to the slaughter. Every so often, imperial soldiers would throw the desperate and crying people into the smelting furnace one by one, turning their bodies and souls into fuel to maintain the burning of the sea of fire.

In the deepest part of the sea of fire in the center of the world, there was a giant-like creature.

It continuously consumed the burning souls supplied by the sea of fire above, as if they were addictive food.

Lena had never heard of such a "giant" creature, and it should not exist in the world as a mythical species.

Moreover, with the power of the world's will, how could such a being be born?

If this world had such a powerful existence as the "giant," why would there still be Miasma and the end of the world?

No. That's not right!

Lena suddenly trembled all over because she remembered what Miyuki had said.

Lord Ashen was not the embodiment of the world's will.

But rather, the world's will wanted to become the embodiment of Lord Ashen.

'Could it be that the current "Fire Giant" was actually...'

The power of this "giant" was probably around the "Calamity" level, and it was currently immersed in enjoyment. Moreover, since Lena was a mage, her current peek had not been discovered by the other party.

Lena extracted a few of the souls of the contractors from this world, and through their memory fragments, Lena saw something unforgettable in her life.


"We succeeded! The Miasma Mother is dead, and the Miasma will no longer exist in the world!"

"Long live Lord Red Heart! Long live Lord Red Heart!"

"Haha, I knew Brother Red Heart would succeed! Damn it, now I have the face to face the hundreds of deceased brothers! I can tell them that we have won!"

"I believe that under the leadership of Lord Red Heart, our world will recover very soon!"

"Right, right, Lord Red Heart, please issue new orders. Everyone is waiting!"


After the conquest of the Miasma Abyss ended, the intensity of the Miasma in this world and the Miasma Mother seemed to have weakened a lot. It was not like Lord Ashen, who fought alone, but many Disaster-level Eclipse users joined forces with the Calamity-level "Lord Red Heart" to defeat it.

Under such circumstances, Lord Red Heart suddenly fell silent and floated in the air.

Lena had seen this scene before, and it was exactly the same as Lord Ashen, separating his soul and body.

However, the contractors present were not powerful enough, so no one noticed Lord Red Heart's abnormality.

By the time someone finally came to their senses and noticed Lord Red Heart's abnormality, it was already too late.

Lena watched as Lord Red Heart's soul completely disappeared, and the world's will descended upon this empty shell of a body, becoming the new owner of this body.

Then, the world's will began to distort, changing from the "world" to the "individual" will.

At this moment, the previously cloaked "Lord Red Heart," like Lord Ashen, suddenly swelled up, and his entire body burst into flames. The cloak that he had never taken off seemed to symbolize the complete death of "Lord Red Heart" and was also burned to ashes by the flames.

Under the horrified gaze of all the contractors, their "Lord Red Heart" had his physical power absorbed and transformed into a giant mythical creature. Then, with burning eyes, as if looking at ants, he looked down at the Eclipses below who had once been "Lord Red Heart" must trusted allies.

The next moment, the giant opened his hand and grabbed these Eclipses at his feet, swallowing "Lord Red Heart's" contractors, who had been painstakingly cultivated, into his stomach.

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